Department of educational work and social issues
Dauren Serikovich Baydrakhmanov
Head of department
The main goal of the department is to create a full-fledged socio-pedagogical educational environment at the university, conditions for the formation of students’ qualities of a well-developed socially competent personality, self-realization of the creative principle of the student’s personality.
– marketing research in order to create a database for forecasting the needs of specialists in existing and promising areas of training, monitoring the nomenclature of specialties and licensing of new specialties;
– organization, control and regulation of educational work and social issues, general management of educational work of the university’s structural divisions;
– long-term and current planning of educational work;
– monitoring the quality of specialist training;
– generalization of the experience of curators, introduction of new methods in the educational work of students;
– continuous professional development of the department’s employees in accordance with timely requirements;
– effective management of educational processes that ensure the unity of goals and directions for the development of the quality management system of educational services at the university;
– increasing the responsibility of IAD and CB employees at all levels of activity to manage the quality of the educational process, creating a favorable internal environment and a motivation system that stimulates the achievement of concrete results by all participants in the process;
– participation in the formation and maintenance of the university’s image.
Address:Ust-Kamenogorsk, 30th Guards Division str., 34 (building №. 1), office 249.
Tel./fax:8 (7232) 540-427; 8(705) 148-88-28