Department of culture, sports and initial military training
In 1965, the Ust – Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute opened a department of physical education, which was part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (Dean Samuseev I.F.). In 1967 The department was reorganized into the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports (Dean Trunov A. N.).
Since 1967, the faculty consisted of the following departments:
– Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports;
– Department of Gymnastics;
– Department of Sports Disciplines;
– General Department of Physical Culture.
Over the years of its existence, the faculty has trained more than 8,000 specialists with a high level of professional knowledge who have managed to fully use the rich opportunities of physical culture and sports for the improvement and comprehensive physical development of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
During this time, 6 honored teachers of Kazakhstan, 22 honored coaches of Kazakhstan, 10 Honored Masters of Sports and over 35 World and Olympic Champions have been trained.
238 graduates of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports were awarded the badges “Excellent Student of Public Education Kaz. SSR”, “Excellent student of education of the USSR”, “Excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. 9 people have the title of “Honored Teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The teaching staff has reason to be proud of its graduates who have become Olympic champions, world champions, European and Asian champions: Turukalo N., Poladyev E., Alexandrov B., Ryaev S., Kozlov V., Mysokov A., Dukhno A., Shishkina S., Yatskaya O., Mozhevitina I., Isachenko N., Cherepanov S. And others .
Many graduates of the faculty held leadership positions: Kulnazarov A.K., Akhaev A.V., Voitov N.I., Grechukhin A.V., etc. The judges of the National category were Trunov A.N., Vasilchenko V.V., Zhaksylykov M.F., Pleshkan I.F.
All graduates are successfully employed, are in high demand in the labor market, are actively advancing in their careers, continue their studies in master’s and doctoral studies.
Currently, the department belongs to the faculty of the “Higher School of Pedagogy”, the dean of which is Gulnara Borisovna Kulenova and the department is called “Culture, Sports and primary military training”.

Akhayeva Akmaral Shakharbergenovna
Head of the Department of Culture, Sports and primary military training

