Department of history of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines
Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, st. 30th Guards Division, 34; Building No. 1; office No. 335;
tel.: +7 (7232) 540 387
The history of the department begins in 1956, when the department “Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism” was opened on the basis of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute.
In the first half of the 60s, departments of history of the CPSU, philosophy, political Economy were created, in 1972 2 departments of the Faculty of History were created – general History (head of the department – G.P. Zhidkov) and the Department of History of the USSR (head of the department – N.V. Alekseenko). In 1991, the Department of the History of the USSR was reorganized into the Department of the History of the USSR and the History of Kazakhstan.
In 1994, for the first time in Kazakhstan, a master’s degree in the specialty “History” was conducted, 7 years later the Dissertation Department was opened The Council on the specialty “National History” (2001-2004) under the leadership of Professor S.K. Igibaev, where the first masters and young teachers successfully defended themselves. In 2010, he received a license to train PhD doctors in the specialty “History”. Currently, the department carries out a full three-level cycle of training specialists in accordance with the Bologna Principles.
In 2021, as a result of the merger of two departments: “History of Kazakhstan” and “Rukhani Zhangyru and socio-humanitarian disciplines”, the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Rukhani Zhangyru was formed. Since February 2023, it has been renamed the Department of “History of Kazakhstan and Socio-humanitarian disciplines”.
The training of students, undergraduates and doctoral students at the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines is carried out by 3 doctors of Sciences, 12 candidates of Sciences, 10 of them associate professors, 1 PhD doctor. Settling down is 55%.
In addition, the teaching staff of the department conducts classes in general education disciplines in all bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Zhamanbayeva Lazzat Kydyrbekovna
Head of the Department

Zhamanbayeva Lazzat Kydyrbekovna
Head of the Department
Graduated: Kazakh State University named after. S.M. Kirov (KazNU named after al-Farabi) with a degree in History (1983-1988); East Kazakhstan State University. S. Amanzholova (1996-1998) master's degree in the specialty "History of Kazakhstan"; Altai State University (2018-2021) postgraduate study in the specialty "National History"
Teaches disciplines: History of the Ancient World, Medieval History of Asia and Africa, Modern and Recent History of Europe and America, New and Recent history of foreign countries.
Scientific and pedagogical internships: He has certificates of advanced training courses at various levels: - Course "Modern pedagogical technologies" (240 hours) JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies" "Orleu" (2016). - "Training courses for trainers on educational programs for advanced training of teaching staff in the subjects of the social-humanitarian and natural-mathematical cycles as part of updating the content of secondary education" (80 hours) CPM NIS, Astana (2018)
- The course of lectures "Kazakhstan tarikhynyn ozekti maseleleri" (72 p.), VKU named after. S.Amanzholova (2022);
- Courses for teaching staff of universities "Methods of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines" (72 hours) at the Center for Humanitarian Studies (), Almaty, "Management in Education" (72 hours) at BILIM PARK CONTRAKT LLP, Astana (2022)
Scientific works: He is the author of 3 textbooks, 2 electronic textbooks, 5 teaching aids and more than 60 scientific articles.
Every year, the department and its staff act as organizers and organizers of major scientific events. Among them are annual events that have become branded: student conference (April), international seminar dedicated to the memory of victims of political repression (May), Local history readings (November), International Scientific and Practical Conference "Culture and the problem of civilizational choice", International round table "Ideas and justifications for innovation programs", International Philosophical-methodological seminar "Human problem: history and modernity".
As a result of these and other events, the department publishes collections, collective monographs, specialized issues of university journals.
The department's international cooperation related to academic mobility, scientific consulting and internships, joint research and organization of events covers universities and research centers in Belarus, Germany, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Switzerland, etc.
Teachers of the department participate in various advanced training courses at the university, national and foreign levels.
Students and teachers of the department actively participate in city, regional and republican conferences, seminars, Olympiads.
The department carries out constant cooperation with schools of the city and the region, annually holds republican Olympiads on history "Tugan Zher. Tugan el.Tugan global", in public disciplines "Adam bol! Smart fest", participates as a jury in various Olympiads, project competitions, holds round tables with teachers of schools in the city and region, participates in rating events.
Teachers of the department have awards and letters of thanks of various levels in the field of education.
Educational work is based on the implementation of the Concept of education of the younger generation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the plan of educational measures recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development plan of the S. Amanzholov VCU and is carried out in 5 main areas: patriotic, professional and labor, civil law, cultural and moral, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The main priorities in the work are: the development of students' personal competencies, the creation of positive motivation to master the basics of professional activity, the development of respect for the culture and history of various ethnic groups and the promotion of interethnic harmony.
Students of the department take an active part in all activities of the university and Higher School. This is evidenced by certificates and letters of thanks. There are documents on educational work - a work plan for the implementation of a Comprehensive education program, diaries of curators, regulations on the adviser of the VCU Sarsen Amanzholova and work plans, reports, minutes of curatorial hours. Academic calendars have been developed for each group of students.
Based on these documents, there is a plan of educational work of the department.
Students of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and socio-humanitarian disciplines take part and are winners in subject Olympiads and university, republican competitions of scientific research. For example, in the 2022-2023 academic year, a student of the educational program 6B01601-"History" Bulatov Yerbolat Ruslanovich became the winner of the International project "The Best Student of the CIS", organized by the International Association of Students (Astana).
Yerlan Oren, a student of OP 6B03103-"International Relations" became the winner of the debate contest "Bastau-2022", organized by the Debate Club of Ust-Kamenogorsk.
The main directions of research work of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines:
“Actual problems of archeology, history, demography and international relations. Scientific advisers: candidate of historical sciences, associate professor R.K. Nurbekova, Ph.D., Associate Professor G.A. Sarsembaeva.
"New Kazakhstan in the context of civilizational transformations" (goal - philosophical, socio-political, cultural studies of modern Kazakhstani society as part of the world civilizational space. Supervisor: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor K.B. Akhmetzhanova).
The main types of research work of the department are:
- development of scientific and theoretical problems;
- study and generalization of the R&D experience of other universities, research institutions and organizations;
- organization of work of scientific platforms (conferences, seminars), as well as participation in scientific events;
- publication activity (publication of monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, articles in scientific periodicals included in international databases);
- performance of research works of a scientific, exploratory and scientific-methodical nature.
According to the results of 2022, 6 monographs, 2 teaching aids, more than 25 scientific articles were published.
The Hirsch index of the faculty of the department:
Oskembai A.A. Hirsch index based on Scopus -1
Zhirindinova K.R. Hirsch index based on Scopus -1
The Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines has an academic mobility program. Students of the department take an active part in various international events of the university: conferences, seminars, webinars, competitions with trips abroad. The department has established stable partnerships with leading foreign universities of the near and far abroad. The department implements a program to attract foreign scientists with high rates of publication activity. This provides an opportunity for joint publications in rating publications and the organization of scientific internships for students in leading scientific centers of the world.
Within the framework of academic mobility in 2022-2023, courses of lectures were given to students of the OP "History", "International Relations", "Religious Studies and Philosophy", "Political Science" by Professor Nurlan Kenzheakhmet of Harvard University (USA), Professor Sara Hejazi of the University of Trento (Italy), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, VNS of the Institute of History of the SB RAS Natalia Nikolaevna Ablazhey (Novosibirsk, Russia), Professor at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Figus Alessandro (Italy).
The first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, a 3rd-year student of OP 6B01601-"History" Orazgalieva Yerkezhan Ergazykyzy is studying at the Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov on academic mobility.
The methodical work of the department is the conduct of methodological seminars, as well as the development of the UMKD and the publication of educational, teaching aids and textbooks.
Chairman of the Methodological Council of the Department of History of Kazakhstan – Oskembai A.A.
The teachers of the department arrange events for the introduction of innovative teaching methods and technologies for the generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience of teachers.
Teachers annually attend classes of other teachers and in addition conduct open classes. Teaching aids are also developed and published.
An analysis of the employment of graduates and work to attract employers to work together to train future specialists is being carried out.
Teachers prepare graduate students to pass the EAEA in the disciplines of the department.
In addition, the teachers of the department annually carry out work on organizing and conducting an open methodological week of the department of history of Kazakhstan with the participation of teachers from schools in the region and the city.
The teaching staff of the department

