3 April 2024

Applications for the ORCHUN program for students and faculty are now open


The application process for the ORHUN program is open for students and faculty.

To apply STUDENTS need to :

1. Complete the application form

2. transcript with signatures and seals.

3. send a scanned version of the above documents in one PDF file to Email : mezhdunar_otdel@vku.edu.kz.

To submit documents, PREDAGES need to:

1. Fill out the application form

2. fill out the Faculty Program Form

3. send a scanned version of the above documents in one PDF file to Email : mezhdunar_otdel@vku.edu.kz.

You can find a sample form in Google Drive at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-11xNX4XpYB9KXLnzC5_CQ7NLezOeMI1?fbclid=PAAabpxKkAh3b2g4mH0R-R0_SAJjr1N3tOvINKjenVrWEMbhg_a8Aqq-JZPyU.