26 June 2024


EKU S. Amanzholov has 112 educational programmes. Among them there are many specialities for creative young people.

In particular, “Journalism and reporting”, “Music education”, “Religion and theology”, “Physical training and initial military training”, “Recreational physical training”, “Physical training and sports”, “Vocational training, art work and graphics”. For admission, applicants must submit documents to the admission committee of the university from 20 June to 7 July. During the creative examinations the results of UNT in two subjects are taken into account: History of Kazakhstan (not less than 5 points) and Reading Literacy (not less than 3 points). The exams are held from 8 to 15 July.

It should be noted that for practical training of students of Journalism at the university there is a media centre “Altai Zhastary”, for students of Physical Education Teacher Training – fitness centre named after A. Trunov.