“Abai Studies” Research Institute
"Abai Studies"
Research Institute
- Ust-Kamenogorsk, 30th Guards Division Street, 34. < br>S. Amanzholov. EKU 1 building
- kartaeva2011@mail.ru

On the eve of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev, the "Abai Studies" Research Institute was established on September 1, 2020, at the initiative of the Chairman of the Board and Rector of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, Tolegen Mukhtar Adilbekovich.
The staff of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University approached the establishment of the “Abai Studies” Research Institute with great preparation. For many years, the university’s scholars have been researching the legacy of Abai, writing scientific, educational, and methodological works to introduce and promote his heritage to the younger generation, and organizing large-scale events at the regional, national, and international levels. The university has been providing scientific-methodological consultations on Abai studies to school teachers and students, university students, young scientists, and cultural and government employees in the region, and today, it has become a scientific and spiritual center in the East Kazakhstan region.
Since January 1, 2020, the “Abai Studies” course has been introduced in all secondary schools of East Kazakhstan Region for grades 5-8. Scholars from the university, in collaboration with the “Shygys” regional center of the Department of Education of East Kazakhstan, developed and wrote the regional “Abai Studies” curriculum and the “Teacher’s Book” for the “Abai Studies” course. Currently, schools in the region have implemented and are using these programs
On December 9, 2020, the first-ever National Professional Competition titled “The Best Model for Teaching the Works of Abai” was organized among university professors. Annually, the “Abai Readings” competition is held for school students. The university continues to organize courses titled “Teaching the Abai Studies Course” for teachers from secondary schools and colleges in East Kazakhstan and across the country.
The “Abai Studies” Research Institute is actively working to promote and popularize the creative heritage of Abai by preparing scientific monographs, research papers, collections, and educational-methodological materials, and offering them to all learners and the general public.
The “Abai Studies” Research Institute operates in six main areas:
- “Abai and World Spirituality”
- “Abai and Science-Education in the 21st Century”
- “Abai Studies and Teaching Issues”
- “Abai and the Perfect Human”
- “Abai and the Path of Wisdom”
- “Honoring the Great Abai”
In guiding today’s youth and providing them with valuable lessons, the educational work is based on Abai’s doctrine of the “Perfect Human.” To achieve this, the educational tool “The Word of the Sage – the Eye of Wisdom” and the monograph “Abai’s Teachings of the ‘Perfect Human’ in the New Century” were published.
- To conduct comprehensive research aimed at promoting and popularizing the creative heritage of Abai Kunanbaiuly.
- To organize scientific and methodological work in the field of Abai Studies at the national and international levels in order to enhance the university’s scientific and methodological potential.
- To apply Abai’s concept of the “Perfect Human” in the university’s educational and upbringing activities, influencing the spiritual mindset and moral culture of students.
Scientific Research:
The institute conducts comprehensive interdisciplinary research in various fields, including philology, philosophy, history, pedagogy, psychology, music, arts, ethnopedagogy, cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics, Turkology, Oriental studies, law, and social sciences.
In its research activities, special attention is given to studying and preserving literary, cultural, historical, and archival heritage.
The institute’s scientific research is carried out in close collaboration with the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art in Almaty, the “Abai Studies” Research Center at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, the Abai Institute at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Abai Academy at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Ege University in Turkey, Firat University in Turkey, the Technical Linguistic University in Świecie, Poland, Kazan Federal University, Shakarim University, the “Zhidebai-Borili” State Historical-Cultural and Literary-Memorial Museum-Reserve in the Abai region, as well as regional scientific and educational institutions, libraries, museums, and cultural organizations.
Enlightening activity:
The institute’s outreach activities are conducted through its structural division—the library of East Kazakhstan University.
Main types of activities include:
Thematic exhibitions, expositions, consultations, lectures, seminars, conferences, excursions, and literary evenings.
Educational Activities:
The institute plays a key role in organizing the academic and methodological work of faculties and departments, as well as in coordinating student internships and research activities in the humanities.
- Develop a program for special courses and seminar classes on “Abai Studies”; create textbooks, anthologies, and bibliographic references.
- Teach the “Abai Studies” course in pedagogical programs.
- Continuously update, improve, and expand “Abai Studies” textbooks each year.
- Create programs and textbooks for teaching Abai’s heritage in schools and higher education institutions.
- Regularly publish scientific and methodological articles in the daily press.
- Establish a tradition of holding special interviews, roundtable discussions, and scientific-practical conferences through television and informational networks.
- Deliver lectures on “Abai Studies” in schools and higher education institutions.
- Organize “Abai Studies” courses for schoolteachers.
- Open pathways for scientific research based on Abai’s “Complete Man” philosophy and engage in specialized scientific advocacy in this field.
Our team
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Kartayeva Aizhan Maratbekovna

Kartayeva Aizhan Maratbekovna
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-1715-6186
Researcher ID: KSN-9844-2024
Scopus Author ID: 57197817682
Web of Science ID: 30650976
h-index- 2
email: kartaeva2011@mail.ru
1992-1996: East Kazakhstan State University. Degree: Bachelor of Philology in "Kazakh Language and Literature", Teacher (Excellent). 1996-1998: East Kazakhstan State University, Master's Program. Degree: "Philology", "Literary Studies" (Excellent).
Qualifications and Academic Degree
In 2002, defended a candidate’s thesis at Abai Almaty State University on the topic "The Heritage of Abai in the Works of M. Auezov" (based on the novel-epic "The Path of Abai"). (October 23, 2002, Protocol No. 44).
In 2010, defended a doctoral dissertation at the M. O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art in Almaty on the topic "Spiritual Continuity in the Worlds of Abai and M. Auezov". (March 2, 2011, Protocol No. 1).
In 2018, received the academic title of Associate Professor by the decision of the Committee for Control in Education and Science under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (December 24, 2018, Order No. 2022).
Scientific Works
Author of 5 monographs, 5 textbooks, 2 electronic learning tools, 15 study guides, 4 educational-methodical manuals, and more than 500 scientific articles.
Works Published in the Last 5 Years
Monographs - 5; Textbooks - 3; Individually written study guides - 10.
Total - 200, including publications recommended by the authorized body (KKSON) - 24, in Scopus-indexed journals - 2;
in RINC - 8.
• Recipient of the State Scientific Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for talented youth who actively participate in solving scientific issues and contribute significantly to the development of science (2006-2008);
• "Best University Teacher - 2012" by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, 2012);
• Awarded the European Gold Medal for fundamental research in the field of Kazakh language and literature. Diplom Di Merito (Moscow, 2013);
• Awarded the "University Pride" honor badge for a significant contribution to the university’s chronicle (2012);
• Awarded the "Honorary Doctor of the University" badge for a significant contribution to the development of the university (2013);
• Awarded the Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for contributions to the development of the language field on the occasion of the Day of the Kazakh Language (Nur-Sultan, 2020);
• Awarded the State "For Outstanding Labor" Medal by the President of Kazakhstan, K. Tokayev (October 13, 2020);
• Awarded a Letter of Appreciation from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, for contributions to organizing and conducting events dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great poet Abai Kunanbayev and the 1150th anniversary of the great philosopher, the second teacher of the world, Abu Nasr al-Farabi (Nur-Sultan, 2021);
• Awarded the "Abai" Commemorative Medal for exceptional contributions to national spirituality, recommended by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan, 2020);
• "Best University Teacher - 2023" by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2023).
- Email:kartaeva2011@mail.ru