19 July 2024


The Archaeological Museum of Besterek village hosted an international seminar “Altay – the basis of the Turkic world”, organized by SRC “Altaytanu” and the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.

The event was opened by archaeologist Zeinolla Samashev with the report “Berel necropolis – historical monument of the Saka epoch”. He drew attention to the complex challenges facing modern archaeology. The scientist noted that the culture of the Saks and Altay should be studied comprehensively, as an object of natural science, sociology, economics, geology and other sciences. In his opinion, archaeological science can make a great contribution to the tourist potential of the region.

Johannes Reckel, Professor of the University of Göttingen from Germany, made a report on “Deer and bulls in the spiritual world of Altay depicted in petroglyphs of the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age”.

In addition, the seminar was attended by Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan at L. Gumilyov ENU Zadash Dukenbayeva, Director of the Altaytanu Research Center Mayra Tarlaubai, an employee of the Archaeological Museum Andrey Pushkarev, a leading researcher at the Berel State Historical and Cultural Reserve Samat Samashev, senior lecturer of Amanzholov University Raushangul Mukusheva, archaeologists of the Khoja Ahmed Yasawi KazakhTurkish International University Sagimbai Murgabayev and Mels Baktybayev. At the end of the scientific seminar, it was decided to hold an international scientific conference at the end of 2025 on the topic Culture, History and Archeology of the Saks on the basis of the University of Göttingen in cooperation with Amanzholov University.