Akhayeva Akmaral Shakharbergenovna
Head of the Department of Culture, Sports and primary military training
From 2019 - 2022 she studied at the doctoral program at the Zhetysu State University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov, specialty - "Pedagogy and Psychology". In 2013-2020, she worked at the Zhetysu State University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov, at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology. Since September 2022, she has been working at the East Kazakhstan University named after Sarsen Amanzholov. The general and pedagogical experience is 12 years, including university is 10 years. The total number of publications - in total, more than 20 scientific articles and two textbooks have been published.
Students of the educational program "6B01401 Physical education and sport" show excellent results at the World Championships, Asian Games and Universiades, participate in the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Currently, the department is proud of the achievements of its current students:
№ | Full name | Course, specialty | Competitions |
1 | Sovetkanov Nurali (swimming) | 3 course, PhES | 1. IVAsian Para games
2 | Erlanuly Maksat (kickboxing) | 2 course, PhES | 1. Asian Championship 2. World Cup 3. World Championship 4. Kazakhstan Championship |
3 | Nurimanov Karim (karate) | 2 course, PhES | 1. World Championship 2. European Championship 3. Asian Championship 4. Eurasia Championship 5. Kazakhstan Championship |
4 | Maks Amina (track field) | 3 course, PhES | 1. Kazakhstan Championship 2. Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan
5 | Puntus Vadim (track field) | 3 course, PhES | 1. Spartakiad of the Peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2. Kosanov Memorial (World Bronze level) 3. Kazakhstan Championship |
6 | Khlystov Alexey (track field) | 3 course, PhES | 1. Kazakhstan Championship 2. Kosanov Memorial (World Bronze level) 3. Spartakiad of the Peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
7 | Sherizatov Magzhan (kettlebell lifting) | 2 course, PhES | 1. Asian Championship 2. World Championship among juniors |
8 | Bakytbek Nurkhan (wrestling) | 4 course, PhES | 1. International Sports and Tourism Festival Bolshoy Altai 2. Kazakhstan Championship |
9. | Dmitrievna Varvara (track field) | 3 course, PhES | 1. Universiade of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2. Kazakhstan Championship
10. | Bekenov Bekarys (taekwondo) | 2 course, PhES | 1. Asian Championship 2. Kazakhstan Championship |
Teachers of the department Kruglikov A.N. and Kruglikova M.V. took part in International courses for athletics coaches (Dushanbe, Tajikistan, October 17 - 27, 2022) and
(Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, March 5 - 17, 2023) as lecturers, were also judges at the Asian Indoor Championships in athletics on February 10 - 13, 2023.
Abdygaliev A.B. became the silver medalist of the 2022 World Kettlebell Lifting Championship among veterans.
Teachers of the department (Amrenova A.K., Serikkyzy T., Abdygaliev A.B., Angishpaev Zh.K.) conduct advanced training courses "Development of professional competencies and skills of a physical education teacher" together with the National Scientific and Practical Center of Physical Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The university, in partnership with the World of Equal Opportunities Foundation, has opened free adaptive swimming sections for children with disabilities, the trainers are teachers of the department, and students also have the opportunity to practice assisting in teaching and thereby gain valuable experience for further careers and prepare future personnel to work with special children.
The educational program 6B01403 and 6B01406 is a good base for demonstration classes, training camps, methodological conferences held for teachers – organizers of NVP secondary schools in Ust-Kamenogorsk and East Kazakhstan region. To date, 17 graduates of specialists who successfully work in the education system and serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been carried out.
The forces of teaching staff and students carry out military-patriotic and career guidance work in secondary educational institutions of the city, as well as in the sponsored military units of the Ust-Kamenogorsk garrison.
For the entire history of its existence, the educational program "Music Education" has been and remains the leading center for the training of musical and pedagogical personnel. Currently, the best performing and scientific and methodological forces of the East Kazakhstan region are concentrated on it. It employs the leading vocalist of East Kazakhstan, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurgozhina A.B.; prominent specialist in the field of methodology of music education, Candidate of philosophical sciences, associate Professor Manzhil M.D., laureate of republican and regional competitions, member of the Union of Musical Figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhunusov U.Zh.; top-class professional in the field of music and computer technologies Ananyev Yu.D.; authoritative specialist in the field of music and leisure work Yesyutina M.P., the most experienced choral conductors Zakiryanova Zh.Kh., Shaimardanova T.S., etc.
In the process of training specialists, the teachers of the OP actively cooperate with major domestic and foreign figures in the field of education and culture: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, President of the Interregional Public Organization "Association of Musical Psychologists and Psychotherapists" V.I. Petrushin; projector of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Doctor of Art History, Doctor of Psychological Sciences Kirnarskaya D.K.; Associate Professor of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater Rasa Gelgotiene; Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan V.M. Tkach, etc.
Bright events in the life of the OP are creative meetings with the best performers and teachers of the country: People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh.Ya. Aubakirova; Rector of the Kazakh National University of Arts, People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.K. Musakhodzhayeva; People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.P. Usenbayeva; Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor T.M. Mukhametzhanov; laureate of the State Prize, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sh.Kh. Abilov; Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Tleukhan; famous zhyrau U. Baybosynova, etc.
One of the most important directions in the activities of the OP is the promotion of creativity of young representatives of the Kazakh musical culture. Soloist of the Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai N. Bazhekenov; laureate of International competitions, pianist and composer I. Hismatullina; laureate of international competitions, pianist Yu.Brazhnikova; member of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan O. Yultieva; talented singer E. Pilipenko, etc.
Research works of the Department of Culture sports and initial military training
- Amrenova A.K., Beisenov S. Boxshynin dene kuaty dayyndyktaryn damytu negizderi. Collection of materials of the VIII RNPC of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Integration of education- science- business: problems and prospects, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the S. Amanzholov VCU", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022. pp.46-50
- Rusanov V.P., Dyusembayev M. K. The main aspects of improving the physical fitness of football players. Collection of materials of the VIII RNPC of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Integration of education- science- business: problems and prospects, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the S. Amanzholov VCU", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022. pp.92-96.
- Rusanov V.P., Dyusembayev M. K. Development of special physical training of young football players in the annual training cycle. Collection of materials of the VIII RNPC of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Integration of education- science- business: problems and prospects, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the S. Amanzholov VCU", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022. pp.96-100
- Rusanov V.P., Ogneva A.O. Sports orientation as an effective means of developing physical and mental qualities of young athletes. Collection of materials of the VIII RNPC of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Integration of education- science- business: problems and prospects, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the S. Amanzholov VCU", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022. pp.241-246.
- Rusanov V.P., Ogneva A.O. Orienteering as a means of complex development of vital qualities of schoolchildren. Collection of materials of the VIII RNPC of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Integration of education- science- business: problems and prospects, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the S. Amanzholov VCU", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022. pp.247-250.
- Rusanov V.P., Rudovalova M.S. Experimental study of the implementation of the model of pedagogical orientation of school-age children on the formation of personal physical culture. Collection of materials of the VIII RNPC of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists "Integration of education- science- business: problems and prospects, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the S. Amanzholov VCU", Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022. pp.259-263.
- Muzhil M.D. Basic models of musical and aesthetic education programs. Ed. VKPK ARGO, 2022, Ust-Kamenogorsk
Currently, the Department of "Culture, Sports and NVP" cooperates:
- with the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk).
- with the Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports (Omsk).
- with the Armavir State Pedagogical University.
In the 2015-2016 academic year, as part of academic mobility, lectures and consultations were held at the department by Professor of the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Culture of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Russia),
Doctor of Biological Sciences Ryabtsev Sergey Mikhailovich.
In the 2016-2017 academic year, lectures and consultations were held by Professor of the Department of Theory, Methodology and History of Physical Culture and Sports, Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - Grechko Alexander Sergeevich.
Also, students of the Department of Culture, Sports and NVP participate in academic mobility programs, so in the 2019-2020 academic year, a student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" Serikkyzy Tolganai studied at the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Moscow.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, Sergali Bekzhan, a student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports", studied in Poland, at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
- Muzhchil M. D. The essence of music. Izdatelstvo "Berel" 2022 Ust-Kamenogorsk, STR. 168 P
- Rusanov V. P., Asmolova L. A. Health-saving technologies in the educational process of the University. Izdatelstvo "Berel" 2022 Ust-Kamenogorsk, STR. 125 P
- Zakiryanova Zh. K., Kashey A. K., Dosumova A. S. Methodological recommendations on the discipline "the basics of executive training". Izdatelstvo "Berel" 2022 Ust-Kamenogorsk, 102 P.
- Zakiryanova Zh. Kh., Shaimardanova T. S. Anthology on conducting the choir Part III. Izdatelstvo "Berel" 2022 Ust-Kamenogorsk, 150 P.
- Zhunusov U. Zh. "Inside the country-art mine"," Daryn " 2022 Almaty, 302 P.
- Zhunusov U. Zh. "Music is my song", presentation" Daryn " 2022 Almaty, 335 P.
- Zhunusov U. Zh. "Kandastar Sky", presentation "Daryn" 2022 Almaty, 288 P.
The teaching staff of the department

