Department of ecology and geography

Academic building No. 4, rooms 6, 8

Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kalikhan-Yskak street, 2a

+7 7232 78 28 52

As part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, a new department “Geography” was opened in 1962. In April 2001, the Department of Geography and Ecology was renamed the Department of Ecology and Geography.

In 1968, the unified Department of Geography was divided into the Departments of Physical Geography and Economic Geography. The Department of Physical Geography was headed by Valentin Popov, the Department of Economic Geography by Serafima Nikolaevna Khukhareva.

In connection with the decision of the Academic Council of the S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University (Protocol No. 1 of August 31, 2012), the Department of Geography was merged with the Department of Ecology and Life Safety and renamed the Department of Ecology and Geography. The head of the Department of Ecology and Geography was approved by Candidate of Technical Sciences Seitkan Ainur Seitkanovna, from 2016 to 2018 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Idrisheva Zhanat Kabylbekovna, from 2018-2021 – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Dakieva Kulzipa Zhusupovna, currently PhD doctor, ass. professor Zhensikbaeva Nazgul Zhanybekovna.

In 2008, a new specialty 050731 “Life safety and environmental protection” was opened.

In 2023, a new innovative educational program “Hydroecology, management and transboundary water security” was opened. 

Teachers conduct scientific and methodological research, develop educational, teaching aids for students.

In 2023, the department was successfully accredited by the NAAR organization.


Head of the Department of Ecology and Geography

Students of the department actively participate in scientific competitions, conferences, events of the republican, regional, intra-university levels.

Active work is underway to harmonize the content of educational programs with similar educational programs of leading foreign and Kazakh educational organizations, an agreement has been concluded between the Non-Profit Joint Stock Company "East Kazakhstan State University" and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State University" on the network form of implementation of educational programs using online courses No. 69 from April 11, 2022.  Within the framework of this agreement, on 09/20/2022, an online course for masters of the BRZIZOS OP "Automatic measurement tools and data analysis methods" was conducted, the university course "Environmental monitoring using GIS technologies" was re-enrolled. In the future, a wider coverage of foreign and Kazakh educational organizations is planned.

There is an agreement N.58 on the joint development and implementation of the educational program 20.04.01 "Technosphere Safety" with the Altai State University of August 31, 2021, as well as an agreement on the network form of the implementation of educational programs using online courses No. 72 of August 31, 2022.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, students of the educational programs BZHIZOS, Geography, Ecology Kurmanbek Meruert, Sabit Shyngys, Duisebai Shyngyskhan, Kambarov Yertas, Gafiyatkyzy Aikumis won a Start-Up project on the topic "ZHOO-da ecoboxards ornalastyru kazhettiligi". Scientific supervisor: PhD doctor, ass. professor Zhensikbayeva Nazgul Zhanybekovna.

In 2023, in the XV Republican Subject Olympiad among students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the group of educational programs for the training of geography teachers - B014 at the Pedagogical University named after A. Margulan in Pavlodar, students of the Higher Educational Institution named after S. Amanzholov took 1st place in a personal competition. 3rd year students of specialty 6B01506-Geography: Rakhimberdy Duman, Kurmanbek Meruert. Supervisor: senior lecturer, doctoral student Aitkozhina Saltanat Kairatovna.

In 2010 - 2011, teachers of the department became holders of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" in the specialty T 2.20 "Ecology" for scientific internship: Seitkan A.S. – at the University of Cambridge, followed by PhD studies for the period from 2011 to 2014; senior teachers Boluspaeva L.S. and Kambarova Zh.D. - at the University of. Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan. In the 2021-2022 academic year, the doctoral student of the department, senior lecturer Kumarbekuly Sanat became the owner of the international scholarship "Bolashak" and completed an internship in London.

In 2020, PhD doctor, ass. Professor Nazgul Zhanybekovna Zhensikbayeva won the competition for the title of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best university teacher – 2020".

In 2019, new educational programs 7M01506-Geography were opened. Currently, teachers Kalelova G.Zh., Aitkozhina S.K., Sabyrbaeva B.T. are studying in the doctoral program.

Educational work is an important component of the educational activities of the Department of Ecology and Geography. It is carried out not only during academic work, but also during extracurricular time.

