15 April 2024


EKU S. Amanzholov hosted the regional scientific and methodological seminar “Problems and prospects of development of inclusive environment in the conditions of preschool and primary education”. The seminar was organized and conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of “Pedagogical Education and Management” Yerkezhan Nurtazina. The event was attended by 2nd and 3rd year students of specialties “Pedagogy and Methodology of Elementary Education” and “Preschool Education and Upbringing”.

The seminar had a practice-oriented direction and was fruitful and effective. It was also attended by teachers of primary and preschool education from the cities and districts of EKR. They shared their experience in the implementation of inclusive education, the role and function of teacher-assistants in EKR schools, held master classes, trainings on creating accessible education for children with special educational needs.

Students were familiarized with the maintenance of documentation as a teacher-assistant, which is an urgent issue in the education system, as well as methods of working with children with SEND.

As Yerkezhan Nurtazina noted, EKR has just started to approve and introduce the teaching assistant staff in schools and kindergartens in the last two years. This, according to her, is pleasing, as gradual progress in this direction has begun.

At the end of the regional scientific and methodological seminar, the participants were awarded certificates and provided with positive feedback through reflection.

The organizer of the meeting expressed great gratitude to the teachers of schools of East-Kazakhstan region, who shared their experience in the implementation of inclusive education. These are Suleimanova A.K., Rakhimzhanova N.K., Baktybaeva A.Sh., Kapan A.A., Kupenova A.T., Barkhieva D.A..