Agreements with foreign universities
Key initiatives of Sarsen Amanzholov EKU in the field of international activities include:
Non profit Limited Company “Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University” actively develops its international activities and maintains more than 90 active cooperation agreements with educational institutions and organizations in more than 30 countries. This extensive network of international partnerships reflects the university’s commitment to global education and research initiatives.
Through these agreements, Sarsen Amanzholov EKU is pursuing a variety of initiatives including:
- International student and faculty exchanges that enhance cultural experiences and knowledge.
- Collaborative research projects that bring together scholars from different countries to address important global issues.
- Organizing international conferences and seminars that promote the exchange of knowledge and cutting-edge ideas.
- Providing scholarships and grants for students and researchers from abroad to attract and support talented young people.
- Strengthening cultural and educational ties between different countries, which promotes global understanding and cooperation.
This extensive network of international partnerships emphasizes the university’s commitment to world integration and knowledge sharing within the global educational community.
- Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Surazakova Research Institute of Altaistics
- Kemerovo State University
- Sh. Marjani Institute of History
- Pacific State University
- Barnaul Law Institute
- Omsk State Pedagogical University
- Astafieva Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
- Belgorod State National Research University
- Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Department of External Relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
- Irkutsk State University
- Institute of Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Altai State Agrarian University
- Moscow City Pedagogical University
- St. Petersburg State University
- Melitopol State University
- Altay State University is named after Ivan Polzunov
- Altai state University
Peoples ‘ friendship University of Russia - Siberian federal University
- All-Russian research Institute of potato farming named after Lorch
- Gorno-Altay state University
- Novosibirsk state technical University
- International Academy of teacher education
- International Academy of psychological Sciences
- Novosibirsk state technical University
- Omsk humanitarian Academy
- L.V.Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS
- Crimean engineering and pedagogical University
- Armavir state pedagogical Academy
- Omsk state University named after Dostoevsky
- Siberian state University of physical culture and sports
- Novosibirsk state University
- Ugra state University
- Tyumen state University
- Omsk state pedagogical University
- Saratov national research state University named after Chernyshevsky
- South Ural state University
- National research Tomsk state University
- The Institute of archaeology. A. H. Khalikov
- Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
- Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
- Russian state University of physical culture, sports, youth and Tourism
- Moscow state law University named after O. E. Kutafin
- Mush Alparslan University
- Pamukkale University
- Uskudar University
- Istanbul University
- University of Medical Sciences
- Marmara University
- Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University
- University of Cappadocia
- Akdeniz University
- I.Razzakov KyrgyzStateTechnicalUniversity
- J.Balasagyn KyrgyzNationalUniversity
- KasymTynystanovIssyk-KulStateUniversity
- Adam University
- “Manas” Kyrgyz-Turkish University
- Institute of Physical-Technical Problems and Materials Science named
after Academician J. Jeenbaev of the National Academy of Sciences of
the Kyrgyz Republic - Innovation Center of Phytotechnologies of the National Academy of
Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic - American University of Central Asia
- Shirinshoh Shotemur Tajik Agrarian University
- Sotim Ulugzoda Tajik International University of Foreign Languages
- Tajik State Pedagogical University
- Catholic University of Daegu
- Jiongsang University
- Wroclaw University
- Katowice school of Economics
- Linguistics-technical University in Swiecie
- Academy of tourism and hotel management in Gdansk
- Adam Mickiewicz University
- Pomeranian University in Slupsk
- Catholic University of Lublin
- «Security and Freedom» Foundation
- University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
- Univercity of Genoa
- Sums state University
- E.Paton Institute of Electric Welding
- Metharath University
- Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College
- QingDao University
- Ili pedagogical University
- Tsinghua University
- Xinjiang research Institute of forestry
- Central University of Nations
- University of national minorities
- Azerbaijan State University of Economics
- Tashkent State University of the Uzbek language and literature
- Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy
- Tomas Bata University Zlin
- Academy of management innovation and technologies
- Johann Gutenberg University of Mainz
- University of Cologne
