The Department of psychology and correctional pedagogy
The Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy has fruitful cooperation with a number of leading organizations and educational institutions both within the country and abroad. Our partners include the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Kazakhstan Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Preventive Mechanism of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as an Israeli research group.
In our activities, we also actively cooperate with leading universities abroad, such as the Dusseldorf Institute for Advanced Training IhIWENT, the German Institute for Management Personnel Change in Cologne, Lacuila University in Italy, the University of Porto in Portugal, as well as the St. Petersburg Bekhterev Institute.
The leaders of the department are outstanding scientists, doctors of psychological sciences. The human capital of the department is represented by highly qualified teachers and researchers, including candidates and doctors of sciences. The development of specialties and educational programs includes educational programs in the field of applied psychology, such as psychological service, organizational psychology, medical psychology with a focus on mental health, as well as specialization in legal psychology, including expertise and legal research for the court. Much attention is paid to the development of methods and programs in the field of support, correction and child therapy, working with the Dana Bala center. The department actively supports scientific schools, develops the specifics of teaching, participates in the organization of Olympiads, festivals, weeks and other educational events (Kukina Yu.E., Toktarbekova K.T., Kanapiyanova K.D.).
Another notable achievement of the department is the development of speech therapy practice (Stelmakh S.U., Baychinov R.T.), as well as cooperation with sign language laboratories and classes (Kamzina A.). The use of psychophysiological research (Barabanova E.I., Matskevich I.K., Smailova Zh.Y) and practice using various methods such as BOS, EEG, Polygraph are also among the key achievements. The department has also been actively engaged in the consulting laboratory since 2001. An important area of the department’s work was close ties in the field of military and power psychology (Akanova Zh.M., Tyulyupergeneva R.Zh.), as well as the direction of expert research, including children’s content, legal protection and the development of Kazakhstani reports on children.

Bekbayeva Malika Farhatovna
Head of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy

Bekbayeva Malika Farhatovna
Head of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy
The Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy has fruitful cooperation with a number of leading organizations and educational institutions both within the country and abroad. Our partners include the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the Kazakhstan Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Preventive Mechanism of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as an Israeli research group.
In our activities, we also actively cooperate with leading universities abroad, such as the Dusseldorf Institute for Advanced Training IhIWENT, the German Institute for Management Personnel Change in Cologne, Lacuila University in Italy, the University of Porto in Portugal, as well as the St. Petersburg Bekhterev Institute.
The leaders of the department are outstanding scientists, doctors of psychological sciences. The human capital of the department is represented by highly qualified teachers and researchers, including candidates and doctors of sciences. The development of specialties and educational programs includes educational programs in the field of applied psychology, such as psychological service, organizational psychology, medical psychology with a focus on mental health, as well as specialization in legal psychology, including expertise and legal research for the court. Much attention is paid to the development of methods and programs in the field of support, correction and child therapy, working with the Dana Bala center. The department actively supports scientific schools, develops the specifics of teaching, participates in the organization of Olympiads, festivals, weeks and other educational events (Kukina Yu.E., Toktarbekova K.T., Kanapiyanova K.D.).
Another notable achievement of the department is the development of speech therapy practice (Stelmakh S.U., Baychinov R.T.), as well as cooperation with sign language laboratories and classes (Kamzina A.). The use of psychophysiological research (Barabanova E.I., Matskevich I.K., Smailova Zh.Y) and practice using various methods such as BOS, EEG, Polygraph are also among the key achievements. The department has also been actively engaged in the consulting laboratory since 2001. An important area of the department's work was close ties in the field of military and power psychology (Akanova Zh.M., Tyulyupergeneva R.Zh.), as well as the direction of expert research, including children's content, legal protection and the development of Kazakhstani reports on children.
Educational activities of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy are conducted in accordance with the plan of educational work for the forthcoming academic year.
Curators annually make a plan for cultural events. The events are recorded in the curator's journal. The staff of the department pays special attention to student self-government, public life of students in their leisure time, as well as healthy life style of students. Curatorial hours are spent on healthy lifestyles, where students themselves take an active part.
Conducted talks on the prevention of religious extremism with examples of what it leads to. Conducted also in talks with teachers and students about the fight against corruption and various offenses.
Teachers and students regularly take part in public events and competitions at the faculty, university, city, region and republic level, where they take prizes.
Since 2019 , the department has been working in two scientific areas:
-"Socio-psychological determinants of interaction, behavior and development of subjects in a multicultural space",
- "Actual problems of psychology of development of social and educational environments".
In the era of globalization, one of the important factors in the education of the current generation is the formation of the value of history and historical consciousness. The importance of modernization of public consciousness, development of competitiveness, pragmatism, preservation of national identity, popularization of the cult of knowledge and openness of consciousness of citizens is emphasized. These qualities should become the main guidelines of a modern Kazakhstani. There is an increasing need to introduce psychological knowledge to the masses and explain the socio-psychological phenomena that manifest themselves in human life.
In the context of the announced changes and updates, professionals, competent specialists are required who are able to systematically and purposefully carry out work on the formation of national consciousness, building up and modernizing scientific and theoretical potential, systematically deepening and expanding the study of scientific research, replenishing the scientific data bank, continuing fundamental and applied research.
Research topics cover all areas of activity of the department and the specialization of teachers in certain areas.
In accordance with the research plan , the following fundamental and exploratory scientific research is being developed at the department:
- methodology of psychological research;
- moral consciousness and value-semantic orientations of the individual;
- personal development at all stages of life;
- personality in extreme conditions;
- personality and ethnic groups in the conditions of internationalization and global acculturation; • creation of conditions for the upbringing and development of personality;
- about the problems of dual training of specialists in modern educational conditions;
- inclusive education;
- problems of correction, education and upbringing of children with disabilities;
- career guidance at various life stages; • development of online psychological products.
The purpose of the research: an integral study of socio-psychological phenomena during the implementation of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" Program, monitoring.
To achieve this goal , the following tasks are set:
- identification of the state and trends in the study of the problem of socio-psychological phenomena at the present stage of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- analysis of ethnopsychological aspects of the manifestation of socio-psychological phenomena during the implementation of the Program "Rukhani Zhangyru";
- an empirical study of the dynamics of socio-psychological phenomena during the implementation of the "Rukhani Zhangyru" Program in order to identify contradictory moments of development;
- development of practical recommendations on the harmonization and optimization of the manifestation of socio-psychological phenomena in Kazakhstan during the implementation of the Program "Rukhani Zhangyru".
The implementation of new curricula and programs for bachelors and undergraduates has continued; innovative educational and methodological complexes are being implemented, the system of support for research activities of students and young scientists is actively developing.
