8 April 2024


In Katon-Karagai, Kurchum and Ulken Naryn districts, large-scale career guidance activities of EKU named after S. Amanzholov were held. S. Amanzholov for high school students. The coverage amounted to more than a thousand schoolchildren.
The meetings were attended by students of grades 9-11, district leaders, parents of schoolchildren, teachers, veterans of education, and local residents.
Representatives of local executive bodies drew attention to the importance of the event, noting that career guidance work will help graduates learn more about the university and decide on their future profession.
In the process of this work, the opportunities of the university were widely presented, attention was paid to the current trends in the development of education.
In the framework of the solemn event, letters of thanks from the rector of the university were presented to the parents of students from the districts for their successes in studies and social life of the university. Also, representatives of the education department and teachers were awarded for active assistance to the vocational guidance activities of the university.

– Of course, we worry about our children, we always think about how they are there, – shared her impressions the mother of student Bagzhamal Kitapbaeva from Ulken Naryn village. – Therefore, we are very pleased today to receive letters of thanks from the hands of Mukhtar Adilbekovich.
As noted in his speech Chairman of the Board – Rector of EKU named after S. Amanzholov Mukhtar Adilbekovich. S Amanzholov Mukhtar Tolegen, at present the economic situation is changing rapidly. New and qualitatively changed old professions appeared in the labor market. Therefore, the choice of profession is now very relevant, especially for rural youth.
– Amanzholov University opens great opportunities for potential students, it is one of the leading universities of the country, – emphasized Mukhtar Tolegen. – At the same time, I would like to draw attention to the fact that graduates from the districts have very good performance on UNT results. Students from the districts study well, take an active part in the life of the university, are engaged in science.

It should be noted that for the upcoming academic year, the university has provided educational grants for rural graduates. Thus, during the visit, the rector of the university presented one grant each to the heads of Katon-Karagai and Kurchum districts and two grants for Ulken Naryn district.
– Today I was awarded a grant to study at EKU, I am very happy, – said Symbatkyzy Symbatkyzy, an 11th grade student of the gymnasium of Kurchum village. – I was thinking of going there myself. Now the university gave me the opportunity to study for free.
In the end, there were concerts prepared by EKU students. The participants of the meetings were presented songs, rousing dances, theater performances.