26 July 2024


The system of dual studying has been implemented at the Amanzholov University, which involves theoretical studying at the university and practical studying at the production facility.

The goals of such studying are to improve professional training of personnel, orientation to the needs of employers and promotion of employment of graduates. In the list of partner enterprises: National Center for Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan “VNIItsvetmet”, Education Department of East Kazakhstan LLP “TechnoAnalit”, corporation “Vostok-moloko”, LLP “Institute of Analysis and Forecasting of East Kazakhtsan”, IP “SAPA”, Center of Forensic Expertise, schools №47, №15, №15, 34, 45, 45, 20, 48, 46 and others.

-Thanks to dual studying students get acquainted with their future profession in practice. Often, after graduation, our graduates find official jobs in already familiar companies. This facilitates adaptation to work processes, team and, of course, affects the quality of performance of job duties, – say the teachers.

It should be noted that last academic year Amanzholov University had 46 dual educational programs and 838 students who received knowledge at the university and at the enterprises.