Subject-cycle commission of “Language disciplines”

Shynar Kayyrgazinovna Nabieva
Chairman of the SCC

Stepanov Vadim Vladimiovich
teacher of special disciplines

Omarieva Lunara Akylbekovna
teacher of general education disciplines

Tokanova Zhanerke Darkhanovna
teacher of special disciplines

Temerkhanovna Nude
teacher of special disciplines

Amirgalieva Zhanerke Merekeevna
teacher of special disciplines

Agambayev Rasul Augambayevich
teacher of special disciplines

Kabdualieva Zhanat Nurakhmetovna
teacher of general education disciplines

Aitzhanova Gulnur Sagidoldinovna
teacher of special disciplines

Zhilkibayeva Alma Akhmetzhanovna
teacher of special disciplines

Alyokhina Alla Sergeevna
teacher of general education disciplines