Department of economics, management and finance

The Department of Economics, Management and Finance was established in 2021 as a result of the merger of the Departments of Economics and Management and Finance and Accounting. And the history of the departments of economic orientation begins with the opening of our educational institution. In 1952, the Department of Marxism–Leninism was opened at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute, and in 1962 it was transformed into the Department of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy and Political Economy. Since its opening, the department has been led by such scientists as Z.I.Smagulov, A.A.Osmakov, A.I.Petrova, T.A. Bolgauov. Subsequently, since the establishment of S.Amanzholov EKSU, the department has undergone many structural changes, was divided into several departments and subsequently reunited, in different years the department was headed by such scientists as A.I.Mulyukova, U.S.Alimbetov, A.A. Kaigorodtsev, G.K. Koishinova, etc.
The department is fully provided with material and technical, laboratory facilities, textbooks and teaching aids in the disciplines of all academic cycles and practices. The premises available for use, specialized computer classes with installed equipment and software, make it possible to provide high-quality education for undergraduates and students, as a result, the training of highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the domestic and global labor markets. The availability of modern tools, equipment, classrooms, computer park used in the educational process, their availability and serviceability allow students and undergraduates of the department to use active methods and software products in the learning process.

Konuspaev Ruslan Kurmangazhievich
Head of the Department of Economics, Management and Finance

