Scientific schools

  1. Goals and objectives of the direction:

The goal of developing the scientific school “Strengthening Technologies and Coatings” is to obtain new scientific knowledge, develop innovative scientific and technical developments and technologies in the field of producing composite coatings and tribology.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved:

1) improving the quality of research and development work, increasing the number and volume of innovative, state budget and contractual projects;

2) development of the material and technical base and scientific and innovative infrastructure of the research center “Surface Engineering and Tribology”;

3) development of the following priority scientific directions on the basis of the Scientific Research Center “Surface Engineering and Tribology”: development of air-plasma technology for producing composite coatings, development of a method for applying wear-resistant and super-hard coatings by detonation method, development of a resource-saving method for producing composite coatings by mechanochemical alloying.

4) commercialization of scientific and technical developments and innovative technologies;

5) creating conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists and highly qualified personnel (masters, PhDs ) ;

6) participation in international scientific and technological cooperation.

  1.  Relevance

One of the pressing problems affecting such important characteristics of machines and equipment as service life, reliability and energy efficiency is reducing friction and wear of the contacting surfaces of friction pairs of machine parts and increasing the durability of the processing tool. One way to solve these problems is surface hardening or applying protective coatings to the surfaces of machine parts and tools. Recently, there has been great interest in spray coating technologies, which are characterized by high productivity, versatility, ease of automation, and virtually unlimited sizes of surfaces to be coated. Particular attention is paid to the application of composite ceramic, metal-ceramic, and bioceramic coatings.

  1. Full name of the head of the department:

The head of the scientific school “Strengthening Technologies and Coatings” is Sagdoldina Zhuldyz Bolatkyzy , PhD in the specialty “Technical Physics”, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Research Center “Surface Engineering and Tribology” VKU named after. S. Amanzholova , a highly qualified specialist with a scientific background in the field of materials science. Index Hirsch By scientometric Scopus database – 7 (Scopus author ID : 24476592900), Web of Science – 4 (Web of Science Researcher ID: W-4425-2018 ), ORCID: 0000-0001-6421-2000. Scientific activities are related to: studies of surface hardening of materials by methods of mechanochemical synthesis, detonation spraying, air-plasma spraying and electrolyte-plasma hardening. She successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in 2017 on the topic “Study of the structural-phase state of composite coatings synthesized by mechanical alloying.” Author of more than 100 scientific and methodological works, including 3 monographs, 5 textbooks, 4 copyright certificates, about 40 works in foreign publications included in the Web database of Science and Scopus .

  1. Main results (brief information with drawings (drawings must be additionally attached in Jpeg format )):
  1. A technology has been developed for producing functional gradient coatings using the detonation spraying method.
  2. A technology and installation for producing composite coatings using air plasma spraying was developed
  3. intermetallic coatings by mechanochemical alloying has been developed .
  1. Partners

There is active cooperation with Kazakh and foreign universities and research institutes: SSU named after. Shakarim , Semey, EKSTU named after. D. Serikbaeva , National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( Kurchatov , East Kazakhstan region), JSC Ulba Metallurgical Plant, Wroclaw University of Technology (Wroclaw, Poland), Institute of Electric Welding named after E.O. Paton (Kiev, Ukraine ).

  1. Practical application

The developed technologies and composite coatings can find wide application in energy, mechanical engineering and other industries where wear-resistant and heat-resistant materials are used.


Head of the scientific school – Skakov Mazhyn Kanapinovich , Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of KazNAEN , Professor, NJSC “VKU named after. S. Amanzholova “, chief researcher of the RSE “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” ( Kurchatov , Kazakhstan)


The scientific school “Vocational Education” was founded in 1995. The objective feasibility of its creation was due to fundamental changes in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the search for new ways to improve the quality of professional education, as well as the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova .

Research Laboratory “Problems of Physical Culture and Sports”

The head of the scientific school is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences , Professor, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vasily Petrovich Rusanov .

Position, scientific degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports.

Born March 4, 1947.

In 1968 he graduated from the Kazakh State Institute of Physical Culture.

In 1979 he graduated from graduate school at GDOIFC named after. P.F. Lesgafta (Leningrad).

Since 1982, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Since 2000, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

From 1984 to the present, head of the department of theory and methodology of physical culture and sports, EKSU named after S. Amanzholova .

Since 2007, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Since 2010, Full Member (Academician) of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan.

At EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova has been working since 1970. He is a highly qualified specialist. Reads the main disciplines in the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”: Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports; Management of the sports training process; Theory and methodology of the chosen sport, etc. The area of scientific research is the improvement of professional education.

Has more than 150 publications. Over the past 5 years, 35 scientific papers have been published.

For high achievements in research activities and for services in training highly qualified personnel, he was awarded:

In 2002, he received the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.”

In 2007, the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Trained 7 candidates of pedagogical sciences and 10 masters of physical education and sports.

Contact information: ( , tel. 8(705) 541-17-17)


  • Improving the professional training of teachers at universities.
  • Increasing the mass participation of students in physical culture and sports.
  • Improving training and competitive activities in the chosen sport.
  • Formation of personal physical culture among students.
  • Individualization of the student learning process.
  • Activation of physical activity of student youth
  • Modern teaching technologies in the process of physical education of students.
  • Activation of physical and mental activity of students by means of physical culture and sports.

 Works of Vasily Petrovich Rusanov

Membership in associations, honorary titles, awards:

  • Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2002).
  • Breastplate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” ( 2007).
  • Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2010).

Knowledge of foreign languages: Russian and German


Corresponding member of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Alimbetov was appointed head of the scientific school Usen Suleimenovych .

Members of the scientific school are highly qualified specialists not only from the East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov , but also from individual universities in Kazakhstan and abroad.

The research of the scientific school provides a detailed analysis of the world mineral market in the east of the country and determines Kazakhstan’s position on reserves, mining, production, export and import of almost all minerals mined in Eastern Kazakhstan, and prospects for participation in world trade.

The studies emphasize that the strategy of raw materials development should be complemented by a strategy for the transition of the national economy to an innovative path.

The works of the school’s authors outline the problems of resource conservation, integrated use of raw materials and complete recycling of production waste, and the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies.

The facts of the author’s implementation of research into production are given, an analysis is given of the approaches established in theory and practice for the use of renewable energy resources, visions of problems, and an analysis of the experience of domestic and foreign enterprises in the use of renewable energy resources in energy technology complexes.

Numerous formulas of the authors are given to determine the economic parameters of energy consumption.

The objective feasibility of creating a scientific school is due to fundamental changes in the economy. Economic theory, as science is connected with practice, cannot help but reflect these processes.

The fact that the modern world is entering a new qualitative state cannot but affect the content of economic theory. The existing developed market economy is being replaced by a new civilization, which is called post-industrial neo-information postmodern new economy, etc.

The modern world is characterized by the transformation of economic systems, the formation of a post-industrial neo-information society of the knowledge economy, education, processes such as globalization, informatization, computerization, technological explosion, etc., which have not yet received sufficient coverage in economic theory.

The ongoing changes require a fresh look at economic processes and phenomena, filling with new content that seemed unshakable just yesterday, such economic categories as the market, money, prices, finance, labor, economic growth, consumption, which are global in nature and are called upon by the emerging “new economic theory”.

Economic science today represents a system of knowledge about the economic life of society, in which economic theory serves as the foundation of the entire system of “economic science”.

On its basis, fundamental economic sciences are developed (management, finance, marketing, history of economic thought, economic history, etc.), as well as its applied sections (economics of industries, sectors, regions, economic entities, services, etc.) . All of them are closely interconnected, interacting and interdependent.

Therefore, specialists from not only the departments of economic theory, history of economic doctrines, specialists from all departments not only from the East Kazakhstan State University are invited to participate in the work of this school.


The relevance of research into the interaction and behavior of people in a multicultural space was dictated, on the one hand, by the processes of globalization and integration of Kazakhstan into the world economy, and on the other, by the growth of national self-awareness and the search for national identity of all ethnic groups in the republic.

Academic degree Doctor of Psychology

Academic title: Associate Professor

Born May 20, 1956.

In 1977 she graduated from the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

In 1992 she graduated from graduate school at the Institute of Youth ( Moscow )

Since 1992, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Since 2002, Doctor of Psychology.

Since 1992 worked as an associate professor, professor, head of the department of applied psychology, vice-rector for international relations and educational work at EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova .

The area of scientific research is the socio-psychological aspects of effective interaction in a multicultural environment. Has more than 70 publications

Scientific school students

  1. Danilevich Yu.I.
  2. Dergacheva E.V.
  3. Matskevich I.K.
  4. Nazyrova L.S.
  5. Tyulupergeneva R.Zh.
  6. Shutko O.I. – psychologist-consultant , Novosibirsk

Composition of the scientific school in 2019

  1. Aurenova Madina Dauletkanovna Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
  2. Danilevich Yulia Iosifovna Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
  3. Erzhanova Nazim Ermuratovna teacher, master of pedagogical sciences
  4. Tyulupergeneva Raushan Zhomartovna Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
  5. Akanova Janelle Maratbekovna senior teacher , master of psychology
  6. Tenkebaeva Arai Zaynoldinovna st. teacher

Currently, research in the scientific school is carried out in several directions

  1. Cultural and value paradigm of forming a management team in the context of economic transformations
  2. Discourse analysis of the specifics of interaction in a polymental environment
  3. Socio-psychological predictors of the formation of consistent historical memory among students
  4. Psychological aspects of the formation of a Culture of Trust as a condition for the development of civil society
  5. Search for new tools and cross-cultural methods for socio-psychological monitoring of interaction and adaptation of students in a multicultural space

Contact Information

Email: .

Tel.: 540 477

Address: g . Ust-Kamenogorsk, st. 30th Guards Division 34


The scientific school “Current problems of the psychology of development of social and educational environments” combines research in the areas of monitoring, design, support of social and educational environments. The range of questions to study is quite wide:

  1. neuropsychological personality studies,
  2. cognitive studies of personality, pathopsychological studies of personality in the context of social and educational environments;
  3. research into changing social and educational environments in different situations and contexts.

The key unifying factors of the scientific school are methodological and theoretical paradigmatic coordinates: the systemic relationship between the psychophysiological, personal and social in the study and development of man in the best traditions of classical psychology (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, B.G. Ananyev, N. A. Loginova, S.M. Dzhakupov ).

The problem-oriented approach of the scientific school ensures:

  1. solving problems of building inclusive educational environments (International projects),
  2. solving problems of modernization of public consciousness (Regional projects),
  3. solving problems of ensuring the best interests of children (cooperation projects with the UN Children’s Fund UNICEF)
  4. solving problems of functioning of family systems and subsystems


Academic title: Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission (KKSON)

Academic degree: Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Education: UKPI – EKSU (History), EKSU (Psychology), dissertation in specialties 19.00.01 (Personality Psychology) and 19.00.05 (Social Psychology) defended in 1999 in Moscow, at the Institute of Youth, postdoctoral studies in 2011-2012 in University of Laquila (Italy) at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry. Advanced training in clinical psychology at the Moscow Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Clinical Psychologists and Systemic Family Psychotherapy), internship at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, at the Department of Social Psychology (headed by G.M. Andreeva ), at the Department of the State University of Management (Moscow) (headed by V.G. Krysko), at the Department of Psychology (Dusseldorf), at the UN Children’s Fund UNICEF.

Teaching activity at the university since 1994, experience as head of the department, supervision of diploma, master’s research, dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate of psychological sciences ( Khabalashvili T.A., Grishchenko E.G.). Disciplines: psychological counseling, personality theories, family psychology, sexology, forensic sexology, general psychology, social psychology, development management and examination, systemic foundations of quality management, theoretical and methodological foundations of psychology).

Professional applied activities in the field of individual counseling, family counseling and organizations since 1995. Expert judicial activity since 2001. Expert activity in the field of protecting children’s rights since 2012 (UN Children’s Fund UNICEF, PRI)

More than 100 publications, including monographs, textbooks, teaching aids.

Membership in associations, honorary titles, awards:

  1. National expert of the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF
  2. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1997
  3. Title “Best University Teacher”, 2007

Knowledge of foreign languages: English, Italian

Composition of the scientific school in 2019

  1. 1 Turarova Gulnaz Ukmetbekovna senior teacher , master of pedagogy and psychology
  2. Ospanova Dinara Bolatkhanovna senior teacher , master of psychology
  3. Kanapiyanova Kymbat Dauytbekovna senior teacher , master of psychology
  4. Syzdykova Gulnara Toleubekovna ct . teacher, master of pedagogical sciences
  5. Stelmakh Svetlana Aleksandrovna Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
  6. Barabanova Elena Ivanovna Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
  7. Severinova Elena Aleksandrovna Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
  8. Evgeniya Dergacheva Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
  9. Smailova Zhanar Utegenovna st. teacher, master of psychology
  10. Kasymbekova Gauhar Kokkozyevna Sr. teacher, master of pedagogy and psychology


    Phone: + 77772206586
    Email: Address: Administrative (5) building of EKSU, REC “ Ziyatker ”


The scientific school “Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modernization” was formed in 2016. The objective feasibility of its formation is due to dynamic changes in the historical, sociocultural space, requiring deep scientific justification.