Zainelova Gulmira Zainelovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences

Marina Dmitrievna Manzhil
Associate Professor

Amrenova Azhar Kamarbekovna
Associate Professor

Adilbekova Aigul Beisembayevna
Candidate of Medical Sciences

Rusanov Vassily Petrovich
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Shaimardanova Tatyana Sakenovna
Senior Lecturer

Zhumakanova Anuza Nuksynkanovna

Angishpaev Zhanabek Kablashimovich
Senior Lecturer

Kozhukhovsky Andrey Vladimirovich
Senior Lecturer

Dusupova Maira Shakirovna
Senior Lecturer

Usembayev Aydin Nurkasovich
Senior Lecturer

Zhumadilov Nurzhan Maukenovich
Senior Lecturer

Sharapiev Askhad Altyngazinovich

Gaisin Aidar Balkashevich
Senior Lecturer

Tulebaev Alisher Maksovich
Senior Lecturer

Kruglikov Alexander Nikolaevich
Senior Lecturer

Suntsov Viktor Viktorovich
Senior Lecturer

Kashei Ardak
Senior Lecturer

Bulekpaev Almas Maratovich
Senior Lecturer

Baidrakhmanov Dauren Serikovich
Senior Lecturer

Yesyutina Marina Pavlovna
Senior Lecturer

Sarsenkhanovna Tannur

Kairat Burlen

Alexander Sergeevich Zuev