Department of jurisprudence

30th Guards Division, 34

No. 1 academic building of Sarsen Amanzholov EKU, office No.212

In 1992, together with the Faculty of Law of the EKSU, the Department of Jurisprudence was established. Over the 31-year history, in different years, the heads of the department were: Doctor of Law, Professor Filimonov O. V.; Candidate of Law, Professor Nikolenko A. F., Candidate of Law Zhumagulov T.K., Candidate of Law Orsayeva R. A., Candidate of Law Rakhimberdin K. H., Ph.D. Bayrkenova G.T., Ph.D. Ramazanova A. S., Ph.D. Sabitova A. A.

The department provides the work of specialized courtrooms, the penal enforcement system, bodies and institutions of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To organize and conduct professional practice, the department has the following practice bases: RSU “Department of Justice of the East Kazakhstan region of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, RSU “Administrator of Courts of East Kazakhstan region”, RSU “Management of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the East Kazakhstan region”, RSU “Prosecutor’s Office of the East Kazakhstan region”, of the VKF “Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law”, RSU “Department of the Penal Enforcement System in the East Kazakhstan region”,  East Kazakhstan Mediation and Law Center, Branch of Kazagrofinance JSC in East Kazakhstan region, etc.

Educational programs of the Department of Jurisprudence: «Jurisprudence», «Corporate lawyer», «Judicial and prosecutorial activities».

The material and technical base of the department:

In 2004, a forensic center was established, the main purpose of which is to provide in-depth and comprehensive, complete study of the disciplines «Criminology», «Forensic expertise».

The structure of the forensic center: the office of forensic technology (room 205); the forensic testing ground (room 203a); the office of forensic accounting (room 202).

In 2014, with the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the East Kazakhstan Region and the East Kazakhstan Regional Court, the «Office of the Criminal Executive System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan» (room 207) and the «Training Courtroom» (room 208) were opened.

SADYKOVA Zhanna Yessimbekovna

Head of the Department of Jurisprudence

The Department of Jurisprudence, being one of the graduate departments, occupies an important place in the educational process of the university.

The department studies various legal disciplines, including for students of the specialties "Jurisprudence", "Corporate lawyer", "Judicial and prosecutorial activities" and other specialties of the university.

Professionalism, dedication to their work, and the desire to bring their knowledge and experience to future lawyers unites all employees of the department. Among the teaching staff of the department there are enough specialists with experience in law enforcement, judicial authorities, notary, lawyer, mediation activities. All teachers of the department have significant scientific and pedagogical work experience.

The staff of the department allows for comprehensive theoretical and applied research on topical issues of legal science.

The results of the research conducted by the staff of the department are in demand in the activities of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan and other public authorities.

The department closely cooperates with domestic and foreign universities in the framework of scientific research of students, undergraduates and teachers. Every year, within the framework of academic mobility of teachers, lecturers from near and far abroad are invited to give lectures on criminal law disciplines.

The teaching staff of the department is included in the list of leading Russian experts in Criminal Enforcement law, criminology, advocacy and mediation.

The staff of the department regularly participate in international and national competitions and become their laureates. Exactly:

"The best university teacher" (2016, republican competition) - K. H. Rakhimberdin;

"The best university teacher" (2015, 2018, university) – R. A. Orsayeva;

"The best Lawyer of Kazakhstan" (2017) – K. H. Rakhimberdin;

Commissioner for Children's Rights of East Kazakhstan Region (2022) – Kalenova A. A.

"The best mediator of Kazakhstan" (2022) - Dyachuk M. I.;

"The best university teacher" (2022, republican competition) – Orsayeva R. A.

The structure of the department includes training sessions, professional experience of students, training seminars for practitioners, a unique forensic center where the student circle "Criminalist" is working, as well as a Legal clinic providing legal assistance to citizens.

