4 March 2024


Live music, imaginary world of poetic images, words about the sublime… This is how the poetry evening from the student theater “Shabyt” of EKU S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan Regional Architectural, Ethnographic and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve was held.
The poetry event was held jointly with the East Kazakhstan regional architectural-ethnographic and natural-landscape museum-reserve. Here students were able to read works on the theme of love and patriotism, also touched in verse form actual life questions of young generation.
The famous poet Orazai Jenisuly was present at the evening and appreciated the students’ works.

– I had an amazing impression from listening to the poetic creativity of the guys. So many talents in demand, so much creative energy, I am amazed by the abilities of young talents, – says the poet Orazai Jenisuly.

There was a unique atmosphere at the poetry evening – every spectator was immersed in the world of poetic images.

– I read my favorite poem “Oh, Love”. Admittedly, we have been preparing for tonight for a long time, trying to make a special impression on the audience,” said student Yerzhigit Amirzhanov.

At the end of the creative event there was an “Open Microphone”, where everyone could express their thoughts in poetry.