- Munich University of applied Sciences
- University of Szeged
Budapest University
Sopron University
- Vytautas the Great University
- Siauliai University
University of Marua
- Zurich Univercity
- University Of Salamanca
- Noida international University (MUN)
- Dayananda Sagar University
- City University of Malaysia
- Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
- Uppsala University
- Agriculture university in Nitra
- Daugavpils University
- Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Surazakova Research Institute of Altaistics
- Kemerovo State University
- Sh. Marjani Institute of History
- Pacific State University
- Barnaul Law Institute
- Omsk State Pedagogical University
- Astafieva Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University
- Belgorod State National Research University
- Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Department of External Relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
- Irkutsk State University
- Institute of Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Altai State Agrarian University
- Moscow City Pedagogical University
- St. Petersburg State University
- Melitopol State University
- Altay State University is named after Ivan Polzunov
- Altai state University
Peoples ‘ friendship University of Russia - Siberian federal University
- All-Russian research Institute of potato farming named after Lorch
- Gorno-Altay state University
- Novosibirsk state technical University
- International Academy of teacher education
- International Academy of psychological Sciences
- Novosibirsk state technical University
- Omsk humanitarian Academy
- L.V.Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS
- Crimean engineering and pedagogical University
- Armavir state pedagogical Academy
- Omsk state University named after Dostoevsky
- Siberian state University of physical culture and sports
- Novosibirsk state University
- Ugra state University
- Tyumen state University
- Omsk state pedagogical University
- Saratov national research state University named after Chernyshevsky
- South Ural state University
- National research Tomsk state University
- The Institute of archaeology. A. H. Khalikov
- Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
- Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
- Russian state University of physical culture, sports, youth and Tourism
- Moscow state law University named after O. E. Kutafin
- Pamukkale University (Turkey)
- Uskyudar University (Turkey)
- Marmara University (Turkey)
- University named afterBuolenta Ejevita (Turkey)
- Kastamonu University (Turkey)
- Akdeniz University (Turkey)
- University of Cappadocia (Turkey)
- Innovative Center of Phytotechnologies (Kyrgyz Republic)
- Institute of Physical and Technical Problems and Materials Science named afterJeenbayeva (Kyrgyz Republic)
- Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov (Kyrgyzstan)
- Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University (Kyrgyzstan)
- Issyk-Kul State University named afterKasyma Tynystanova (Kyrgyzstan)
- ADAM University (BFEA)
- Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (Higher School of Foreign Languages)
- Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S. Aini
- Tajik Agrarian University named afterShirinshoh Temur
- Tajik International University of Foreign Languages named afterSotima Ulugzoda
- Jiongsang University
- University of Wroclaw (Poland)
- Katowice School of Economics (Poland)
- Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)
- John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- Pomor Academy in Slupsk
- University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
- The Security and Freedom Foundation
- Sumy State University
- Institute of Electric Welding named after E.Patona
- Metharath University (Kingdom of Thailand)
- Jiangsu Pedagogical University
- QingDao Energy Technology Co., Ltd (China)
- Shandong Vocational
College of Foreign Trade (China) - Qingdao University (China)
- Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Azerbaijan)
- Denau Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy (Uzbekistan)
- Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi
- University of Cologne (Germany)
- Teacher Education Center of the University of Cologne (Germany)
- Munich University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
- Chopron University (Hungary)
- Kalina Institute of Industrial Technology (India)
- Noida International University (India
- Technical University of Cluj–Napoca
- Agreement on cooperation between Universities of the ISS member regions “Our Common Home Altai” (Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia)
- Akimat of Bayan-Ulgiy aimag (Mongolia)
- Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra (Slovak Republic)
- University of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- University of Wyoming (USA)
- Uppsala University (Sweden)
- Association “Regional Network of Education and training of specialists in the field of nuclear technologies (Star-Net) (Austria)”
- Baltic International Academy (Latvia)
- Daugavpils University (Latvia)
- University of Montenegro
Contacts of the Department of Strategy, International Cooperation and Accreditation
Phone number: 8 7232 25 05 97
Address: 55 Kazakhstan St., 302 office.