The department provides the work of specialized courtrooms, the penal enforcement system, bodies and institutions of justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To organize and conduct professional practice, the department has the following practice bases: RSU "Department of Justice of the East Kazakhstan region of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan", RSU "Administrator of Courts of East Kazakhstan region", RSU "Management of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Accounts of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the East Kazakhstan region", RSU "Prosecutor's Office of the East Kazakhstan region", of the VKF "Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law", RSU "Department of the Penal Enforcement System in the East Kazakhstan region",  East Kazakhstan Mediation and Law Center, Branch of Kazagrofinance JSC in East Kazakhstan region, etc.

We consider the main achievement of the department to be graduates employed in the specialty "Jurisprudence". Most of the graduates of the department work in law enforcement and judicial bodies.

The staff of the department is characterized by a constant creative search, which is a guarantee of further achievements in improving the training of lawyers, as well as in the preparation of scientific and methodological support for the disciplines studied by the department.

Educational work is an important component of the educational activities of the Department of Jurisprudence and is carried out continuously both during academic work and outside of school hours.

The main objectives of educational work:

  • education of a modern citizen of Kazakhstan of high morality, spiritually developed and physically healthy, capable of professional activity and moral responsibility for decisions made;
  • formation of students' moral, spiritual and cultural values, ethical norms and generally accepted rules of behavior in society;
  • creating conditions for leisure time for students outside of school hours and creative self-realization of the individual.

To achieve educational goals, it is envisaged to solve a whole range of educational tasks. Exactly:

  • maximum strengthening of the educational composition of the training session;
  • organization of civil and patriotic education of students;
  • scientific substantiation of modern methods, search and implementation of new technologies, types and methods of educational activity;
  • studying students' problems and organizing psychological support and counseling;
  • organization of work on the prevention of offenses, drug addiction and HIV infection among students;
  • conducting scientific, educational and cultural events, organizing leisure activities for students;
  • formation of ecological consciousness, a system of ethical and aesthetic ideals and values;
  • promotion of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;
  • information support for students, support and development of student mass media.

To ensure the daily management of the educational process, curators of student groups have been appointed by order of the rector. The work of the curators is based on the "Regulations on the curator of the academic group", the main directions and forms of work of the comprehensive plan of educational work with students of the Higher School of Economics for the academic year.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the curators of the group are: Bayrkenova G.T., Dyachuk M. I., Kalenova A. A., Abilmazhina A. A., Duisembayeva S. D., Yerkinkyzy Z., Batyrbekova A. T., Kusmanova L. E., Saduakasova L. K.

The curators, together with the teaching staff and public organizations, organize social and cultural life in the group through the activist of the group and its students, contribute to the formation of a friendly, cohesive team in order to train highly qualified and comprehensively developed specialists with higher education and form their active life position. The curator performs the following tasks:

  • familiarization of students with the organization of the educational process, the Charter of the university, the internal regulations of the University, the Ethical Code of the student of the Higher School of Economics, the duties of the student;
  • work on creating a cohesive team in a group, forming a group asset;
  • work on adapting students to the new learning system, establishing good relations between teachers and students;
  • facilitating the activities of the student group in organizational work, facilitating the involvement of students in research activities and the development of various forms of student self-government;
  • informing the head of the department and the teachers about the academic work in the academic group, the requests, needs and mood of the students.

To solve educational and educational tasks, the curator of the group uses various forms and methods of work, the main of which are: attracting students to work in scientific societies, interviews, discussions, meetings with WWII veterans, veterans of sports, labor, scientists and artists, excursions to historical sites, cultural trips, etc.

The teaching staff of the Department of Jurisprudence is developing a fundamental study on the topic «Youth crime: problems, causes, prevention».

The topic of the research was approved in the research plan of the Department of Jurisprudence for 2023 «Youth crime: problems, causes, prevention», «Legal regulation of conciliation procedures in the Republic of Kazakhstan».

The problem of youth crime acquires a special meaning in the context of the crisis state of society. Social problems of society (widespread family problems, the crisis of school and vocational education, the lack of a healthy leisure system for young people, drug addiction, etc.) contribute to the deformation of sociopsychic qualities of young people. Often, young people rush from one extreme to the other, trying to establish themselves in this world as a person. But not everyone chooses the right path. Hence, youth crime appears, the growth of which looks threatening.

