22 March 2024


On the Republic Square in front of the regional Akimat, EKU representatives traditionally set up a large white yurt with original decoration in the national style. A concert program, games and treats were presented to the guests of Sarsen Amanzholov auly.

– In this yurt we tried to recreate all the attributes of our ancestors’ dwelling,” said Zhanneta Kalimoldina, EKU Vice-Rector. – We installed a yurt – karasha, which is associated with the life of educated people and named our festive aul in the name of the famous scientist Sarsen Amanzholov, whose name our university bears.

Mass festivities in honor of Nauryz meiramy on the main square of the regional center started with congratulations of the Head of the region Yermek Kosherbayev and festive concert.

– Dear East Kazakhstan citizens, I cordially congratulate you on Nauryz holiday, – he addressed his fellow countrymen. – This day is a symbol of renewal, birth of spring and the beginning of a new year. I wish everyone prosperity, happiness and joy. Nauryz meyramy kuni – Nauryz meyramy kuty bolsyn!

During the visit to the yurt campus the akim of EKU visited the yurt of Sarsen Amanzholov uyly. He talked to students and teachers, congratulated everyone on the holiday. In particular, Yermek Kosherbayev talked to students from Tajikistan, noting that academic mobility has always been part of good and friendly relations between the countries.

Photo report: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/WrJv/wnWxprYFT