26 April 2024


A meeting of 4th year students of the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences with representatives of government agencies of the region was held at the EKU.

The purpose of the event is to clarify the procedure and assist graduates of the university in finding employment in the civil service.

The meeting was held by Nurlan Yerkebayev, Head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in East Kazakhstan Region, Dilara Zhanchurinova, State Environmental Inspector of the Department of Ecology in East Kazakhstan Region, Galymbek Alin, Deputy Head of the regional Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control, and Rauan Turusbek, Acting Deputy Head of the Department of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of East Kazakhstan Region.

As Nurlan Yerkebayev noted, in accordance with the instructions of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs has developed new approaches and simplified the procedure for admission to the civil service. These measures, according to him, will help attract qualified young people to the civil service. At the same time, there are certain methods of selection, in particular, admission to the civil service is carried out on a competitive basis. From 2023, university graduates with high GPA scores who have completed their studies on a grant can enter the civil service without going through a competition.

-We are interested in young, talented, promising graduates coming to the public administration system,- Nurlan Yerkebayev emphasized. -In addition, enterprising, creative young people always have the opportunity to get into the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve, or become participants in other youth projects.

The second part of the meeting was held in the format of a conversation. Students asked a lot of questions to representatives of government agencies. In particular, they asked for more information about the procedure for admission to the civil service, about youth projects of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs, about the competition for admission to the civil service, obtaining initial work experience, etc.