Against this background, the intensive criminalization of the environment of minors is of particular concern. Juvenile delinquency is becoming one of the most serious problems. Many crimes are carried out deliberately and deliberately. An increasing number of crimes are being committed with extreme cruelty. The share of violent crimes is growing: murders, grievous bodily harm, rape, robberies and robberies, torture. Society is faced with the problem of a rapid increase in extremely dangerous violent crimes committed by adolescents and even children.

The youth of today is our state of tomorrow. This is a socio-demographic group with the ability to actively reassess any values existing in society. It is scary to imagine what will happen to the state if the younger generation is not concerned about public life, but about their own well-being, obtained by any means. Therefore, the increase in criminal offenses committed by young people is one of the main problems worrying the population.

Head of the Forensic Center – Moldakhanova Kamshat Yerbolatovna.

The forensic center has been operating since 2004.

The Center was established in order to improve the educational process. The work of the CC provides purposeful training of students in the practical use of technical and forensic tools, consolidation of theoretical knowledge in practice.

The purpose of the CC is the most in-depth, comprehensive and complete study of such legal disciplines as «Criminology», «Forensic Ecology».

All classrooms and the corridor of the Forensic Center are equipped with thematic stands for various sections of Criminology.

Address: 30-gw street. Divisions, 34, educational building No. 1


Кнопка "Наверх" с иконкой


Tolegen Mukhtar Adilbekovich

Tolegen Mukhtar Adilbekovich

professor, doctor PhD

Sadykanova Zhanna Yessymbekovna

Sadykanova Zhanna Yessymbekovna

head of the department, ass.professor, candidate of legal sciences

Abikanov Yerzhan  Zhumagadilovich

Abikanov Yerzhan Zhumagadilovich

senior lector, candidate of legal sciences

Abilmazhina Arai Mautkanovna

Abilmazhina Arai Mautkanovna

senior lector, master of law

Bayrkenova Gulmira Toleubekovna

Bayrkenova Gulmira Toleubekovna

ass.professor candidate of legal sciences

Batyrbekova Arailym Turlybekovna

Batyrbekova Arailym Turlybekovna

lector, master of law

Duisembayeva Samal Dauletkyzy

Duisembayeva Samal Dauletkyzy

senior lector, master of law

Dyachuk Marianna Ivanovna

Dyachuk Marianna Ivanovna

ass.professor, candidate of legal sciences

Yerkinkyzy Zarina

Yerkinkyzy Zarina

senior lector, master of law

Kaliakperova Elena Nikolaevna

Kaliakperova Elena Nikolaevna

professor, doctor of law

Kalenova Aksana Alexandrovna

Kalenova Aksana Alexandrovna

senior lector, master of law

Kusmanova Laura Yerlanovna

Kusmanova Laura Yerlanovna

senior lector, master of law

Alexander Alexandrovich Kvashin

Alexander Alexandrovich Kvashin

senior lector, candidate of legal sciences

Nurmuhambetova Kymbat Kabdilkakkyzy

Nurmuhambetova Kymbat Kabdilkakkyzy

senior lector, master of law

Orsaeva Raisa Anuarovna

Orsaeva Raisa Anuarovna

ass.professor candidate of legal sciences

Ramazanova Ainur Serikhanovna

Ramazanova Ainur Serikhanovna

ass.professor candidate of legal sciences

Rakhimberdin Kuat Kazhumukanovich

Rakhimberdin Kuat Kazhumukanovich

doctor of law

Saduakasova Laila Kumarbekovna

Saduakasova Laila Kumarbekovna

senior lector, master of law

Smailova Indira Yerkingozhayevna

Smailova Indira Yerkingozhayevna

ass.professor candidate of legal sciences

Kamshat Moldakhanova

Kamshat Moldakhanova

head of the forensic center