Academic title: Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission

Academic degree: Doctor of Historical Sciences

Born April 14, 1956

In 1978 he graduated from the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute

1988 – Candidate of Historical Sciences

1997 – Doctor of Historical Sciences

At EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova has been working since 2016. She is a highly qualified specialist. Reads the main demographic disciplines: “Fundamentals of Demography”; “Historical Demography”; “Methods of demographic research”, etc. Has more than 150 publications.

Prepared 4 candidates of historical sciences:

  1. Ualieva S.K., candidate of historical sciences , associate professor of EKSTU named after. D.Serikbaeva
  2. Krasnobaeva N.L., Ph.D. , Vice-Rector of EKSTU named after. D.Serikbaeva
  3. Kalieva K.S., candidate of historical sciences , associate professor of EKSTU named after. D.Serikbaeva
  4. Ignatieva L.N., Ph.D. , UZSN, Nizhny Novgorod (RF)

Students of the scientific school:

  1. Aubakirova Zh.S., candidate of historical sciences , associate professor of EKSU named after S. Amanzholov
  2. Stolyarova E.O., candidate of social sciences , associate professor of EKSU named after S. Amanzholov
  3. Tarina G., doctoral student 2 years of study, specialty 6D020300 “History” EKSU named after S. Amanzholov
  4. Smagulova K.E., doctoral student 2 years of study, specialty 6D020300 “History” EKSU named after S. Amanzholov
  5. Omyrzak T., 1st year master’s student, specialty 6M0203000 “History”, 2nd year doctoral student, History of EKSU named after S. Amanzholov
  6. Kapasheva E.B., 1st year master’s student, specialty 6M0203000 “History”, 2nd year doctoral student, “History”, EKSU named after S. Amanzholov .


  • Evolution of the sociocultural space of Kazakhstan in the sovereign period.
  • Ethnodemographic evolutions and trends in the formation of a sovereign demographic system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Ethnic repatriation in Kazakhstan.
  • Reproduction of the population of Kazakhstan in historical retrospect (mid-nineteenth – early twenty-first centuries).
  • Demographic security of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Demographic development of Kazakhs in Kazakhstan (late 19th – early 21st centuries)
  • Features and trends of migration processes at the beginning of the 21st century.
  • Age and sex structure of the population of East Kazakhstan region: forecast and recommendations (determining the number of secondary school students by region).

List of publications of Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alekseenko A.N.

Contact information : phone: 8 705 3238 00 52, email:


Scientific school of Professor Zavalko N.A. brings together more than 100 scientists (including 1 Doctor of Science, 33 Candidates of Science and more than 60 Masters), who are united by the problems of individualization of learning at different levels of education. The formation of a scientific school “ Individualization of the educational process in the multi-stage system “kindergarten – school – university” began in the early 1990s.

A new stage in the development of the scientific school was the defense of the doctoral dissertation “Theory and practice of individualization of the learning process in the multi-stage system “kindergarten- school-school ” by Nadezhda Aleksandrovna in 2000 at the Barnaul State Pedagogical University (RF).

The work reveals at the conceptual level the theoretical foundations for individualizing the learning process in the multi-stage system “kindergarten – school – university”; the stages of problem development in the theory and practice of the school are substantiated, their content and significance are presented; the system-forming nature of the continuity of educational levels in the development of an individual’s individual educational strategy has been proven; an experimental model of individualization of the learning process in the conditions of multi-stage education was constructed from the standpoint of a systems approach, taking into account the regional connections of the university and modern trends in the socio-economic development of society; the content of the concept, which previously had no place in the scientific pedagogical literature, “individual educational strategy of the individual” was formulated; a method of successive diagnostics of an individual’s individual educational potential in a multi-stage education system has been developed.

Currently, there are several main directions in the activities of the scientific and pedagogical school.

The first direction: individualization of the preschool and junior levels, within the framework of which a system for developing assessment skills in first-graders in educational activities was designed; a methodology for the formation of assessment skills has been developed and pedagogical conditions have been substantiated that contribute to the formation of assessment skills in first-graders (Radchenko N.N.); a methodology for individualized classes for preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment has been developed ( Severinova E.A.); a model of preschoolers’ readiness to learn in an innovative kindergarten was constructed (Nikitin V.Ya.); a model has been developed for the formation of the readiness of future teachers to develop the active personal position of junior schoolchildren ( Nurtazina E.M.).

