22 July 2024


Maria Kolchina, a student of the educational program “Russian Language and Literature” at Amanzholov University, teaches Kazakh language at the city library in her free time. According to the girl, her free language courses inspire many people of Kazakh nationality to learn their native language.

-My students often say I am an example for them because I don’t have an accent. I myself treat my work with great responsibility. It is important for me that the time spent on lessons was not wasted,” said Maria.

There are at least 10 students in each group. All of them want to improve their knowledge of the state language for various reasons. For example, a businesswoman who does not understand the needs of Kazakh-speaking clients or schoolchildren whose parents do not speak Kazakh. Consequently, they cannot pass on the necessary skill.

-My classes are held five times a week and are aimed at children and adults of any nationality. The main thing is desire. There is individual and group studying. A new season starts in September,” said Maria.

Maria Kolchina’s lessons last one hour each. During this time, she focuses on theory and, of course, practice. In her opinion, this is the main key to success in learning any language.

By the way, the Amanzholov University student was born and grew up in a picturesque village in Eastern Kazakhstan, where Kazakh is spoken predominantly. In her native land the girl gained respect and love not only for the language, but also for traditions and culture.

In the future, Maria plans to successfully complete her university studies and find a job in her specialty.