11 June 2024


Young scientists of EKU S. Amanzholov within the framework of the competition for grant financing of young scientists on scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 won the project for the amount of – 89 948 607 tenge. And also two projects within the framework of competition on grant financing of researches of young scientists on the project “Zhas Galym” for 2024-2026 for the total amount – 59 955 618 tenge were won. The winners of the competition were Sakenova Rimma with the project “Development of scientific and technological foundations for obtaining coatings of high-entropy alloy by methods of gas-thermal spraying”, Maulet Meruert head of the project “Improving the protective properties of detonation coatings on the basis of NiCrAl”, and Zhadra Zhaksylykova Zhadra with the project “Iterative methods of solving nonlinear equations on the boundaries of media with uniform accuracy”.

Congratulations to the young scientists of Amanzholov University!