The second direction: individualization of the middle and senior levels of general secondary education. Within the framework of this direction, research has been carried out on the individualization of education in a rural school ( Akhaeva N.V.); a methodology for the development of aesthetic culture of students based on the principle of individualization ( Svakhina V.V.), a system and methodology for the development of communicative competencies of students based on the use of debate technologies ( Kasentaeva K.U.) have been proposed; the value attitude of students to future professional activities was studied ( Kikina M.I.), the problems of developing theoretical thinking of schoolchildren (Popova O.V.), as well as pedagogical aspects of the development of the creative potential of teachers in the conditions of innovative schools (Pirozhkova O.B.). The study of A.K. Dyusupova is devoted to the formation of a humanistic orientation in high school students ; the study of A.B. Izdeleuova has a practical focus , in which the author developed a system of home study classes on the history of Kazakhstan for high school students.

The third direction of individualization in the conditions of secondary vocational education and higher education is associated with the study of the technology of forming an individual educational route in the conditions of the credit education system ( Sagymbaeva G.); the formation of a communicative culture of students ( Kazhiin A.); research into the problem of optimizing the management of the educational system of a college ( Rovnyakova I.V.); with the development of a system of individualized tasks based on the principles of individualization and differentiation for higher education ( Melkozerova L.Ya.).

Within the framework of this direction, the issues of organizing continuous professional education have been studied ( N.M. Shefer ); marketing activities of university students ( Geitsman L.E.); organization of management of a non-state university (Kim L.N.); problems of developing research skills of chemistry students ( Afanasenkova I.V.) and adaptation of oralmans to study at universities in Kazakhstan (Nurgalieva S.A.).

Since 2000, a new stage of pedagogical research has emerged; this is directly related to the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies into the education system. In this regard, a whole layer of research appears devoted to this problem: the development of assessment competencies of future teachers in the context of informatization of education ( Akhmadieva Zh.K.); organization of distance training of future teachers in a university setting ( Sakharieva S.G.); modeling of electronic courses for universities (Feoktistova E.A.); monitoring the quality of university education in the conditions of informatization ( Zhang E.E.); management of the regional education system in the conditions of informatization (Abdullina N.A.); developing the readiness of future foreign language teachers to use information technologies in professional activities (Zvyagintseva I.V.); methodological foundations of professional training of students of chemical specialties in the context of the use of educational information technologies (Popova M.V.).

Fourth direction: individualization of retraining and advanced training of teachers and education workers. Within the framework of this direction, the problems of increasing the professional competence of teachers have been studied ( Baykhonova S.Z.); the structure of a teacher’s media competence and the stages of its formation have been determined; a model for the development of media competence of teachers in the conditions of the Resource Center was constructed ( Iskakov B.A.); a system has been developed for the development of professional competence of class teachers in the conditions of a new educational paradigm ( Tashkenbaeva S.Zh.); on the basis of a comprehensive and integrative approach, the possibilities of improving the qualifications
of management personnel in the education system were explored ( Akhmetbekova S.K.).

Genesis and trends in the development of the education system in Kazakhstan at the end of the 21st – mid-20th centuries. studied in the doctoral dissertation of Igibaeva A.K., the scientist identified the organizational, pedagogical and socio-cultural conditions for the formation of educational potential in the Republic of Kazakhstan; organizational and pedagogical features of the formation and development of vocational education in Kazakhstan have been studied and established; new archival and statistical sources were introduced into scientific circulation, which significantly enriched the theoretical base on the problem under study, and positive and negative trends, achievements and innovations that took place in Kazakhstan in the XIX-th century were identified. XX century _



The scientific school “Current problems of Kazakh literature: Abaev studies and Auez studies ” was formed in 2002. The main objective of the school is to promote the development of science and education in Kazakhstan, taking into account the priorities of the country’s intellectual potential. This is also due to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for educational institutions of the region and EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova . The scientific school holds republican and international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, literary and scientific events.



Academic title: associate professor

Academic degree: Doctor of Philology

The head of the scientific school is Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, born on February 23, 1975.

In 1996 she graduated from East Kazakhstan State University.

In 1998 she graduated from the Master’s program at East Kazakhstan State University.

at EKSU named after S. Amanzholov since 1998.

Since 2002, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

Since 2011 Doctor of Philology.

