15 July 2024


According to the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan, schools in Kazakhstan lack about 3,000 teachers. The serious shortage of staff significantly affects the quality of secondary education. The problem was repeatedly pointed out by the President of the country Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, who spoke about raising the status of teachers, modernizing curricula and assisting Kazakhstan universities.

So, for many years the largest university of East Kazakhstan Amanzholov University has been contributing to the solution of the state important problem by training teachers of different directions.

-In 2023, the need for pedagogical staff in East Kazakhstan was 230 people. In the same year we graduated 689 ready specialists and fully covered the need in the region and even in other regions of Kazakhstan, – emphasized the rector of Amanzholov University Mukhtar Tolegen.

According to him, Amanzholov University for the East Kazakhstan region is a center of continuous pedagogical education, as it trains in 32 educational programs in the direction of “Education”.

The university also deals with the fate of practicing teachers. Specialists of Amanzholov University regularly conduct professional development courses for teachers and their retraining from preschool institutions to colleges.

-We believe that a continuous education system is one of the main keys to an erudite, literate and progressive generation. Teachers, while educating our children, should not forget about their own enlightenment. As of today, we conduct pedagogical retraining in eight areas. Hundreds of specialists have already returned from us with new knowledge, – said the head of the university.

In addition, today there is a rapid growth of special children who need special teachers. The only higher education institution in the region specializing in training for inclusive environment, Amanzholov University Institution implements the educational program “Pedagogy of Early Support”. It builds competencies in assessing early developmental features and designing rehabilitation.

-At birth only 2% of children with various deviations are detected, but by the age of 8-9 years the number of such children increases to 10%. This means that 8% of children were undiagnosed and did not receive early support,” said Svetlana Stelmakh, Associate Professor at Amanzholov University.

The second equally popular specialty – “Ergopedagogy” – is aimed at working with children diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other locomotor disorders. Graduates are engaged in the development and maintenance of programs for the development of meaningful activity of the child.

-Modern teachers must be adapted to the current realities and, therefore, new programs must be introduced as well. Today the university is a member of the working group for the development of 30 innovative educational programs within the framework of the project “Strengthening the potential of teacher education”. In the future we plan to introduce “Design of studying programs”, “Research in education”, etc., – Mukhtar Adilbekovich shared his plans.

So, Amanzholov University creates in the East of the country a continuous educational and pedagogical district and practically removes the problematic issue from the agenda.