Theoretical research results are constantly tested in practice in psychological work with individuals and groups in society, become the content of the innovative educational program of the Higher School of Economics in the field of psychology, are used in the educational process and are introduced into the practice of the education system. Analysis and generalization of the data obtained and their use in practical work allows you to constantly adjust curricula and programs, i.e. to implement the results of theoretical and scientific-practical activities of the department's specialists in the educational process.
The policy of choosing the directions of scientific projects is dictated by the following:
- personal interest and experience of each project developer, availability of necessary competencies,
- priority direction of the development of social and humanitarian science,
- the significance of solving problems for the social sphere,
- social demands of educational institutions, requests of society,
- taking into account the specialization of students and undergraduates, modern trends in science and education, novelty and relevance of the problems under consideration,
- availability of a practice base for conducting research. orientation to the available equipment of the department,
- the inability to solve the problem in a reasonable time without the lack of financial support,
- novelty and progressiveness of the results,
- the reality of solving the problem, based on the possibilities of the existing reserve, the availability of personnel, material and technical base and other necessary resources.
Participation in scientific and expert councils:
Prof., K.psychol.N. Matskevich I.K.:
- expert of the expert council at the specialized Juvenile Court of the East Kazakhstan Region (development of standards for assessing the family and family situation, expert evaluation of expert opinions;;
- Member of the Expert Council of the Project of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Modernization of pedagogical education, together with Nazarbayev University and Finnish University HAMK
- Accredited national expert of the UN Children's Fund UNICEF
- Accredited OSCE national expert
Prof., Ph.D. in Psychology, S.A. Stelmakh – member of the Expert Council of the Project of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Modernization of Pedagogical Education, together with Nazarbayev University and Finnish University HAMK
Assoc. prof., Candidate of Psychology.N. Kukina Yu.E. - Member of the Art Therapeutic Association of the Russian Federation, Member of the Board of Trustees of KSU "Boarding School "Ak Niet" for children with disabilities"
Assoc. prof., Candidate of Psychology.N. Barabanova E.I. - Member of the Eurasian Association of Polygraph Examiners (Almaty).
Project execution:
- Project "System of prevention and response to violence against children in families in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Methodology of functional analysis" under an agreement with the Public Foundation "Center for Legal Policy Research" (LPRC) (2023)
- Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Finland, University of Applied Sciences) "Capacity building pedagogical education" on modernization of pedagogical education and training of pedagogical personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2022)
- National Report "Children of Kazakhstan" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights) (2022)
- Protection of children's rights in migration processes (UN Children's Fund UNICEF and OF Sana Sezim) (2022)
Reviewing, examination:
Professors and teachers of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy actively participate as reviewers and experts in various scientific projects, scientific and methodological literature and scientific research.
Professor Stelmakh S.A. within the framework of the project of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", the first Professional standard in the republic was developed: "Specialist psychologist in the field of health care" (2018). Also in 2022, Stelmakh S.A. was involved as an expert to conduct an examination of updated educational literature for special schools by the Republican Scientific andthe practical center for the examination of the content of education in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Professor I.K. Matskevich is a participant of the project on strengthening the justice system and protection of children's rights, which is part of the program of the United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF in Kazakhstan.
In 2021, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I.K. Matskevich and E.I. Barabanova were the editor and compiler of the Report on the Situation of Children in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021.
Professors of the department (Matskevich I.K., Stelmakh S.A.) in 2021-2023 joined the university team working in the republican project for the modernization of pedagogical education
Prof. In 2023, S.A. Stelmakh joined the republican working group on drawing up the "Roadmap for the development of inclusive education in higher and postgraduate education organizations for 2023-2025".
Participation in conferences and exhibitions:
- International scientific and Practical online conference "Eurasian Psychological Science and Practice: Interdisciplinary Trends" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the opening of the specialty "Psychology" at S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University (Ust-Kamenogorsk, April 2021)
- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems and Technologies (SIST) (Astana, April 2021)
- the 2nd International Scientific Forum "Extreme Psychology in the Extreme World" (Russian Federation, Moscow, October 2021)
- International scientific and practical conference "Amanzholov readings". – Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2021.
- 1st International Symposium of Suicide (Turkey, Uskudar, May 2021)
- International scientific and practical conference "Digital educational space for people with autism spectrum disorders as a means of social adaptation and social rehabilitation in society."(Russian Federation, Armavir: RIO AGPU, 2021).
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization" (Pereyaslav, 2021)
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative projects and programs in psychology, pedagogy and education" of the Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, 2021), etc.
- Scientific and practical seminar "Organization of educational environment for children with musculoskeletal system collapse" dedicated to the international Day of cerebral palsy "World Cerebral Palsy Day" (Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022)
- Scientific and methodological seminar "Problems of implementation of inclusive education in primary school" (Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022)
- Regional methodological seminar "Psychological and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in inclusive education" (Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2022)
- International scientific and practical conference "Professionalism and safety: the state and prospects of demand for achievements of psychology" (Russia, Moscow, 2022).
- 3rd International Symposium "Digitalization and loneliness" (Turkey, Uskyudar, 2022)
- The XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ask from the light to science" (Bulgaria, Sofia, 2022)
- XLIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Advances in Science and Technology" (Russia, Moscow, 2022)
- VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Global and regional aspects of sustainable development" (Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022)
- International scientific and practical conference "Problems and prospects of development of psychological readiness of modern personality and society" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Professor G. Menlibekova (Astana, 2022)
- XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference. (Prague, Czech Republic, 2022).
- he VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations technologies in science and practice" (Haifa, Israel, 2022), etc.
- Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Education in the Modern World: Challenges of the XXI century" (Astana, 2023).
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Professionalism and safety: the state and prospects of demand for achievements of psychology" (Russia, Moscow, 2023)
- 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science in the Environment of Rapid Changes" (Brussels, Belgium, 2023)
- International scientific and practical conference "Science and Education: history, current state, prospects for the development of psychology in the modern world" (Almaty, 2023)
- IX International Scientific and Theoretical Conference of Students and Undergraduates (Karaganda, 2023), etc.
Participation in creative competitions:
Teachers of the Department of Psychology and Correctional pedagogy annually take part as members and chairmen of the jury at the regional stages of the republican competitions "The best psychologist of the year», «The best specialist of the PMPK», «The best specialist of the RC, KPPK», «The best teacher of a special educational organization».
Field events:
Teachers of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy periodically hold on-line and offline meetings with school graduates, during which the advantages of studying at the VCU, the educational programs of the department, admission conditions are discussed.
Teachers of the department take part as a jury in the work of subject Olympiads for students of schools of the city and region. Joint events are held with the city's schools, seminars for the teaching staff of the assigned schools and students of the graduating classes; on-site career guidance consultations on the schools of the East Kazakhstan region.
International cooperation within the framework of science:
The teachers of the department continue to work closely with the Erasmus, Erasmus+ programs, with the UN Children's Fund UNICEF, OSCE in the framework of project activities, expert work.
Prof., Ph.D. in Psychology, S.A. Stelmakh actively cooperates with the Regional Center for Research on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (RADAR) (Ben-Gurion University in the Negev, Israel) (2022-2023). The department cooperates with the Director of the Institute of Childhood, Professor of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology of the Federal State Educational Institution "NGPU" D.psychologist N. Agavelyan R.O.
The S. Amanzholov VCU successfully implements a program to attract foreign specialists at the expense of the budget funds of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of the University, within which foreign professors visited the department to lecture and consult undergraduates (Doctor of Psychological Sciences T.N. Berezina, Professor of Psychology of the Department of Scientific Foundations of Extreme Psychology of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University University (Russia, 2018-19 academic year); Head of the Department of Sociology at Uskyudar University, Doctor of Sociology, Professor Abulfaz Davud oglu Suleymanov (Istanbul/Turkey 2019-2020 academic year).
Implementation into practice:
Documents confirming the use of the results of diploma and master's studies in the practice of various institutions, organizations and industrial institutions are presented in the form of implementation acts.
Certificates of state registration for copyright objects:
- Training course for the training of career guidance specialists "Modern directions of career guidance work in educational institutions: professional diagnostics and support" No. 14777 dated 1.02.2021 (Barabanova E.I., Zhakupov A.T.)
- Sybailas zhemkorlykka karsy duniyetanym kalyptastyrudyn pedagogikalyk-psychologiyalyk negizderi No.26478 dated 05/25/2022 (Akhaeva A.Sh., Turgunbayeva B.A.)
- Complex methodology: The study of intonation structures of the voice in Kazakh-speaking preschool children with a cochlear implant. 31980 from 01/24/2023 (Baichinov R.T.)
Work with students and undergraduates (R&D and R&D):
Undergraduates participate in contractual research together with teaching staff (Study of mental health of adolescents in conflict with the law, UNICEF project, 2018, Development of research methodology and questionnaires for screening (express diagnosis of mental health of children 7,9,10,11 grades) (express diagnosis of mental health of children 12-14 years, 14-16 years, 16-18 years) 2021)
At the department there is a student scientific circle «Neuropsychology: theory and practice».
Students and undergraduates take an active part in international, republican and regional scientific and practical conferences, the result of which are speeches at breakout sessions and the publication of scientific articles.
An intra-departmental Olympiad is held annually for students of all courses majoring in psychology, clinical psychology and special pedagogy.
Every year students take part in international online Olympiads and competitions of scientific papers and projects, republican online and offline subject Olympiads. In 2023, students of OP Defectology took the 3rd place in the Republican subject Olympiad on the educational program "Special pedagogy - Defectology" (Petropavlovsk, M. Kozybaev SKU).
The use of research results in the education system:
The results and conclusions obtained in the course of research activities carried out at the department are used in the educational system in relation to improving teaching methods, program content or other aspects of educational practice. This helps to link academic science with the practical needs of the educational environment and ensure a more efficient and high-quality learning process.
To date, mutually beneficial cooperation agreements have been concluded in the field of academic mobility of students and teaching staff with the following foreign universities and higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan: Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy. The instrument of these agreements is the activity between partner higher education institutions to ensure the academic mobility of students, undergraduates and doctoral students in the field of science and education.
The Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy accepts students and teachers for exchange training within the framework of academic mobility. Academic mobility at the department is realized through the implementation of the following mechanisms: Travel abroad according to the educational programs of students for the purpose of theoretical and practical training (Russia, Poland, South Korea); Organization of internships for teaching staff in other higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad (Lacuila University, San Salvador Hospital University, Italy, Portugal, Moscow, St. Petersburg) in order to expand academic exchange.