Since 2018, associate professor at KKSON, majoring in literary studies.

From 2017 to the present – head of the department of Kazakh, Russian philology and journalism at EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova .

He is a highly qualified specialist. Disciplines taught in the specialties of philology and journalism: Abai studies , Modern Kazakh literature, History of Kazakh literary criticism, Fundamentals of theory, periods of the era of literary history, Current problems of literary criticism, Literary local history and other main disciplines.

The area of scientific research is Kazakh literature, Abay studies , Auez studies , literary studies.

Author of over 250 scientific and educational works. Over the past 5 years, 80 of them have been published.

In 2006-2008 awarded a state scientific scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in support of talented young scientists for their contribution to the development of science, high achievements in research activities, as well as for active participation in research to solve scientific problems.

For services to the development of education and science she was awarded:

  • “The best teacher of EKSU S. Amanzholova 2011”, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2011;
  • “Best University Teacher 2012” MES RK, Astana, 2012;
  • European gold medal for fundamental research in the field of Kazakh language and literature. DIPLOM DI MERITO, Moscow, 2013;
  • EKSU badge “Pride of the University” for a significant and significant contribution to the pages of the university chronicle (2012);
  • Breastplate “Honorary Doctor of the University” for significant contribution to the development of our university (2013).


  1. Kurmanova Zh.S. – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of “Methods of Teaching Natural Science (Humanities) Disciplines and Innovative Technologies” Branch of JSC “NTsPK “ Orleu ” East Kazakhstan region.
  2. Baizoldina Zh. – Master of Philology, teacher at KAFU.
  3. Asylkhanova K. – Master of Philology, leading specialist of the State Enterprise “ GosGorStroyCadastr ”, Astana
  4. Kurmangalieva G. – Master of Philology, specialist in the Department of Language Development of the East Kazakhstan Linguistic Center.
  5. Ziyadanova G. – Master of Philology, teacher at secondary school No. 32.
  6. Aktasova R.O. – Master of Philology, teacher at KAFU.
  7. Turgumbaeva N. – Master of Philology, teacher at KAFU.
  8. Smayil A. – Master of Philology, teacher at KAFU.
  9. Adilet N. – Master of Philology, referent of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of the VG . Ust-Kamenogorsk.
  10. Luksanov M.K. – Master of Philology, police officer of the Department of Internal Affairs of East Kazakhstan region.
  11. Mukhametkazina A.D. – Master of Philology, teacher of the Kazakh language at the Arman kindergarten .
  12. Kaiyrbaeva A.M. – Master of Philology, teacher at secondary school No. 27.
  13. Zholzhaksynova A. – Master of Philology, teacher of the Kazakh Lyceum “Education-Innovation”.
  14. Sarsemgalieva D.O. – Master of Philology, teacher of the Tauride Secondary School.
  15. Aldebaeva Zh.Z. – Master of Philology, teacher of the gymnasium-boarding school for gifted children named after Zhambyl.
  16. Apysheva K.A. – Master of Philology, senior lecturer at the Department of Kazakh, Russian Philology and Journalism of EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova .
  17. Barbosynova K.T. – Master of Philology, senior lecturer at the Department of Kazakh, Russian Philology and Journalism of EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova .
  18. Moldasheva Sh.Zh. – Master of Philology, specialist at the Institute of Forensic Expertise of East Kazakhstan region.
  19. Nurataeva I. – Master of Philology, teacher at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Astana.


  1. New directions of Abaev studies ;
  2. History of Auezovology ;
  3. Current problems of Kazakh literature;
  4. Literary local history

Membership in associations, honorary titles, awards:

Member of the educational and methodological association of the RUMS “Education” group of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan at KazNPU named after. Abaya (11/10/2015).

She was repeatedly awarded letters of gratitude from the city akim , the Department of Language Development of East Kazakhstan Region, the Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of East Kazakhstan Region, the Department of Education of East Kazakhstan Region, and the Centralized Library System named after Oralkhan . Bokey , rector of the Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University.

Proficiency in foreign languages:

English language, level A2


phone : 280-200


Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, st. K. Satpayeva , 4, apt. 13.


Kveglis Lyudmila Iosifovna

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology , cell.8-771-436-18-39

The main achievements of the scientific school of the Department of Physics and Technology

“Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics”

The head of the scientific school is Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, Professor – Kveglis L.I.

