14 June 2024


IN EKU. S. Amanzholov held a meeting with the famous poet, journalist, Chairman of the Union of Writers “TYRKSOY” Ulukbek Yesdaulet, where his creative colleagues Gulnar Salykbai, Kalkaman Sarin, Maraltai Rayymbekuly and opera singer Tleubek Kozhanuly were also present.

During the event, the poet shared the story of his creative path with the youth.

-I made my first reportage in 1971, when I worked in the regional newspaper “Didar”. There are many strong and talented natives from our eastern region, who now demonstrate their creativity in the country and the world. By the way, I have been to EKU many times and know what kind of capable young people study here,” Ulukbek Ata said.

In turn, students interested in literature, journalism and poetry did not miss the opportunity to read author’s poems to the professional.

-Today I was able to personally meet such a respected person and hear valuable information first-hand. Thank you to our university for organising such an event,” said student Yernat Nurzhan.

At the end of the warm meeting, the rector of the university expressed his gratitude to the guests for the visit. According to the good Kazakh tradition, Mukhtar Tolegen presented the poet with a national chapan. And Ulukbek Ata donated collections of his works to the book fund of EKU.

It should be noted that Ulukbek Yesdaulet was born on 29 April 1954 in Ulken-Karatal village of Zaisan district. The most popular works of the poet were “Kara pima”, “Zaman-ai”, “Abilkhayat”, “Altaydin altyntamyry”.