The main purpose of educational work at the department is the formation of students' moral, spiritual, cultural values, ethical norms and generally accepted rules of behavior in society

At our department, educational work is carried out by curators in academic groups. It is based on the implementation of the Concept of education of the young generation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the plan of educational activities, the development plan of the NAO "Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University".

Our students take an active part in all activities of the department, Higher School, University. Throughout the entire period of training, the curators maintain contact with the parents of the students.

The Department of Ecology and geography scientific and research work is carried out on initiative topics, aimed at studying the problem of geography, ecology and safety of life, protecting the surrounding areas. In all subjects, the participation of Master's students, the results of scientific research are based on Master's theses, diploma works, publications.

Theme management

1)" systematic assessment of OS and provision of eastern Kazakhstan in the context of extraterritorial and territorial changes " (without financing). Head of the department K. G. N., associate professor. Beisembayeva R. S.

Purpose: study, analysis and assessment of environmental-geochemical, and socio-economic, demographic-medical indicators of functional zones of the East Kazakhstan region: recreational, rural, agricultural and industrial on the basis of recognosti and complex research.


1.1 analysis of the absorption of hard metals in components of the corresponding functional zones and the extraction of geochemical legislation in the territory of the functional zones for subsequent ecological and geochemical estimates;

1.2 study of regional resources and services on the territory of exploration;

1.3 study of the impact of factors affecting the functional zones on demographic indicators and the health population;

1.4 improvement of methodology for research;

1.5 establishment of systemic measures of environmental, demographic-medical and socio-economic problems of functional zones of eastern Kazakhstan in the context of extraterrestrial - territorial changes.

Scientific novelty is included in the systematization of material on the systematic basis of the OS and the distribution of eastern Kazakhstan in the extraction of environmental-geochemical, demographic-medical and socio-economic properties of the functional zones of eastern Kazakhstan, in the development of recommendations for improving the effectiveness of their use in the context of extraterritorial changes

Expected results and practical knowledge:

On the topic " metabolic aspects of the organism in relation to the impact of unproductive factors on the example of a titanium and magnesium plant, executor D. B. N., Prof. In particular, the increase of direct (linked) and public bilirubin in the work of the leading professional main workshops of the TMK in the amount of internship was noted. These changes are related to the interest of parenchyma in the general adaptive reaction to a set of production factors.

Two monographs on the topic: "assessment of the system of hemocoagulation in different and combined activities of toxic substances", "features of the organization and conduct of Environmental Audit at the present time", gust-Kamenogorsk, "Berel", East Kazakhstan University im Amanzholova (see Appendix 6)

Theme " demographic processes in the system of a free Organization of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head of the department K. G. N., associate professor. Beisembayev R. S.

The economic and geographical analysis of part of the territory of the Ust-Kamenogorsk industrial complex of the Rudno-Altaysky TPK with the improvement of the Eastern climate of the transit and logistics system of the vko will continue. In 2022, the social part of the study of joint articles with undergraduates will continue to be developed.

Two monographs "objects of sacred geography of the East Kazakhstan region", "features of the organization and development of ecological tourism" were published in the research institute (Article 6).

Zhensikbaeva Nazgul on the topic" exploration of the sacred landscape of eastern Kazakhstan with the help of GIS-technology " will introduce Geoinformation mapping of the sacred landscape of South-Western Altai, with the creation of maps: oop Altai, sacred places (15 maps).

According to the development of ecological and geochemical assessment of recreational resources in the example of the Cato-Karagay state National private park, the contractor Master Bakin S. A. continues to study the factual material of the Applied Research of the postal and comparative analysis of the Cato territory-Karaganda State National Park. Continued preparation of materials for the creation of cartographic materials on the territory of Caton-Karagay National Park, preparation of electronic versions of cartoshem ecological and geographical character; conduct computer studies of materials and analyzes on the topic of study for the establishment of projects in the future of Carthage on the territory of the Cato-Karagay GNPP.

Three monographs have been published this year:on the internet. "Features of the organization and development of ecological tourism", "ecological and geochemical site of Caton-Karagay State Park of landscapes", "features of the organization and conduct of Environmental Audit at the present time" (annex 6)

2)" ecological and economic assessment of the resource and socio-economic potential of the territory of the East Kazakhstan region for the development of ecological tourism and ecological business " (without financing). Head temy D. G. N., professor Yegorina A.V.

