Catalogue of additional educational program (Minor)

Additional educational program "Minor"
is a set of subjects and (or) modules and other types of academic work to create additional competences.
is an important component of the new educational model of undergraduate degree launched in S. Amanzholov EKU in 2019.
Unlike Major (educational program defined to form key competencies), Minor is a block of three interrelated subjects for non-core degree training.
- second and third year of undergraduate degree study;
- three subjects studied sequentially;
- 15 credits (each subject - 5 credits);
- included in the main part of the educational program (credits for Minor subjects are included in 240 credits of the main program);
- selected by the student independently from the General pool;
- Minor subjects are taught simultaneously and appear in a timetable at the specific day.
disciplines under an additional educational program is carried out to obtain additional competencies in related or specialized EPs, as well as to meet student’spersonal needs. The volume of disciplines selected according to an additional educational program is set by the university independently. At the same time, students study disciplines of the additional EP with disciplinesof HEIC and CC and their volume is included in the total amount of academic credits required to get the appropriate degree or qualification for the main EP (Rules for organizing educational process on credit training technology Order No. 563of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 12.10.2018).
Catalogue of Minors for undergraduate students
For students of which OP is intended: Minor “Marketing” is intended for students of all educational programs.
Brief description of the Minor program:
The relevance of the Minor “Marketing” program is determined by the increasing role of marketing both in the system of relations between market subjects and in human life, namely: the real orientation of economic development along the path of regulated market relations; increasing interest in marketing as a means of life support and development of market subjects.
Marketing and marketing management in modern conditions form the basis of entrepreneurial activity, being both a widespread management theory and an integral system of measures to study the market and actively influence consumer demand in order to expand sales of manufactured products.
Justification: Any enterprise operates in a volatile market environment and in order to compete successfully, it must produce goods that are in demand. In order to produce such products, you need to be able to effectively manage marketing.
Studying the Minor “Marketing” program will allow you to master: methods of formulating the goals and objectives of a specific marketing research; methods of organizing and conducting research, methods of obtaining, storing, processing information necessary for organizing and managing marketing activities, methods of studying and forecasting demand taking into account the requirements of consumers in certain market segments, the ability to predict business processes and evaluate their effectiveness by using effective advertising tools for brands of goods and services in an electronic environment.
Goal: formation of deep theoretical knowledge on the use of the basics of marketing; teaching methods and approaches for the practical application of marketing tools in the activities of enterprises (organizations, firms) in market conditions based on the effective use of their potential with a focus on the consumer.
Program content: The Minor program “Marketing” includes 3 disciplines
Language of instruction: English
volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Number of credits | Generated learning outcomes |
Marketing Management | The discipline is aimed at forming students’ understanding of how, with the help of competent use of marketing management methods and techniques, to contribute to the satisfaction of existing and the formation of new customer needs, while achieving effective production development. | 5 | Knows the goals, principles, functions, objects, means and methods of marketing management, methods of developing marketing strategies of the organization, the content of the marketing management concept, is able to manage the process of marketing activities; analyze and develop marketing strategies. |
Marketing research | The discipline is aimed at providing an understanding of the role of marketing approach and marketing research in the activities of enterprises and firms. Forms students’ general understanding of the goals and methods of analyzing the collected data, teaches methods of collecting, processing, analyzing information about consumers, customers, competitors, the market, advertising. | 5 | Knows the main categories, types and directions of marketing research, methods of marketing research, methods and techniques of marketing research, is able to apply existing methodological approaches to the practice of marketing research, analyze the external and internal environment of the organization, identify its key elements and assess their impact on the organization, develop programs for organizational changes and evaluate their effectiveness. |
Digital marketing | The purpose of studying the discipline is for students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the effective use of digital technologies in various marketing processes. It forms students’ skills of effective application of digital technologies in professional activities, an idea of the current state of the market and the relationship between customers and sellers caused by the results of digitalization. | 5 | He knows the types of marketing strategies and tasks solved with the help of Digital marketing tools, the types and features of the use of various Digital marketing tools, methods of forecasting demand for the products in question using demand analysis systems on the Internet, methods of analyzing the effectiveness and analytics of Digital advertising tools, is able to make a choice among modern Internet marketing tools for the implementation of short, medium- and long-term marketing objectives of the organization. |
Purpose: preparing graduates to create and develop their own business project.