As part of the academic mobility of the teaching staff, foreign scientists were invited to give lectures:
№ | Full name | Position, country | Course topic | Terms of stay |
1 | Fedoseeva Irina Aleksandrovna | Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University | Gender issues in psychological and pedagogical knowledge | 7.09.2015-19.09.2015yr |
2 | Marco Sarkiapone | Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine and Health of the University of Molise (Italy) (Department of Medicine and Health Sciences Università degli Studi del Molise) | Introduction to Suicidology | 12.11.2017г-20.11.2017 yr |
3 | Berezina Tatiana Nikolaevna | Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Psychology, Department of Scientific Foundations of Extreme Psychology, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (RF) | Extreme psychology | 18.09.18-12.10.18yr |
4 | Voyushina Maria Pavlovna | Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, Professor of the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University of the Russian Federation | Methodological foundations of language education and literary development | 18.04-30.04.2018 y |
5 | Abulfaz Davud oglu Suleymanov | Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology at Uskudar University (Istanbul/Turkey) | Political psychology. Academic, applied and practical problems of social research | 23.08.19-19.09.19y |
6 | Hussein Uzunboylu | Professor of the Middle East University (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) | Digital technologies in education | 02.09.2023-30.09.2023y |
Methodical work of the Department of Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy is carried out on the basis of the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2007 No. 583 "Rules for the organization and implementation of educational and methodological and scientific-methodical work in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, except for educational organizations in the field of culture" (with amendments and additions dated 08.06.2023, order No. 263) and is carried out according to the approved plan.
The purpose of the methodological work is to provide the educational process with educational documents and pedagogical developments that contribute to the development of student-centered teaching, learning and evaluation.
It includes:
- development of educational documents (educational programs, curricula and programs);
- development of an educational and methodological complex of disciplines with providing students with access to digital content on the educational portal of the Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
- shooting and publishing video lectures on the university channel (more than 250 lectures)
- publication of educational and methodological literature and development of electronic educational resources and their placement on the basis of the university library website
- presentations as speakers at methodological seminars at the republican and regional levels;
- publications of scientific and methodological articles in international, republican collections of conferences, round tables and seminars;
- conducting open classes and mutual visits by teachers of the department;
- introduction of new and improvement of existing methods and methods, teaching strategies, tools and means of the educational process, including "inverted classroom", "interactive guided discussions", "brainstorming", communicative and case technologies, adaptive educational technologies within inclusive education.
The methodical seminar of the department operates on an ongoing basis. At which the possibilities of using innovative teaching methods, the specifics of the student-oriented approach, methodological support of the department, educational resources and Internet programs, improving the efficiency and quality of the educational process are discussed.
As part of the professional development, teachers of the department undergo scientific internships and training seminars. Among those passed recently are "Microqualifications in the higher education system: concept, methodology and principles", "Education of the future, which has already come: a workshop for teachers on the use of ChatGPT and neural networks"; "Strengthening the potential of pedagogical education, coordinated by Hame University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
The educational process uses the laboratory base of the DanaBala Center for Continuous and Inclusive Education: sensory integration and correction laboratories, psychological counseling laboratories, Logolab laboratories, hardware psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection laboratories, STEAM laboratories, Gifted Children laboratories. The laboratories of the center are a platform for practice-oriented classes, psychological trainings, counseling, research activities. Laboratories allow organizing methodological assistance to teachers who work in an inclusive environment. On a permanent basis, joint methodological events are held with the Regional Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission, the leading role in which is assigned to the senior lecturer of the department, Master of Special Pedagogy R. Baichinov. The methodological orientation of the activity on the basis of laboratories is facilitated by modern specialized equipment: a speech therapy simulator "Delfa", an audiometric module, a contact polygraph, a graphic editor "MasterGraf", an apparatus for conducting audio training using the Tomatis method, an SPSS statistics program, an EEG (electroencephalograph), a biofeedback system, a set of computer psychodiagnostic techniques. On the University's YouTube channel there are videos with methodological recommendations on the use of this equipment and conducting classes on the basis of: sensory integration and correction laboratory - Aurenova M.D.,
Associate Professor, PhD. ; laboratories "Logolab" - S.A. Stelmakh, Professor, PhD,; laboratory of hardware psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection - Smailova Zh.U., senior lecturer, Master of Psychology
The teaching staff of the department

Bekbayeva Malika Farhatovna
Head of department

Akhayeva Akmaral Shakharbergenovna
Senior lecturer

Akanova Zhanel Maratbekovna
Senior lecturer

Ladzina Natalia Alekseevna

Matskevich Irina Konstantinovna

Aurenova Madina Dauletkanovna

Alikhanov Elvira Abzalova
Senior lecturer

Barabanova Elena Ivanovna

Kanapyanova Kymbat Dautbekovna
Senior lecturer

Mataeva Bakytgul Ukuzharovna
Senior lecturer

Smailova Zhanar Utegenovna
Senior lecturer

Toktarbekova Kuralai Toktarbekovna
Senior lecturer

Stelmakh Svetlana Alexandrovna

Tyulyupergeneva Raushan Zhomartovna

Tenkebayeva Aray Zainoldinovna
Senior lecturer

Kukina Yulia Evgenievna

Zhumagalieva Bibinur Kainullakyzy

Turymtaeva Bibinur Yeranovna
Senior lecturer

Kurmangalieva Karlygash Bakytovna

Yessimkhanova Didara Muratovna
Senior lecturer