19 March 2024


A bright and spring-warm holiday called “Kosh keldiң, az – Nauryz” was held in the Higher College of EKU. Yurts were set up with a lot of traditional treats – Nauryz-kozhe, pilaf, koumiss, baursaks and other dishes of national cuisine.
Representatives of the Education Department of East Kazakhstan Oblast came to express their wishes and congratulations to the event.

– Nauryz meiramy is a holiday of spring and renewal and one of the most important holidays for the people of Kazakhstan, – noted in her congratulatory speech deputy head of the Department of Education of East Kazakhstan region Alima Akylbek. – For ten days, starting from “Kөrіsu kүні-Amal merkesі”, we will celebrate Nauryz. Today we celebrate “Zhanaru kүni”. I want to express my gratitude to the organizers of this wonderful holiday event. I wish everyone prosperity, good health and family happiness!

Students of the Higher College pleased the guests of the holiday with a creative and very rich concert program. They presented theatrical performances, songs and rousing dances, showed virtuoso playing of national instruments.
An exhibition of applied art “Sheber koldar” was also organized here.
As part of the festive program was presented a fair of Kazakh national dishes. Contests “Bauyrsak Party”, “Samauyrim kainasyn, dastarkhanim zhainasyn” took place.
Also, there were sports competitions on asyk atu, togyzkumalak and arm wrestling.