11 April 2024


Intellectual game among students of 1-3 courses of OP “Chemistry” was organized by the Department of Chemistry of EKU S. Amanzholov Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences.

The game was dedicated to the theme “Alash Amanaty”, related to the history of Kazakhstan.

It consisted of five stages, five groups competed.

At the first stage students answered questions, at the second stage they identified persons by drawings. The third stage consisted of answering questions inside the cell. In addition, in both the last two stages, students competed in a special way.

The game ended with the performance of a melodious song as well as awarding certificates to the participants.

The winner of the game was the group “Aicap” formed from the 2nd year students of OP “Chemistry-Biology”.

– We tried to demonstrate as much as possible our knowledge of the history of Kazakhstan, although we were less prepared. I think every student should know his history,” said university student Magzhan Maratov.

It should be noted that at the Department of Chemistry such contests and intellectual games are held on a regular basis.