25 April 2024

We mourn: Yegorina Anna Vasilyevna has passed away.

Professor of the Department of Ecology and Geography, Doctor of Geographic Sciences Yegorina Anna Vasilyevna was born on March 4, 1946, in the Bolshe-Narym District. She began her career at the university over 20 years ago. During these years, Anna Vasilyevna proved herself as a professional and made an invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation.

One of Anna Vasilyevna’s main professional achievements is the development of atlases for primary and middle school students – “Our Region – East Kazakhstan” and “Our Homeland – East Kazakhstan”.

In addition, the professor and her team prepared a series of monographs on the climate of East Kazakhstan titled “Climate of Southwest Altai” and “Mists of Southwest Altai”.

Anna Vasilyevna’s professional career has been marked by numerous awards. In our memory, Anna Vasilyevna will forever remain a bright, kind, and extraordinarily talented person.

The university staff expresses deep condolences to the family.