9 April 2024


EKU named after S. Amanzholov. S. Amanzholov was visited by Mr. Alex Bortolan, Advisor for Cultural Cooperation of the Embassy of France in Kazakhstan. The purpose of the meeting with young people was to inform them about the scholarship programs offered by the French side.
During the visit the rector of the university Mukhtar Tolegen, faculty and students met with the guest of honor.
-Today I visited one of the major regional universities with great pleasure. Strengthening of Kazakh-French relations was given an impetus by the state visit of French President Emanuel Macron in 2023. It is important for us to maintain strong partnerships in higher education, as well as to develop the study of the French language by Kazakhstani students,” Mr. Bortolan shared.
The first head of EKU responded to this with a proposal for French volunteers to work within the walls of the university. According to Mr. Mukhtar Tolegen, the alma mater has all conditions for comfortable stay of foreign volunteers, who will be engaged in language teaching.

During the dialogue platform with students Alex Bortolan highlighted the popular scholarship program “Abai-Vern”. Recall, this is a joint program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic. Recently started another competition for awarding scholarships “Abai-Vern” without limiting the choice of specialties. In total, 45 scholarships for master’s students and five scholarships for doctoral students with the preparation of a thesis under joint scientific supervision. As the speaker noted, more detailed information can be found on the official website of Kazakhstan campusfrance -https://www.kazakhstan.campusfrance.org/stipendialnaya-programma-abay-vern.
In addition, Mr. Bortolan told about other opportunities to study in France. Thus, students do not necessarily have to have a high level of French. For participation in many scholarship programs it is allowed to know English. According to him, this greatly simplifies the process of adaptation of young people to study.
A full list of current programs can be found at https://www.kazakhstan.campusfrance.org/recherche/theme/stipendialnye-programmy-1066.

During the dialogue Mr. Advisor answered all the questions of students, faculty, doctoral and master students, and also noted the high interest of students to scholarship programs and to the higher education system of the French Republic.
The Advisor was presented the museum of the university, the scientific library with a rare fund and the center of continuous and inclusive education “Dana Bala”. The guest was attracted by the rich fund of the library, which has more than 16 000 unique rare books. He also noted the great work of the university in the field of inclusive education and excellent material and technical equipment of the educational building.