10 May 2024


According to Ruslan Emelbaev, Advisor to the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this year the threshold for the highest score in specialized subjects has increased – now it is 50 instead of 45 points.
In turn, for the mandatory subjects “Mathematical Literacy” and “Reading Literacy” this threshold was reduced to 10 points.
As explained by the advisor, it is the profile subjects that determine the future specialty of applicants.

In addition, due to the state of emergency in some regions of the country Single National Testing was extended until July 12, 2024. In other regions of Kazakhstan terms remain unchanged.

This became known during a large-scale career guidance event “Be to be”, organized by the East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov. S. Amanzholov.

750 graduates of schools of the city and districts of the region gathered in the central palace of culture “Ertis Concert” to familiarize themselves with the advantages of the university and decide on their future profession.
For this purpose, EKU Higher Schools presented to future students in an interactive format the educational programs and their features, as well as the conditions of admission.

-We have prepared chemical experiments, quizzes in English, author’s developments, psychological games and metaphorical maps to determine their strengths. Many students come up to us, asking questions about specialties. We see how interested they are here,” said the representatives of the High Schools.

The “Be to be” event continued with awarding the winners of subject Olympiads and intellectual game “Bizdiң Өskemen Quiz”, children from large families and children’s home “Ymit” with certificates for university grants. Twenty-two people became the lucky ones. Now the children have the right to a free four-year education.

-Not long ago I took part in the regional Olympiad in law and won first place. Then everything was very fair and open. Today I have already received my long-awaited grant certificate. My mom and I can’t be happy. I am very grateful to the university for such gifts. I am waiting for the time when I will be able to apply and become a part of EKU, – shared Aruzhan Kazhiakberova, a student of 11th grade of secondary school №22 of Ust-Kamenogorsk city.

At the end of the event, EKU student activists delighted the audience with spectacular dance and vocal performances.