18 April 2024


Young people of the region familiarized themselves with modern tools that help not to fall into the net of fraudsters and false companies.

Aydyn Moldabekov, Head of the DER for EKR, and Zhanar Taygaranova, Head of the Organizational and Control Department, told about the innovation during the meeting with the students of S. Amanzholov. EKU
The large-scale event was devoted to familiarization with the activities of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on financial monitoring, career guidance of graduates of alma mater and financial education. According to experts, today in the country is acute issue of ludomania, financial literacy and economic fraud. In 2023 alone, more than 30 convictions took place, with 52 people sentenced. Currently, 36 financial pyramids have been liquidated and the victims have been refunded 4.6 billion tenge throughout the Republic.

-The activities of fraudsters are closely connected with financial education of our population. Therefore, we actively inform citizens with the help of modern tools. For example, we have developed a bot in Telegram – “Baiqapiramida”. It allows you to independently check a project for signs of financial pyramids. To get information, you just need to enter a link to the web source of the organization you are interested in,” Zhanar Taygaranova said.

Not so long ago, the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan launched another curious project – a telegram bot “AFM Insider”. The Internet-assistant in just one click reports on the commission of offenses in the shadow economy.

Also during the meeting Aidyn Moldabekov invited VCU students to study at the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office with a guarantee of further employment.

-Now young men and women with higher education can be retrained and become a full-time employee of our organization. During six months the Academy students are provided with free comfortable accommodation and a stipend. We want to see creative, intellectual and patriotic young people in our ranks. I am sure that every EKU trainee can qualify for our positions, – concluded the head of DER for EKR.

Note, full information about enrollment in the Law Enforcement Academy is available at the link: https://academy-gp.kz/?p=10520&lang=ru.