15 July 2024


In the East Kazakhstan Amanzholov University for the first time started an international summer school dedicated to the study of sacred places of East Kazakhstan. As part of this event, the university hosted a delegation of 12 students, the vice-rector and associate professor of Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University. Also present was Professor Zadash Dukenbaeva of L.N. Gumilev ENU, who played a key role in establishing cooperation between the universities.

The opening of the summer school took place in the educational building No. 1, followed by a tour of the university. The guests from Buryatia were presented with classrooms, innovation centers, Smart Library, Altai Zhastary Media Center and the Museum of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage of Altai.

-I am sure that next year we will be able to organize the Baikal History School and look forward to the students of Amanzholov University. International cooperation opens new horizons for both sides, – said Victoria Nomogaeva, vice-rector for research work of BSU.

It should be noted that from July 15 to 19, lectures, master classes and field practice in Ulan district, Akbaur, Ablaketka, Besterek are planned for the school participants. In addition, foreign students will visit the regional history and local lore museum, the architectural, ethnographic and natural landscape museum-reserve and the ethnographic museum.