17 May 2024


Students of EKU S. Amanzholov met with actors of the Kazakh National Drama Theater named after M. Auezov, actor, honored figure of Kazakhstan Bekzhan Turys and famous actor of theater and cinema Sherkhan Pirnazar.

Within the framework of the meeting the guests told the students about their acting activity, shared their creative plans.

The event began with greetings and warm wishes of the actors. Zhanneta Kalimoldina, vice-rector for educational and social work of EKU, also made a welcoming speech.

– We tried as widely as possible to reveal the spiritual richness of creative work. We told how difficult it can be to get into a role. For example, I was preparing for a long time, when I was approved for the role of Shakarim Kudaiberdyuly. I realized that it was a big responsibility,” Bekzhan Turys shared.

During the meeting, the students had a lively conversation with the actors about the world of cinema and theater.

– Talking with the actors, I received not only valuable information, but also spiritual nourishment. The meeting was very interesting and useful for us, – said the student of EKU andS. Amanzholov Zhanabil Әliev.

It should be noted that this event was attended by more than 70 students of the university and higher college.

Representatives of the student theater “Shabyt”, also received answers to their questions.

– Student period is the most amazing and brightest moment in a person’s life. Try to be active, excellent students. This is my first visit to WKU. I see that the university students are very motivated and interested in such meetings, – said theater and film actor Sherkhan Pirnazar.

At the end of the meeting Bekzhan Turys performed the terme “Amalym kansha”.

– It was a very soulful and heartfelt performance. I really liked it, – shared her impressions EKU student Aru Kasainova.

In general, according to the participants of the event, such meetings are useful and necessary for students.