Zhamanbayeva Lazzat Kydyrbekovna.
head of the department, master of history, senior lecturer

Akhmetzhanova Kulzipash Bekpauovna
Ph.d., professor

Seitembetov Yermek Zhakenovich
Ph.d., associate professor

Akanov Maratbek Kamzinovich
c.h.s., senior lecturer

Shurshitbai Beibitgul
c.h.s., associate professor

Igisinova Nurash Bekpauovna
Ph.d., senior lecturer

Sarsembayeva Gulzhan Alibekovna
c.h.s., associate professor

Oskembai Aliya Akymovna
к.и.н., ассоциированный профессор

Nurbekova Raushan Kalymbekovna
c.h.s., associate professor

Ryakova Elena Gennadievna
ph.d., associate professor

Shelepov Viktor Mikhailovich
ph.d., associate professor

Tarlaubai Mayra Shurshitbayovna
ph.d., associate professor

Bulgynbaeva Ayauly Kalymbekovna
master of history, senior lecturer

Zhirenova Aigul Toleukhanovna
master of philosophy, senior lecturer

Zhirindinova Kuralai Rymkanovna
master of history, senior lecturer

Kazbekova Ainur Tattimbekova
master of history, senior lecturer

Kalimoldina Jeanetta Amangeldinovna
master of history, senior lecturer

Omarkanova Asel Umarkanova
master of history, senior lecturer

Savchuk Elena Viktorovna
master of philosophy,senior lecturer

Aubakirova Asem Juniskhanovna
master of history, senior lecturer

Bulgakova Gaukhar Toktarova
магистр гуманитарных наук, лектор

Nurbopanova Gulim Eralykyzy
master of humanitarian sciences, lecturer

Alexandrov Nikita Dmitrievich
master of humanitarian sciences, lecturer

Galym Nurzhaynat
master of pedagogical Sciences, lecturer

Otanova Altynai Muratovna
master of pedagogical Sciences, lecturer

Mutan Gulnur Kairkanovna
master of social sciences, lecturer

Yermekov Yernaz Yerzhanovich
master of humanitarian sciences, lecturer