8 June 2024


At EKU S. Amanzholov the participants of the meeting of the educational and methodological association were presented to the unique centers of the university and the scientific library.
The excursion began with the Center for Continuous and Inclusive Education “Dana Bala”. The guests got acquainted with the laboratories of apparatus psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection, sensory integration and correction, STEAM, speech therapy room, author’s methodical aids, professional table of speech therapist-defectologist, verticalizer, specialized desks, tables and chairs.

-We are very impressed with your unique center, which meets all the modern requirements of an inclusive society,” says Gulzhan Dzharasova, Deputy Chair of the Committee of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

-It is good that the center allows not only to deal with the health of special children, but also gives students the opportunity to practice before employment, – said Gulnaz Azanbekova, a teacher at I. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University.

The tour continued at the Abaitanu Research Institute. Head of the Research Institute Aizhan Kartaeva noted that the facility was opened in honor of the 175th anniversary of Abay. A rich fund of Abay’s works and books dedicated to the great Kazakh figure is presented here.

In conclusion, the guests of the university visited the scientific library named after Beibit Mamrayev. More than one million copies of valuable books are kept here. Among them are works by Marcus Tullius, Goethe, Montessori, the most ancient Bible in calfskin, etc.