Program content: The Minor program “Business, Management and Finance” includes 3 disciplines
Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian
Volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Business design | The discipline is aimed at forming students’ scientific and applied apparatus of business design and prospective business modeling for the short and long term, taking into account the numerous and constantly changing conditions of the external and internal environment, as well as training future specialists to implement applied business design tasks through scientific approaches and tools of related disciplines, such as strategic planning, forecasting, investment and financial planning. | Knows the basics of the theory and tools of business design, has a systematic understanding of the types, opportunities and conditions for the development of business projects; is able to critically evaluate the proposed options for management decisions on business design, develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account the criteria of socio-economic efficiency, risks and possible socio-economic consequences. |
Small Business Finance Management | The discipline is aimed at the formation of students’ knowledge of the basics of small business finance management, the ability to calculate the main indicators of small business finance, possession of computer equipment in user mode to solve economic problems in the field of small business finance management. | Knows methods and techniques of complex operational management of current assets and short-term liabilities of small businesses (cash, accounts receivable, stocks of raw materials and finished products, accounts payable of the organization, external short-term loans and borrowings). |
Leadership in management and time management | The discipline is aimed at developing students’ theoretical knowledge in the field of leadership and team building, as well as general ideas about the nature and types of time management, principles and methods of managing time resources for more successful professional activities. | Knows the principles of selecting an effective team, taking into account age, individual and typological features; the essence of the concepts of “time management”, “personal time management system”, “time resources”, “temporary competence of the manager”; the general concept of time management, time planning processes at the personal, team and corporate level, goal-setting methods. He is able to determine the effectiveness of teamwork; develop a team strategy; evaluate his real time reserves and use them rationally; creatively apply goal-setting and prioritization tools in solving practical tasks; keep track of working time; methodically plan personal and working time correctly; set priorities in time management, distribute workload, use tools to optimize the use of time. |
Minor “Decorative and Applied Arts”
Goal: to create a basis for the development of new, more modern technologies, materials and ideologies in the field of design and art.
Program content: The Minor program ” Decorative and Applied Arts ” includes 5 disciplines
Language of instruction: English
volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
History of ornament | The discipline introduces the concepts of “art”, “ornament” and its structure, reveals cultural aspects, As the main element in architecture, painting and decorative works. forms the skills of creating handicrafts, original products and unique interior items. They acquire the skills to experiment with shapes, colors and textures, creating original ornaments for textiles, furniture and ceramics. | Knows the history of ornament, knows how to experiment with shapes, colors and textures, creating original ornaments for everyday life. |
floristry | He studies the theory of color and its properties, effects on the body, methods of combination, psychological and emotional reactions to it. Color science studies the color gamut and color theory, methods and methods of color correction, types of color models and the use of color in various fields of activity – fashion, design, psychology, medicine, advertising, etc. | Knows how color science plays an important role in creating aesthetic and functional solutions, improves product quality and communication. Able to use colors in different areas of activity. |
Organization of circle work in the system of vocational education | The discipline introduces students to the main components of the vocational education system as an additional learning tool and allows them to cover the subject area more widely, lay the foundations of the profession and develop creative thinking. It reveals the essence of circle work for young people, as this is the time when it is possible to make connections with the future professional environment, gain work experience in the chosen field and make an informed and informed decision about further education. | Knows the form of organization of group work, will receive additional knowledge and practical experience in the chosen professional field |
Minor “Socio-cultural foundations of social development”
Goal: formation of conditions for the harmonious development of future specialists who are aware of the meaning of their own professional activity, who have a developed civic position.
