About us
Words: T. Mazbayev
Song: K. Zakiryanov
Әлемдiк көрiнетiн санат саптан
Бiлiмнiң биiгiнде тағат тапқан
Шығыстың ақ ордасы,
Бiлiмнiң ақыл кенi,
Көк туы төбесiнде қанат қаққан
Сәулеттi елдiң мақтаны ғып,
Дәулеттi елдiң ақ таңы ғып,
Қанаттанған түлегiне,
Тәуелсiз ел артқан үмiт
Қуат күшiн бәрiнен асырды iлiм,
Жастар иер ордаға басын бүгiн
Ұрпақтың ақ тiлегiн,
Үмiтiн, арман-ойын
Арқалап бара жатыр ғасыр жүгiн.
Ты – колыбель,
Ты – источник знаний, ума.
Университет мой –
надежда и гордость моя,
Прочные знания твои,
Чистые мысли твои,
Множат славу твою выпускники
Над тобой свет Родины, стяг,
С нами истина в первых рядах,
Пусть лучится ауры свет
Над тобой, университет.
Mission of the University
We are preparing highly qualified human capital for the sustainable development of the region by integrating education, science and industry.
Goal of strategic development:
Transformation of a multi-disciplinary university into a recognized innovation and scientific hub of the Eastern region of Kazakhstan, having a key impact on society and occupying a leadership position in Kazakhstani education.
Key tasks:
Increase the number of educational programs taking into account professional standards and regional occupational maps, interdisciplinary and innovative educational programs, JEPs, double diplomas, microqualifications and microdegree programs;
Implementation of the concept of lifelong learning, expanding the range of non-formal education programs;
Sustainable socio-economic development of the region through the integration of scientific activity, business and education;
Creation of scientific-strategic and international hub in the East of Kazakhstan;
Creation of R&D center, innovative scientific laboratories, commercialization of scientific developments and technologies;
Growth of the share of financing of scientific research from the total budget of the university and reduction of the teaching load for faculty members who have received the qualification of “researcher”;
Development and implementation of talent management in personnel policy, dissemination of the best foreign and Kazakhstani anti-corruption practices;
Development of digital ecosystem of the university, modern IT infrastructure in all business processes of the university;
Realization of the third mission of the university through the creation of social ecosystem and formation of social responsibility, patriotism and leadership qualities in young people.