Cel: consideration of private resource potential and significant social and production infrastructure for the development of ecological tourism, and the development program for the development of infrastructure ecological tourism and Eco-Business on the basis of recreational potential in the East Kazakhstan region


2.1 determination of environmental and economic indicators of personal and recreational potential of eastern Kazakhstan for the development of ecological tourism;

2.2 development of social and production infrastructure, human resources and economic potential for the development of environmental tourism on the territory of the East Kazakhstan region;

2.3 determination of potential benefits of private and private territories, unique in terms of physical and aesthetic relations of the territory to entry into the system of recreational and tourist services of the population;

2.4 development of methodological ecological and economic support for anthropogenic tourism in recreational zones and landscape;

2.5 training of economic improvement infrastructure and environmental tourism with the use of unique and competitive factors in the world and regional markets of tourist services;

2.6 development of the program for the development of environmental tourism with regard to environmental, socio-economic, and legal factors.

The scientific novelty of the direction: systematization of materials on the site of private resource and socio-economic potential of the territory of the East Kazakhstan region for the development of ecological tourism and ecological business.

Expected results and practical knowledge:

The development of ecological tourism and Eco-Business on the territory of the private private sector, in particular on the territory of the Cato – Karagay state National private park. D. G. N. Yegorinoy A.V. will continue the development of tourist routes on the example of recreational facilities of the Altai State Reserve.

In 2022, three monographs were published in the coauthor "recreational opportunities of Kazakhstan Altai", "Atlas Of The Malaya River East Kazakhstan (for studying medium schools)", "objects of sacred geography of the East Kazakhstan region" Ust-Kamenogorsk: Berel, vku is S. amanzholova:2022 (date 6).

Chursin A. S. on the problem "creation of a module of Geoinformation systems for the prognosis of atmospheric air in industrial cities on the basis of three-dimensional mathematical models" will continue to conduct a large volume of environmental monitoring of industrial cities in 2022

Salykbaeva G. M. will conduct a further analysis of the economic potential of large cities in Ust - Kamenogorsk and Semey, their participation in the economy of the region. The analysis of potential opportunities will be carried out with the position of the prospects for the development of Rural Housing and the strengthening of the economic platform of agricultural regions.

The analysis of regional socio-economic development in order to solve depressive conditions, the way to regulate and host development is continued. 2 articles on the topic of study were published.

PhD doctor Zhensikbaev N. Zh. is conducting an analysis of the structures of private private territories, zoning of the territorial recreational system of Kazakhstan Altai. The study was carried out to identify tourist speci Alty of each prirodno-recreational district and the way to optimize the recreational prirodopolis of the districts of Kazakhstan Altai. The result of the study will be the creation of Cards: OOPT Altai (5 cards).

3)"formation of professionalism of pedagogical activity at Credit Technology training". Head: D. P. N., professor Zavalko N. A., Yegorina A.V.

CEL: Development of children of the Department of educational and methodological developments for improving the training of educational disciplines.


3.1 study of the need and study of educational and methodological materials in schools of the East Kazakhstan region.

Scientific novelty: improvement of the results of research of students for the new school, as well as the development of educational, methodical, atlasov, Kart.

Expected results and practical knowledge: publicization of students, teachers of the Department of PPS.

In the last year, D. G. N. Yegorinoy A.V. made two educational posts "Physical Geography of eastern Kazakhstan", Ust-Kamenogorsk: took NAO "vku, im. S. Amanzholova", "tourism in the trans-border territory of Altai" published in Barnaul: izd-on Altai Gu, 2022.

Teachers of the Department Kaisarova A. S., Sabyrbaeva B. T. gave a practical and methodological visit to the practical activities of"Web-mapping"

Kaisarova A. S., Zhensikbayeva N. ZH., Sabyrbaeva B. T., Kabdrakhmanova N. K. 2 educational and methodological posobia: "Economic, social and political geography of the world", "Teaching methods of Geography".