Program content: The Minor program “Socio-cultural foundations of social development” includes 3 disciplines
Language of instruction: English
volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Theory and history of religions
| The purpose of the discipline is to form knowledge about religion as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The discipline is aimed at studying the content of the fundamental problems of religion presented in various religious and religious studies, the influence of religion and religious experience on human life and society. | Knows the content and main stages of the development of religious teachings and beliefs; is able to critically perceive and analyze the role of religion in human culture; is able to effectively apply the skills of public and written speech to substantiate his own point of view on topical issues of spiritual and moral development. |
History of religious teachings
| The purpose of the discipline is to form students’ ideas about the peculiarities of the development of religious thought in the history of human culture. The discipline is aimed at studying the logic of the development of the most significant religious ideas and religious practices that determined the life of peoples in various periods of the historical development of mankind. | Knows the socio-cultural foundations of the formation of religious teachings and the peculiarities of religious thinking, is able to independently search for theoretical sources that reflect the problems of the formation of religious consciousness and experience; has the skills to analyze modern religious issues and the main trends in the religious situation in different cultures. |
Traditional culture and philosophy of the Kazakh people
| The discipline is aimed at forming ideas about the traditional culture and the peculiarities of the philosophical thinking of the Kazakh people. Students will understand the peculiarities and specifics of philosophical and religious approaches to understanding the main problems of being, man and society formed in the traditional Kazakh culture. | Knows the origin and evolution of the development of the traditional culture of the Kazakh people, represented in various forms of social and religious experience; has the skills to work with philosophical and religious texts, independently navigates the diversity of forms of religious life and religious experience, is able to apply the knowledge gained to analyze phenomena, events, processes occurring in various spheres of society. |
Purpose: to increase the anti-corruption culture and the formation of individual anti-corruption behavior.
Content of the program: the Minor Legal mechanisms and anti-corruption tools Program includes 3 disciplines
Language of instruction: English
Loan amount: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts | The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize with the activities aimed at developing provisions that contribute to the creation of conditions for the occurrence of corruption factors in the texts of NPA, as well as the formation of skills to assess the degree of their corruption, the development of recommendations aimed at eliminating such factors. | Master the structure and content of NLA, will be able to identify provisions in NLA texts that contribute to creating conditions for the occurrence of anti-corruption factors, acquire skills in assessing their level of corruption, and develop proposals aimed at eliminating such factors. |
Corporate anti-corruption compliance
| The purpose of the discipline is to form undergraduates theoretical knowledge about modern mechanisms and tools for combating corruption, the basics of domestic anti-corruption policy, the ability to conduct anti-corruption expertise of legal acts, the ability to identify corruption risks, conflicts of interest, the ability to organize anti-corruption compliance activities in the state and quasi-public sector based on international standards and domestic experience in combating corruption. | Will know the content of official duties of specialists in the field of compliance, including in the field of anti-corruption compliance, will be able to act in professional activities in accordance with legal acts, job descriptions and moral standards, carry out activities in the field of corruption compliance. |
Providing operational search for anti-corruption measures | The purpose of the discipline is to study the legal and theoretical foundations of operational search activity, its role in solving the tasks of the State Criminal Legal Policy, as well as to study certain issues in the fight against corruption offenses in order to preserve the rights and freedoms of Man and citizen. | Forms an understanding of the legal relations arising in the implementation of operational search activities, the ability to use the results of the IUD for the prevention, disclosure and investigation of corruption offenses, knows the concept and content of the IUD, the main provisions of the legal regulation of measures restricting fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms during operational search, will be able to evaluate the accumulated operational recorded factual information on the case. |
Goal: increase of ecological and geographical literacy and formation of ecological culture
Program content: The Minor program ” Ecological and geographical foundations of the environment ” includes 3 disciplines
Language of instruction: English
volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Web-oriented geoinformation systems | The purpose of the discipline is to study the process of creating and using maps provided by geographical information systems on the Internet, as well as to acquire practical skills in working with various open Web geoinformation systems. The discipline studies the application of Web GIS capabilities, data structure and models, spatial data analysis, digital model construction technologies, visualization methods and tools, design stages and rules. | 1. possess knowledge about modern theoretical concepts, problems and prospects of cartography, aerospace sensing, geoinformatics, geoinformation mapping 2. own computer programs for processing spatial databases 3. to put into practice geographical knowledge, spatial thinking and cartographic, geoinformation skills 4. demonstrate the ability and readiness to develop algorithms, programs and methods for solving problems in the field of web mapping and web GIS; 5. to create databases and banks of digital information, geoinformation systems of various purposes and territorial coverage, geoportals and knowledge of technologies and processes of multimedia, virtual, multidimensional digital spatial modeling. |