The scientific school Kveglis L.I. is a branch of the scientific school “Materials Science and Strength of Materials”, headed by academician V.E. Panin, Tomsk. At EKSU named after. S. Amanzholov’s school has been operating since 2011. During this time, under the leadership of L. I. Kveglis, the following scientific works were defended:

  1. Master’s theses: Plokhotnikov D. A. (engineer at JSC Ulba), Satpayeva Z. A. (doctoral student at EKSU named after S. Amanzholov ), Pavlov A. V. (graduate student at Siberian Federal University), and a number of others;
  2. Candidate’s dissertations: Tazhibaeva G.B., Kalitova A.A., Kazantseva V.V., Jes A.V., and diplomas were also received by postgraduate students of Siberian Federal University by graduates of the master’s program of EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova – Romanova A. M., Zakharova E. V.
  3. A doctoral dissertation was defended at Siberian Federal University by Noskov F.M., and also prepared for the defense of a doctoral dissertation: Professor Abylkalikova R.B., as well as a candidate’s dissertation by a teacher at EKSU named after. S. Amanzholova – Tusupzhanova A. E.

Students of the specialty “Nuclear Physics” have repeatedly won Republican and International competitions: Gert S. S., Berdyugin A. A., Razumov N. I., Ospanova Zh. N., Makashina K. A., etc.

of intra-university competitions and conferences were: A. N. Drozdova, S. L. Lyamkin (currently TSU graduate students), M. Maulet , D. Saprykin, A. Adilbekova , A. Ukasha , V. Yu. Truzhnikov .

Every year the group’s work is presented at international scientific conferences near and far abroad.


Scientific school M.K. Skakova “New materials and nanotechnologies ” was formed in 2019. The team included a number of young scientists who defended their dissertations under the guidance of Professor M.K. Skakova . The scientific school is focused on the development of scientific and technical ties aimed at creating new materials and technologies, as well as attracting young scientists to scientific research in the field of new materials and technologies.

Directions of the scientific school:

  1. Materials and technologies for renewable energy ( Zhilkashinova A.M.);
  2. The influence of high-energy exposure on the structure and properties of metals and alloys ( Tuyakbaev B.T.);
  3. Intense plastic deformation ( Rakhadilov B.K.);
  4. The influence of structural-phase states on the superplastic and strength properties of alloys ( Erbolatuly D.)
  5. Formation of the structure and properties of intermetallic coatings based on Ti-Al ( Sagdoldina Zh.B.).

In 1975, Skakov M.K. Graduated from the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Physics with the qualification of Physics Engineer. Trained more than 20 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences. In recent years, nine Doctors of Philosophy ( PhD ) have been trained under his leadership. In 2016 – awarded the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2002 – the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science in Kazakhstan”, in 2007 – the badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, in 2015 – the badge of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Honored Worker of the Nuclear Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1st degree” (gold badge), in 2018 – the badge of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atom salasynyn ” Uzdigi ” (golden sign). Winner of the state grant “Best University Teacher – 2010”. Scholarship recipient of the state scientific scholarship for scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2011-2013. Author of more than 200 scientific articles in rating publications, 7 monographs and more than 50 copyright certificates for inventions and utility models.


In recent years, plasma and beam technologies have found wide application in all industrialized countries. Due to the uniqueness of their capabilities, there is no alternative to them in industry as a means for modifying the physical properties of materials and products. Plasma and beam modification technologies are new technologies for the formation of a surface layer and a protective coating that help improve the mechanical, tribological , and corrosion properties of base metal products by creating a layer of highly uneven structure, as well as as a result of surface alloying. These technologies are based on the use of methods of intense exposure of ions, electrons, atoms, plasma, laser and gamma radiation to the surface of a solid body. Radiation effects under the influence of the considered types of radiation and accelerated particles are associated with processes of energy dissipation as a result of their interaction with atoms and electrons of a solid body. With an increase in the energy flux density of accelerated particles or radiation, the nature of the effect on a solid body changes, which loses the number of radiation mechanisms and acquires a predominantly thermal nature. It is obvious that there is a need for targeted training of young scientists and specialists capable of developing fundamental and applied aspects of this problem, as well as introducing the achievements of researchers into industry.

The main concept of the scientific school “ Plasma and beam technologies ” is a harmonious combination of fundamental science in the field of plasma physics and radiation materials science with applied science, including the development of resource-saving plasma and beam technologies and the creation of new equipment and materials.

