3 June 2024

DANA BALA was visited by representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“Dana bala” EKU S. Amanzholov was visited by the Director of RGU “National Scientific and Practical Center for Development of Special and Inclusive Education” Aigul Baitursynova. She emphasized the creation of “Dana bala”, calling it a strategically far-sighted decision of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of NPLC “East Kazakhstan University S. Amanzholov”, Professor Mukhtar Adilbekovich Tolegen and necessary for the specialties of defectologist, DOV and PIMNO.

As a specialist in the field of special pedagogy, Aigul Baitursynova was interested in the developments of the commercialization project.

The guests were presented the table and chair “Rastishka”, chair – verticalizer, defectologist’s table and “Logo Korzhyn”. They were particularly interested in the developments of Rauan Baichinov.

– Integration of directions, collaboration of scientists and practitioners give value to the project and give a new impetus to the development of the Center. I would like to express my gratitude to Mukhtar Adilbekovich for opening such a wonderful Center. Of course, we will take your master’s and doctoral students for internship, – said Aizhan Amanzholovna.