14 March 2025
Amanzholov University hosted the Regional Subject Online Olympiad on “Life Safety and Environmental Protection” among schoolchildren. The competition was attended by 10 teams from schools of East Kazakhstan region, Abai region and Almaty city. The organizers of the Olympiad were senior lecturers of the Department of Ecology and Geography of the Higher School of Information Technologies and Natural Sciences Gulfat Kalelova and Serik Bakin.
The Olympiad consisted of two stages. At the first stage schoolchildren were tested with 40 questions on life safety and environmental protection, and at the second stage they presented their scientific projects.
According to the results of the Regional Subject Online Olympiad, the winners were: first place – a team from Abai region (Kalbatau village, “Georgiev secondary school”) with a final score of 94; second place – “Shynkozha batyr general education secondary school” of Ayagoz district education department of Abai region education department with a final score of 89; third place – “General Education School No. 42” of the Education Department of Almaty city with a final score of 87; fourth place – “Balgyn basic secondary school” of the Education Department of Ulken Naryn district with a score of 86 points.
In the special nomination “The best team – connoisseur of life safety” won the team of “Akhmet Baitursynov Secondary School”. The nomination “The best team – the connoisseur of environmental protection” was won by the team of “Secondary school № 35” of the Education Department of Ust-Kamenogorsk city. The nomination “The best team – analyst” was won by the team of “General Education Secondary School №32” of Abai region, Semey city.
Regional subject online Olympiad on “Life Safety and Environmental Protection” among schoolchildren is an important event aimed at testing the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure safety in everyday life and in emergency situations. The participants demonstrated a high level of preparation, thoughtfulness of decisions and ability to act in non-standard situations.