Directions of the scientific school:

– Study of the effect of plasma flows and ion beams on plasma-facing materials of a thermonuclear reactor

– Research and development of resource-saving plasma technologies for producing protective coatings

– Modification of materials using plasma and beam technologies in order to improve their tribological properties.

Head of the scientific school “Plasma and beam technologies” is – Rakhadilov Bauyrzhan Korabaevich , head of the National Scientific Laboratory for Collective Use and senior researcher at the Research Center “Surface Engineering and Tribology” of the East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov , PhD in the specialty “Technical Physics ”. In 2014, he defended his doctoral ( PhD ) dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) in the specialty “Technical Physics” on the topic “Electrolyte-plasma nitriding of surface layers of high-speed steels” in the dissertation council of Al- Farabi Kazakh National University . Has 2 monographs, 3 textbooks and more than 150 scientific publications, including 25 articles in foreign publications included in the Thomson database Reuters and Scopus , 15 copyright certificates, as well as more than 10 diplomas, diplomas and certificates based on the results of scientific conferences and project competitions. In 2011, Rakhadilov B.K. received a 1st degree diploma from the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the results of the Republican competition for the best research work. In 2013 and 2018, he won the State Scientific Scholarship for talented young scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology. In 2017, he won the Akim of Ust-Kamenogorsk award “For contribution to the implementation of state youth policy” in the nomination “Young Scientist of the Year”, in the same year he received third place in the nomination “Best Young Scientist” in the Republican competition of innovative youth projects NURINTECH . Also in 2017, he became the winner of the EKSU competition. S. Amanzholova “Best Young Scientist – 2017”. In 2018, he won a grant from the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy for scientific research on the topic “Creation of a multifunctional portable installation for processing metal materials based on innovative electrolyte-plasma technology.” I am the owner of the Grant “Best University Teacher – 2018”. Since 2019, I have been the chairman of the representative office for East Kazakhstan region of the Republican public association “Physical and Technical Society of Kazakhstan”.

List of grants at the international or Kazakhstan level, carried out under the leadership or with the participation of Rakhadilov B.K.:

  • “Development and implementation of innovative technology for electrolyte-plasma hardening of drilling tool material” (innovation grant from JSC Science Foundation, 2010-2012 ) . ( resp.isp );
  • “Development of scientific foundations for the formation of modified surface layers of tool steels under high-energy exposure” GF 2012-2014. ( resp.isp );
  • “Development and production of a new generation of dental implants from nanostructured titanium” (innovative project implemented within the framework of the competition “INNOVATION-2012” of EKSTU named after D. Serikbaev ) (director);
  • “Development of technology for obtaining hardened cutting tools” Global Fund 2013-2015. ( resp.isp );
  • “Preparation of submicrocrystalline aluminum alloys with high physical and mechanical properties by the method of severe plastic deformation” GF 2015-2017. ( resp.isp );
  • “Modification of the surface of high-speed steels by electron beam processing” GF for 2015-2017. ( resp.isp );
  • “Development of resource-saving technology for surface hardening of steel parts for railway transport” Global Fund for 2015-2017. (manual);
  • “Experimental modeling of the interaction of plasma with candidate materials of a thermonuclear reactor” State Fund for 2015-2017. ( resp.isp );
  • “Research and development of innovative technologies for producing wear-resistant materials for mechanical engineering products” PCF for 2018-2020. (manual);
  • “Increasing the tribological properties of polymer materials by electron beam processing” GF for 2018-2020. (manual);
  • “Development of electrolyte-plasma surface hardening technology to increase the durability of heavily loaded gears” Global Fund for 2018-2020. ( resp.isp );
  • “Creation of a multifunctional portable installation for processing metal materials based on innovative electrolyte-plasma technology” grant from the Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019.

Scientific connections:

There is active cooperation with Kazakh and foreign universities and research institutes: ROO “Physical and Technical Society of Kazakhstan”, SSU named after. Shakarim , Semey, EKSTU named after. D. Serikbaev , ENU named after. Gumilyov, KazNTU named after. K. Satpayev , EKSTU named after. D. Serikbaeva , National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kurchatov), Institute of Nuclear Physics (Almaty), Nuclear Technology Park (Kurchatov), Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC, Institute of Polymer Materials and Technologies, Wroclaw Polytechnic University (Wroclaw, Poland), National research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (Moscow, Russian Federation), TPU (Tomsk, Russian Federation), Institute of Superplasticity Problems (Ufa), Institute of Physical and Technical Problems and Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan).