Department of student records management

Kaliyeva Gulnara Kairzhanovna
Head of Department
Department of student office work – is a structural unit of the university, the main activity of which is the accounting and control of the movement of the student contingent from the moment of enrollment to release, ensuring the organization of the documentation and management of student documentation.
The main activity of the Department of student records management:
- Issuing orders for the movement of students ‘ contingent;
- Receiving, processing and maintaining personal files of students in accordance with the movement of students, their constant updating;
- Provision of the following types of public services: – Transfer and restoration of students in higher education institutions, – Issuance of certificates to persons who have not completed higher and postgraduate education, – Granting academic leave to students in educational organizations;
- Issuance of the temporary use of documents on education;
- Maintaining a database of students in automated information systems-AIS, PLATONUS, etc.;
- Formation of statistical records of the movement of the contingent in the training process in accordance with the established forms; improvement of data processing methods;
- Reconciliation of the student body, preparation of reports on the status and movement of the student body in accordance with the established forms;
- Providing forms of student documentation for strict accounting;
- Accounting and registration of issuance, submission of established reports on the movement of state-issued documents on education and certificates issued to persons who have not completed their education;
- Collection of documents of students on a paid basis, applying for the award of vacant educational grants, released in the process of obtaining higher education, during the summer and winter holidays, for the available vacant places and sending them to the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan for decision-making;
- Completing, filing and transferring the personal files of graduates and those who were sent for storage to the archive;
- Maintaining military records and booking of University conscripts and conscripts.
Contact information:
30 Gvardeyskoy Divizii, 34
Building № 1 office № 204, 206;
tel: 8 (7232) 540-821