15 October 2024


Amanzholov University together with the Anti-Corruption Service of the East Kazakhstan region gathered compliance officers from all over Kazakhstan to discuss the experience of building an anti-corruption culture among young people. Successful cases, new methods and educational platforms in the field of anti-corruption policy were presented to compliance officers from Almaty, Atyrau, Karaganda, Zhambyl, Ulytau, Abai and East Kazakhstan regions. The speakers were scientists, university professors with practical experience and scientific research on topical issues of anti-corruption culture formation.

ANTICORRUPTION EDUCATION Within the framework of the seminar, the participants were presented an educational website developed by teachers and master’s students of Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University with quality content in the field of anti-corruption policy in three languages. The educational platform includes the following sections: e-learning resources, manuals and practical tests in the format of trainings, materials on anti-corruption education, online survey. In general, the educational website provides an opportunity to get anti-corruption education available to everyone 24/7.

– Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University positions itself as a regional centre of anti-corruption awareness and education and therefore we conduct all kinds of training courses and trainings. Today we used interactive training methods, the most trendy ones, which have been tested in our university by our psychologists, teachers and lawyers,’ said Gulmira Bairkenova, associate professor of the Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University Department of Jurisprudence.

How to recognise a propensity to corruption? What situations prompted a corruption offence? How not to get into a corruption trap? In addition to legal, economic, ethical and other equally important components, corruption is a reflection of human psychology. Akmaral Akhayeva, the speaker of the seminar, told that corruption is only a legal and economic problem in its consequences, but initially it is a purely psychological and universal problem. Thus, the teacher engaged the seminar participants in interactive games on psychology.

Video therapy, mass intellectual game ‘Vaccine against Corruption’, projects on anti-corruption policy of the RK Anti-Corruption Agency were presented to the guests and participants of the seminar. Gulfiya Berekpolova, a senior lecturer of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, trainer-consultant on HR management, demonstrated the practical application of various progressive methods of foreign scientists and psychologists in a game format.
– Unlike traditional courses, we are focused on establishing feedback from the audience. I provided information on how to form the concept of decency in young people through interactive methods. The words of great people were presented to the audience for discussion, mobile games were played and tasks were given to resolve corruption situations,’ said Gulfiya Berekpolova, a senior lecturer at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the East Kazakhstan region.

The formation of an anti-corruption culture in society is a priority area of Kazakhstan’s anti-corruption policy. The entire Kazakhstan society is involved in this important task, and universities throughout the country are no exception. It is here that the compliance service is responsible for the organisation and functioning of the anti-fraud and anti-corruption system.

– Today’s event is held on the initiative of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University with the support of the East Kazakhstan Anti-Corruption Service. The seminar is organised for compliance officers in order to share positive experience and new methods to combat corruption, as well as to train and raise the qualifications of compliance officers, – said Arkhat Beisembayev, head of the Prevention Division of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of East Kazakhstan region.

Rector of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University summarised the event by presenting certificates to the main participants of the seminar.

– Amanzholov University fully supports the principle of ‘Adal Azamat – Adal Enbek’, voiced on the second of September 2024 by the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan. In addition, the President constantly draws attention to topical issues on the formation of anti-corruption culture in society. Our university puts the task of training highly qualified specialists and upbringing a generation of honest and virtuous members of society at the centre of its priorities, – said Rector of East Kazakhstan University Mukhtar Tolegen.

The large-scale event will continue with an intellectual quiz-game, where teams of students from all over Kazakhstan will compete for the title of the smartest and most creative.