29 April 2024


The republican ecological action “Taza Kazakstan” continues in the region and last week was held under the motto “Zhasyl Aimak”. Thus, students of Amanzholov University massively participated in the eco-action on the mountain of state symbols (“Kazakhstan”). Along the alley leading to the observation deck of the mountain, 500 saplings of spruce, birch, ash and pyramidal poplar were planted.

– As the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev noted “Taza Kazakhstan” – is not a temporary action, but an initiative on a permanent basis. As for S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University , we continue to work on gardening and improvement of our university and the city as a whole. We try to actively inculcate eco-culture in the younger generation, – said the rector of East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov. Amanzholov.

Since the launch of eco-action throughout Kazakhstan, students of the alma mater held more than a dozen subbotniks on the territory of the university and not only. Not only the young generation, but also the faculty and staff together with the staff of the university were involved in the useful work.

– We gladly participate in ecological actions, because this is our land, our home, and who else but us to watch and improve our small motherland. Such events help to bring up in all young people a careful and caring attitude to nature, – says Daulet Baigozhin, a student of S. Amanzholov Higher Educational Institution named after S. Amanzholov.

Let us note that the republican ecological action “Taza Kazakstan” will last for two more weeks.