In the 2022-2023 academic year, students of the educational programs BZHIZOS, Geography, Ecology Kurmanbek Meruert, Sabit Shyngys, Duisebai Shyngyskhan, Kambarov Yertas, Gafiyatkyzy Aikumis won a Start-Up project on the topic "ZHOO-da ecoboxards ornalastyru kazhettiligi". Scientific supervisor: PhD doctor, ass. professor Zhensikbaeva Nazgul Zhanybekovna.

In 2023, in the XV Republican Subject Olympiad among students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the group of educational programs for the training of geography teachers - B014 at the Pedagogical University named after A. Margulan in Pavlodar, students of the Higher Educational Institution named after S. Amanzholov took 1st place in a personal competition. 3rd year students of specialty 6B01506-Geography: Rakhimberdy Duman, Kurmanbek Meruert. Supervisor: senior lecturer, doctoral student Aitkozhina Saltanat Kairatovna.

Methodical work is one of the most important components of the educational activity of the Department of Ecology and Geography, it is a set of measures aimed at providing the educational process with educational and methodological documentation, conducting classroom classes with students at a high theoretical and scientific level, improving the pedagogical skills of the teaching staff of the department.

The main purpose of the methodological work of the Department of Ecology and Geography is to create conditions that contribute to improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process.

The department has an approved work plan of the Methodological Section of the department. Teachers of the department participate in methodological seminars, conduct open classes, publish educational and methodological manuals, monographs, improve their qualifications at the intra-university, national and international levels.

Teaching staff of the department

*to view the teacher’s portfolio, click on the photo*

Zhensikbaeva Nazgul Zhanybekovna

Zhensikbaeva Nazgul Zhanybekovna

Associate Professor

Chursin Anatoly Sergeevich

Chursin Anatoly Sergeevich

Associate Professor

Tsyganov Anatoly Pavlovich

Tsyganov Anatoly Pavlovich

Associate Professor

Beisembayeva Roza Seydakhmetovna

Beisembayeva Roza Seydakhmetovna


Abdugalieva Gulzhan Yusuphanovna

Abdugalieva Gulzhan Yusuphanovna


Dakieva Kulzipa Zhusupovna

Dakieva Kulzipa Zhusupovna


Bakin Serik Askarovich

Bakin Serik Askarovich

Senior Lecturer

Garmashova Svetlana Anatolyevna

Garmashova Svetlana Anatolyevna

Associate Professor

Zhaznaeva Zhanat Kadyrbekovna

Zhaznaeva Zhanat Kadyrbekovna

Senior Lecturer

Tokaeva Zhanylkhan Tleukanovna

Tokaeva Zhanylkhan Tleukanovna

Senior Lecturer

Pavlenko Anatoly Vladimirovich

Pavlenko Anatoly Vladimirovich

Senior Lecturer

Bayzhumanova Leila Toleubaevna

Bayzhumanova Leila Toleubaevna

Senior Lecturer

Abzeleeva Kamila Aukenovna

Abzeleeva Kamila Aukenovna

Senior Lecturer

Kabdrakhmanova Nazim Kabdrakhmanovna

Kabdrakhmanova Nazim Kabdrakhmanovna

Senior Lecturer

Kaisarova Asel Sayalinovna

Kaisarova Asel Sayalinovna

Senior Lecturer

Kalelova Gulfat Zhanbolatovna

Kalelova Gulfat Zhanbolatovna

Senior Lecturer

Sabyrbaeva Botagoz Talgatbekovna

Sabyrbaeva Botagoz Talgatbekovna

Senior Lecturer

Salykbaeva Galiya Manapovna

Salykbaeva Galiya Manapovna

Senior Lecturer

Nurasylov Aikyn Kenzhalovich

Nurasylov Aikyn Kenzhalovich


Rakhisheva Marzhan Dulatkyzy

Rakhisheva Marzhan Dulatkyzy


Seitzhan Didar

Seitzhan Didar


Daukenova Bibigul Serikovna

Daukenova Bibigul Serikovna


Amangeldy Nazerke

Amangeldy Nazerke


Aitkozhina Saltanat Kairatovna

Aitkozhina Saltanat Kairatovna

Senior Lecturer

Orsarinova Asem Oraldinovna

Orsarinova Asem Oraldinovna

Senior Lecturer