28 February 2024


In East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov held an interactive game in which participants from four teams of higher schools learned to recognize corruption risks in the educational process. The organizers were the Anti-Corruption Compliance Service, project office “Sanaly Urpak” together with the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Combating Corruption in East Kazakhstan.

The first stage of the quest involved creating and showing a video on the theme: “Sybaylas zhemkorlykka zhol zhok”, then writing an essay on the theme: “Zhemkorlyk – endet, onymen kuresu-mindet”. The quest also included a competition for captains, where everyone presented a project on the topic “Ways to eradicate corruption”. Each stage was marked by a certain station: “Anticor city cinema”, “Agent370001”, “Anticorruption Tribune”, “Faster – more – more accurate” and “Black box”.

– The quest game is maximally adapted for the modern generation, each task is another chance to demonstrate intolerance to manifestations of corruption in the educational process. The aim of the Quest is to introduce an active policy of formation and development among students in order to ensure information transparency and accessibility of educational services, – shared Gulmira Bayerkenova, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence.

At each station the team was evaluated according to the criteria. The winner was the team that completed the tasks with the highest number of points. The prize fund amounted to 225 thousand tenge. 1 – place: 100 000 tenge; ІІ – place: 75 000 tenge; III – place: 50 000 tenge, also the participants became the owners of nominations: “Best Team Captain” and “Best Speaker”.