Ecology of natural and anthropogenic systems | Studies the parameters of environmental quality, diversity of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems and on their basis examines the theory and practice of environmental protection, sources of pollution and organization of environmental protection measures; factors of a balanced green nature-saving economy. | He knows the parameters of the quality of atmospheric air and water, knows how to navigate the regulatory and legal environmental framework, understands the role of environmental quality in all spheres of human activity. |
Modern problems of environmental safety | The discipline “Мodern problems of environmental safety ” is devoted to the study of topical issues related to the impact of man on the environment and the development of measures to protect it. The purpose of the discipline is to form students ‘ deep understanding of the main problems caused by the impact on the environment, as well as the development of skills for analyzing and assessing the possible consequences of exposure and the development of measures to reduce negative impact. In the course of studying the discipline, students get acquainted with various aspects of environmental safety issues, including air, water and soil pollution, destruction of ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, climate change, dangers of nuclear energy, etc. Within the framework of the discipline, students study various international and national norms and standards in the field of environmental safety and get acquainted with international and national organizations involved in the regulation and control of this area. | of the basic concepts and principles of the environment and its interaction with a person. Training results: Understand the basic terms and concepts in the field of the environment and its impact on human health. Learn about the types of environmental pollution and their consequences. of modern problems and challenges in the field of environmental safety. Training results: Learn about the most relevant environmental safety issues, such as climate change, air, water and soil pollution, biodiversity loss, etc. Understand the relationship between these problems and their impact on human health and well-being. of methods of prevention and management of environmental safety. Training results: Environmental risk analysis and assessment skills. The ability to develop and implement measures to prevent and manage environmental safety problems. Knowledge of modern technologies and methods of ensuring environmental safety. with data and research in the field of environmental safety. Training results: Skills in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data on the state of the environment. The ability to conduct research in the field of environmental safety and evaluate their results. Knowledge of methods and means of operational control and analysis of the environment. 5.development and implementation of environmental safety projects. Training results: The ability to develop and implement projects for the prevention and management of environmental safety problems. Knowledge of the technical and organizational aspects of the implementation of projects in this area. Communication and teamwork skills for the successful implementation of projects. Teaching the course” modern problems of environmental safety ” helps students to deepen knowledge about the state of the environment and its impact on human health and well-being, as well as develop skills in the prevention and management of environmental safety. |
Goal: improving the skills necessary for effective interaction in any area of human social life.
Program content: The Minor program «Soft skills of a modern manager» includes 3 disciplines.
Language of instruction: Russian
Volume of loans: 15
Volume of loans | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Soft skills: conflictology | The discipline introduces the concept of “conflictology” and its structure, reveals a set of skills, techniques and methods that allow you to successfully resolve various conflicts that may arise in work, in personal life, in society. It includes the ability to analyze the positions and interests of conflicting parties, find compromises and strategies of persuasion, mediation and arbitration. | He knows the sources of conflicts, its structure, and methods and methods of its settlement. Can: recognize and analyze conflicts; develop strategies and tactics for conflict resolution; apply various methods and techniques of conflictological work; work with different types of conflicts (interpersonal, intergroup, intercultural, etc.); study the causes and consequences of conflicts; to help people find constructive ways to resolve conflicts. |
Soft skills: Time management | Time management is a systematic approach to managing your time. It includes the skills of planning, organizing, controlling and prioritizing tasks, as well as the effective use of time to achieve their goals and objectives. The goal of time management is to use your time most efficiently and productively. It helps people to manage their time more consciously, avoid distractions, set priorities and manage their energy during the day. | He knows how to organize his work and time in such a way as to be as productive as possible. He is able to allocate his time to tasks using effective methods and time management tools. Work with task lists, plan your schedule and monitor your progress. Avoid distractions and unproductive activities, such as checking email or social networks. Be flexible and be able to adapt to changes in plans and schedules. Optimize your workspace and use technologies and tools that help you manage time. Develop strategies to increase the efficiency and productivity of work in the long term. |
Soft skills: Stress management | Stress management is a set of measures and methods aimed at reducing the level of stress, managing it and overcoming its negative consequences for health and work efficiency. Lifestyle correction: time control, rest and work, rejection of evil habits. Changing thinking and behavior: setting goals, time planning, emotion management, positive attitude. | Knows, is able and has the skills that help a person to effectively manage their emotions, stress and fatigue. This will include understanding the causes of stress and its effects on health, having relaxation skills, the ability to manage your time and priorities, using positive thinking techniques and having the skills to establish and maintain healthy relationships with everyone. A stress manager can work in various fields, including business, education, medicine, psychology and other areas where there is a need to help people manage their emotions and stress. |
Objective: to increase functional literacy and improve the culture of communication in interpersonal and mass communication.
