11 June 2024


The first-year students of Chemistry and Nanomaterials and Chemical Forensic Examination underwent training practice in the excursion format. Thus, students familiarized themselves with the activities of giant enterprises of the region. In particular, “Kazzinc”, “Ulba Metallurgical Plant”, “Ust-Kamenogorsk Vodokanal”, “Kazgidromet”, “Eastern Research Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Nonferrous Metals”, NNLCP EKU . S. Amanzholov.

Students under the supervision of Senor-lecturer of the Chemistry Department San Sovetbekovna studied production processes, familiarized themselves with modern technologies and principles of work in various industries.

According to the trainees, they realized the necessity of using innovations for the development of the global economy and social sphere.

In conclusion, a general conference was held, at which the trainees shared their impressions of the new experience.