Konuspaev Ruslan Kurmangazhievich
Head of the Department of Economics, Management and Finance
The teaching staff of the department organizes and actively participates in scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars of regional, national and international levels.
Teachers and students of the faculty have the opportunity to exchange experience with visiting professors of partner universities, to receive advisory assistance.
The department is working on the implementation of the International Project G-Global.
The scientific circle of the Department "Actual problems of Economics and Management in the conditions of Eurasian integration" took 1st place in the competition "The best student scientific circle of the Year" in April 2018, the head of the circle is a teacher of the Department of Economics and Management Laura Beigambekovna Zhakibaeva.
In April 2018, the Ekonoma team was awarded the Diploma of the winner of the brain - ring intellectual game held by the Institute of Analysis and Forecasting of East Kazakhstan Region LLP on the topic "Public Service - my choice".
2nd year students of the department Abilnusipova G., Kaidarova Z. were awarded a Diploma of the III degree for the best business project at the "Fair of Ideas" of the School of Young Entrepreneurs organized by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of East Kazakhstan Region in December 2018.
Emil Ali Talgatuly, a 2nd-year student on the basis of the TVET educational program Tourism, became the winner of the international competition "The Best Student of Kazakhstan-2020", was awarded a diploma of the first degree. An international competition was held to promote among young people of the address of President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Constructive public dialogue - the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan"
Matsokina Tatiana and Kim Ian, 4th year students of the specialty "Economics" at the end of the international competition of student research papers in Economics on the topic "Youth entrepreneurship" held at the University.Toraighyrova took the 3rd prize.
Master's student of the specialty" economics "Sauytzhan Adiya became the winner of the Republican contest" best master's student of Kazakhstan-2020 " and was awarded a diploma of the first degree. The competition was held in order to promote the program article of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev "independence is more expensive" among young people.
Oralbekova Moldir, a 2nd-year student of the educational program" tourism", was awarded a diploma of the II degree for winning the II Republican distance Olympiad in tourism among students of 1-4 courses of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Aidar aybekov, a 3rd – year student of the OP" management", was awarded a diploma of the II degree in the Nomination" Best Project among students and undergraduates "at the competition" Zhas-Talap-2020", which was held at the East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholov.
Muratova Dilnaz, a student of the Accounting and Auditing OP, was awarded a diploma of the I degree for winning the IV Republican Distance Olympiad in the specialty "Accounting and Auditing" among students of 3-4 courses of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (11/30/2022).
Muratova Dilnaz, a student of the Accounting and Auditing Department, was awarded a diploma of the competition "The best in the specialty".
Teachers of the department have awards and letters of thanks of various levels in the field of education.
Educational activities of the Department of Economics, Management and Finance are conducted in accordance with the plan of educational work for the coming academic year.
Mentors annually make a plan of cultural events. The events are recorded in mentor’s journal. Staff of the department pays special attention to student self-administration, public life of students in their leisure time, as well as healthy life style of students.
A lot of work is carried out in the sphere of student social protection. Orphan-students receive financial and material help. They are assigned to the public catering: canteens in the buildings where they are trained.
Mentoring hours on healthy lifestyles allow students themselves to take an active part in university life
Preventive discussions on religious extremism with illustrative examples are being held. Also discussions against corruption and various offenses are held with teachers and students. Employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate are invited.
Teachers and students regularly take part in public events and win in competitions of the faculty, university, city, regional and republic level.
Methodological work of the Departments of Economics, Management and Finance of EKU. S.Amanzholov includes educational and methodological, scientific and methodological (NMR) and organizational and methodological work.
The plan of educational and methodological work provides for the following activities:
- development and production of teaching materials;
- use of technical means in the educational process;
- production of textbooks and teaching aids;
- development and production of visual aids;
- organization of methodological seminars;
- development of innovative teaching methods.
The educational and methodological work of the department is organized in the following areas: providing the educational process with educational and methodological complexes, issuing educational and methodological manuals, professional development of the teaching staff, independent work of students, mutual attendance of classes by teachers, conducting open classes. On the basis of the plan of educational and methodological work of the department of teaching staff compiled for the new academic year, they develop an educational and methodological complex for the disciplines they read.
The Department of Economics, Management and Finance has 3 topics of scientific directions that correspond to the specifics of the department's work and the solution of current problems of the development of national and regional economy at the present stage.
- Scientific direction of the department: "Improving the efficiency of economics and management in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution"
Purpose: To develop recommendations for improving the forms and methods of management and management in the context of global challenges
Tasks: 1) research of theoretical and methodological aspects of increasing the competitiveness of the economy of Kazakhstan in the transition to a high-tech, digital economy;
2) research of problems and priorities of the economic system development in the conditions of digitalization of the economy;
3) identification of priority areas for the development of intellectual potential in order to ensure the global competitiveness of Kazakhstan's science and education;
4) to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the genesis of the theory and practice of modernization of state and local government and public service;
5) research of theoretical and applied problems of project management and public-private partnership in Kazakhstan
Expected results and practical significance: The results obtained in the course of the study can be applied in the teaching of such disciplines as "State regulation of the economy", "Macroeconomics" and others, and the development of courses "Digital Economy" and curricula taking into account the processes of digitalization of the economy and society.
- Scientific direction of the department: "The effectiveness of the development of internal cognitive tourism in Kazakhstan"
Purpose: To develop recommendations for the development of tourism in the East Kazakhstan region.
1) comprehensive assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of the region;
2) analysis of foreign experience in organizing regional tourism;
3) study of the problems of priority areas of tourism development in the regions of Kazakhstan in the light of the implementation of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru" - a look into the future;
4) development of recommendations for the development and improvement of the effectiveness of the tourism cluster of East Kazakhstan region.
Expected results and practical significance: The main methodological and practical provisions can be used by executive authorities at the republican and regional levels in the strategic management of the development of the tourism industry, the development of regulatory legal acts, strategic and targeted programs for the development of tourism, as well as in the teaching of disciplines on the OP "Tourism".
- Scientific direction of the department: "Financial aspects of macroeconomic stability and economic growth of Kazakhstan"
In the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomat Tokayev "Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action" on September 2, 2020, it is noted "It is extremely important that monetary, tax and other key policies are not in isolation from the needs of the real sector. The norms of international taxation require special attention. They should maximally stimulate the inflow of foreign investment and reinvestment of profits in Kazakhstan." Taking into account the relevance of the above-mentioned directions in the process of scientific research of the cathedral topic, it is important to identify ways of effective development of the banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the real sector of the economy, the financial condition of enterprises; improving the efficiency of the formation of the state budget, strengthening the quality of the organization of the budget process; studying the issues of strengthening the responsibility of audit companies, ensuring transparency of the activities of joint-stock companies and, in general, improving the corporate governance system; Separately, it is necessary to study the development of the stock market of Kazakhstan.
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to study the financial aspects of economic stability and dynamic economic growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- research of problems of formation and use of financial flows at macro, meso and micro levels;
- study of the issues of financial decentralization of the economy of Kazakhstan, the process of formation and use of local budgets;
- problems and prospects of accounting and auditing development in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Expected results and practical significance: The practical significance of the scientific direction of the department's topic is to highlight problems in the scientific works of teachers and students, to consider and discuss the issues raised at round tables and scientific and theoretical seminars with the invitation of representatives of state institutions, financial and credit organizations and enterprises. The results of the research activity of the cathedral topic are the publication of scientific articles and monographs, presentations at conferences, testing of research results in the educational process. The policy of the direction of the chosen topic is also present
in the topics of theses and master's theses of students, respectively, not only leading specialists of the department, but also students and undergraduates are involved in it.
The teaching staff of the department organizes and actively participates in scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars at the regional, national and international levels. During the academic year, the reports of teachers and those responsible for the sections of research are heard, the results achieved and shortcomings are discussed. At the end of the year, research reports are heard and approved at the department and at the faculty. The main results of scientific research are published annually in collections, scientific journals, etc.
Teachers of the Department of Economics and Management carry out scientific management of student scientific activities. Students of the Department of Economics and Management take an active part in international, republican and interuniversity scientific and student events.
Scientific centers of the department:
The Laboratory of Regional Economic Monitoring and Analysis is designed to conduct lectures and practical classes in basic and profile disciplines, as well as to organize meetings, round tables and seminars for training specialists in the profile.
The Center for Economic and Legal Research at the G-Global site is designed to conduct scientific research on economics and law and in other fields of education, round tables, seminars, advanced training courses, internships.
Expected results and practical significance:
The main methodological and practical provisions can be used by the executive authorities at the republican and regional levels in the strategic management of the development of the tourism industry, the development of regulatory legal acts, strategic and targeted programs for the development of tourism. And also in the process of teaching disciplines in the OP "Tourism".
Research centers of the department:
The Laboratory of Regional Economic Monitoring and Analysis is designed for conducting lectures and practical classes in basic and specialized disciplines, as well as for organizing meetings, round tables and seminars for training specialists in the profile.
The Center for Economic and Legal Research at the G-Global site is designed for conducting research in economics and law and in other areas of education, round tables, seminars, advanced training courses, internships.
Teaching staff of the Department
*To view the teacher’s portfolio, click on the photo*

Konuspaev Ruslan Kurmangazhievich
Head of the Department, Candidate of Economics, ass. professor

Apysheva Asel Anuarbekovna
Ph.D. in Economics, Professor

Alimbetov Usen Suleymanovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Ordabayeva Mainur Aitkazinovna
Doctor of PhD, ass. professor

Sholpanbayeva Kanshaim Zhusupovna
Ph.D. in Economics, Professor

Shaykhanova Nurgul Kunafiyanovna
Ph.D. in Economics, ass.Professor

Sitnikova Elena Stanislavovna
Ph.D. in Economics, ass. Professor

Koishinova Gaini Kasymovna
Ph.D. in Economics, ass. Professor

Saktayeva Almira Abeshevna
Ph.D. in Economics, ass. Professor

Subaeva Aigul Slyamgalievna
deputy./Dean of EW, Senior Lecturer