Program content: the syllabus «Functional Literacy» includes 3 disciplines
Language of education: Kazakh, Russian
Volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Communicative image of a specialist
| The discipline introduces the concepts of “communication”, “communicative image”, “image-forming information”, “formation of public opinion”, the structure of a positive speech portrait in the main fields of activity, reveals various aspects of creating a successful communicative image of a specialist, forms the skills of competent communication, confident use of linguistic and paralinguistic means of communication based on the analysis of the goal, situation and the audience of communication and special computer programs. | Knows the structure of the speech image, he is able to build purposeful activities for the formation and maintenance of a positive communicative image in professional, personal and public life, use computer programs, plans and analyzes information in oral and written form, is able to effectively organize communication in different genres and communication styles. |
Theory and practice of communication
| The discipline is aimed at studying theories, concepts and models of communication between people, the peculiarities of the influence of modern communication and information technologies on society, reveals various aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication, forms skills of intercultural and interpersonal communication in the process of professional or other activities. | Demonstrates an understanding of the basic models and basic terms of communication; is able to practically apply the features of different types of communication (verbal, nonverbal, computer, interpersonal, intercultural) depending on the communication situation, create electronic documents for effective communication, plan and analyze information. |
| The discipline is aimed at establishing the relationship between language and social processes, analyzing the concepts of “bilingualism”, “language situation”, “language policy”, forms the ability to characterize social varieties of language, recognize linguistic markers of social relations, analyze the text taking into account its linguistic, national and cultural characteristics. | Demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts of sociolinguistics, is able to analyze language situations taking into account demographic and sociological data, is able to use sociolinguistics data to characterize and assess the stability of a language situation, is able to make a forecast of the development of a language situation |
Goal: development of intercultural understanding and tolerance through a comprehensive study of the history and culture of the native land.
Program content: The Minor program “History and local history” includes 3 disciplines
Language of instruction: English
volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Local history | The discipline is a field of knowledge dedicated to the study and knowledge of the native land or a particular region, various aspects, including history, geography, culture, folk art, natural resources, the economy and the social sphere of the region. | Demonstrates knowledge of the main features and characteristics of the selected region, its historical events, cultural heritage, natural and geographical features. Analyzes the economic development and traditions of the local population. Shows respect for his native land, its history, culture and natural resources. |
Basics of Arabic graphics | The discipline is a training program designed specifically for the study of Arabic graphics used in the Kazakh language. The course is intended for everyone who is interested in the Arabic alphabet and graphic features of writing in Arabic, as well as the cultural and linguistic heritage of the Kazakh people. | Applies the basics of Arabic graphics, including letter shapes and combinations, spelling rules, the arrangement of letters in words and other important aspects. Practices his skills through various exercises and tasks. Demonstrates knowledge and skills for confident reading and writing in Arabic in the context of Kazakh |
History of diasporas of Kazakhstan | The discipline is aimed at studying the historical aspects of the formation, development and influence of diasporas on the society of Kazakhstan; various ethnic and cultural communities that live on the territory of Kazakhstan and represent a variety of nationalities. The study of the discipline contributes to the formation of a tolerant and multinational society where different cultures and ethnic groups coexist and interact in harmony. | Demonstrates knowledge about the historical facts of migration and the formation of various diasporas in Kazakhstan. Analyzes the causes of migration related to political, economic or socio-cultural factors, as well as the consequences of this migration for the diaspora itself and society as a whole. |
Goal: study of modern integration processes and the role of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the modern world, their structure, principles and methods of work.
Program content: The Minor program «Kazakhstan in the modern world» includes 3 disciplines.
Language of instruction: English
volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Interregional and cross-border cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan | The content of the discipline is building a system of knowledge among students about the historical and legal foundations for determining and strengthening the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The discipline is aimed at a systematic study of the main stages of formation, functioning and demarcation of political borders from ancient times to the present day (the emergence of the first states and borders in antiquity, the Middle Ages, modern and modern times), contributing to the formation and consolidation of analytical abilities and critical thinking. | Able to analyze the basic concepts and terms of the studied discipline; analyzes current trends and changes in diplomatic work; is able to form the characteristic features and specific features of the formation of the borders of the Republic of Kazakhstan; owns a complex of knowledge and skills in studying the state borders of the Republic of Kazakhstan; understand the issues of security in the border areas of the state; and also well versed in the state laws on the borders of our country. |
Geopolitics of the countries of Central Asia | The content of the discipline is the formation of a system of knowledge among students about the foundations of the emergence of modern international conflicts, the dynamics and structure of the conflict, the ways and mechanisms for resolving conflicts in international relations, the problems of national, regional and global security in Central Asia, the causes and factors of conflict in the Central Asian region, ways and mechanisms of conflict resolution. | has an idea about the causes of modern conflicts, their nature and features; about the problems of settlement of modern conflicts; on the role of peacekeeping operations and sanctions in conflict resolution; knows the basic mechanisms of escalation and de-escalation; analyzes contemporary conflicts, understands their nature; is able to critically assess the various political trends of the studied region |
Foreign policy initiatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan | The content of the discipline is the study of the system of international relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an integral part of the world community, contributing to the strengthening of international authority, the image of a state committed to democratic values and strengthening regional and global security. The place of Kazakhstan in the system of international relations, which determines the geopolitical position at the crossroads of Europe and Asia as a follower of the concept of “multi-vector policy”. | owns an analysis of the main trends in modern international relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan; understands the content of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the XXI century; applies knowledge for in-depth study of the main directions of development of modern international relations and participation in them of the Republic of Kazakhstan; owns the skills of independent and research work in the field of modern geopolitics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. |
Goal: to teach students the knowledge of morphology, ecology and methods of application, obtaining biologically active additives from medicinal plants growing in forest communities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the methods of biotechnological propagation of plants
Program content: The Minor program «Conservation and rational use of local flora» includes 3 disciplines
Language of instruction: English
volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
The current state of Medicinal Plants of East Kazakhstan region” | The discipline is aimed at studying the morphological and biological features of medicinal plants, the basics of the procurement process and cultivation technology, as well as the quality of medicinal raw materials of plant origin. The purpose of the discipline: to study medicinal plants, their harvesting techniques, applications and cultivation technologies. | Knows the morphological and biological characteristics of medicinal plants, methods of harvesting and drying medicinal plant raw materials, cultivation technology; determines the types of medicinal plants and the quality of medicinal raw materials. |
Biotechnological methods of plant reproduction | Studies the biotechnological foundations of plant reproduction in in vitro culture, technologies of work with undifferentiated embryos and clonal micro-reproduction of plants, methods of organizing physiological studies of plant objects in vitro. | It is known about the biotechnological foundations of plant reproduction, methods of plant cultivation in vitro, their practical significance, evaluates the physiological aspects of the growth and development of plant objects, applies the acquired knowledge of plant physiology and biochemistry in solving specific biotechnological problems, has the skills of processing theoretical information and methods of physiological and biochemical research of plants for biotechnology purposes. |
Methods of obtaining biologically active additives | The discipline is aimed at the formation of theoretical knowledge about food and biologically active additives, their classification, composition, role in food technologies and nutrition, assessment from the point of view of toxicology and biomedical requirements, as well as skills on methods and methods of preparation of biologically active additives (dietary supplements) from the main and secondary raw materials of plant origin. | It is known about the existence and existence of functional ingredients in the cheese of rastatic processing; main features of processing, concentration and preservation of biological active substances from natural cheese; technological approaches to processing of second rastatic cheese for Functional Products; main products of modern biodobavok and prospects for the creation of new buds. |
Goal: improving digital literacy in the use of digital technologies in science and education, developing multimedia applications, modeling three-dimensional images of objects and 3D printing
Program content: The Minor program «Information and digital technologies» includes 3 disciplines
Language of instruction: English
volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Digital competencies in professional activity | The purpose of the discipline is to develop skills in using modern information and communication technologies in research and educational activities to solve professional problems. The study of the discipline examines current trends in the development of new digital technologies, the main ways of their application in science and education, as well as the use of basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing and processing information in solving professional tasks. | To organize production activities with the support of digital technologies, evaluate technological processes of information transformation |
Multimedia technologies | The purpose of the discipline is the formation of practical skills for the effective use of multimedia technologies to solve practical problems. The discipline provides for the features and procedure of designing multimedia objects, processing multimedia information, the functionality of modern programs and information and communication technologies used to create and modify multimedia products to solve practical problems in professional activities. | Is able to use modern technical means and information technologies to create and modify multimedia products |
Basics of 3D modeling | The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize with the technologies of creating 3D objects and the formation of practical skills in modeling three-dimensional images of objects. The content of the discipline considers three-dimensional modeling and means of implementing 3D technologies, packages for working with 3D models and virtual space, as well as methods of presenting graphic images on 3D models. | To apply skills of working with a software application for 3D modeling and space virtualization |
Purpose: to form future teachers’ competencies in teaching and training children in chess activities through the study of chess strategies, methods of the educational and training process and effective approaches to teaching the game of chess.
Program content: The Minor program «Intellectual Games» includes 3 disciplines.
Language of education: Kazakh, Russian
Volume of credits: 15
Name of the discipline | Description of the discipline | Generated learning outcomes |
Chess | Purpose: To form knowledge about the rules of the game and refereeing in chess The content of the discipline: Chess as a sports and pedagogical discipline, a historical overview of the development of chess sports, the terminology of this discipline is aimed at the theoretical study of the rules of the game of chess: the basics of the technique of moving chess pieces on a chessboard. The organization and conduct of sports competitions in chess, as well as the rules of refereeing and keeping a record of the games. | As a result of mastering this discipline, the student will: 1. Demonstrate knowledge skills about the rules of chess pieces moves; 2. describe and analyze the technique of recording the moves of chess pieces using professional vocabulary; 3. Apply various combinations of tactical actions in defense and attack in chess; 4. demonstrate the skills of organizing and refereeing, and maintain documentation of chess competitions; evaluate the situation of the winner in unfinished games. |
Theory and methodology of the educational and training process in the sport of Chess | Purpose: to form professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a chess coach-teacher. The content of the discipline: this discipline is aimed at studying the theoretical foundations of the educational and training process, lectures provide students with basic information on the theory, history, current state of chess, tactics, teaching methods and initial training with various contingents of students. In practical classes, students master the tactics of chess moves and combinations, study special terminology, acquire professional and pedagogical skills and abilities. | As a result of mastering this discipline, the student will: 1. Demonstrate tactical chess skills; 2. apply new methodological approaches in teaching and learning, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of students; 3. apply various means and methods of sports training for different age groups, taking into account individual characteristics; 4. describe and analyze the exercise technique of your chosen sport using professional vocabulary; 5. Independently conduct chess training sessions; 6. Demonstrate the skills of organizing and judging competitions. |
Methods of teaching the game of chess | Purpose: to create conditions for studying the methods of teaching the game of chess, taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved. The content of the discipline: this discipline is aimed at studying the methodological foundations of chess, the influence of chess on the intellectual development of a person. It includes the following sections: Safety precautions during chess training sessions, regulatory legal documents regulating chess training, the influence of age and individual characteristics on the choice of tactics of playing the game, the methodology of teaching the basic actions of the player. Planning and organization of the game of chess in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. | As a result of mastering this discipline, the student will: 1. to know the history of chess development, the organization of competitions and rules in chess; 2. independently plan and conduct chess training sessions; 3. to use modern methods and pedagogical technologies in teaching chess; 4. have the skills of “criteria assessment; 5. Demonstrate the skills of organizing and judging competitions. |