Department of biology
In 1952, the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute was founded. This date can be considered the starting point of the history of the existence of our department, currently the Department of Biology of S.Amanzholov VSU.
In 1953, the Department of Natural Sciences was divided into 2 departments: the Department of Zoology and the Department of Botany and Chemistry. The Department of Zoology at that time was headed by Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences Lidiya Sergeevna Pashina.
In the 1958-1959 academic year, teachers were united in three departments: zoology, botany and chemistry.
Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Valerian Semenovich Bazhanov headed the Department of Zoology until 1972.
In 1985, the two departments of Botany and Zoology were merged into the Department of Biology. The head of the PhD associate professor Sybanbekov K.Zh.
During this period, namely since 1989, the training of specialists in the specialty “biology and natural sciences” with the qualification “teacher of biology and natural sciences” began, the preparation of this specialty was caused due to the need to conduct an experiment under the program of Suravegina I.T.
Until 1992, parallel training was conducted in the specialties “geography and biology” and “chemistry and biology” with the qualification “teacher of biology and geography” and “teacher of chemistry and biology”.
With the beginning of the training of specialists in the multi-stage education system, training in the specialty “biology” with the academic degree “Bachelor of Biology” and “Biology teacher” began in 1991.
From 1997 to 2000, the head of the Department of Biology was Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Vorobyova T.G., and from 2000 to 2005. The head of the Biology Department was K.K. Burunbetova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, who graduated from EKSU in 1994 with a degree in biology and natural sciences.
From 2006 to 2014, the heads of the Department of Biology were Ph.D. Associate Professor Sharipkhanova A. S., Ph.D. Associate Professor Igisinova Zh.T., Ph.D. Associate Professor Sadykanova G.E., and Master of Biological Sciences Komekova G.K..
From 2014 to the present, the head of the department is Ph.D. Associate Professor Kitapbaeva A.A.
Now graduates of our department work at the Department of Biology: Professor- Prokopov K.P., Candidates of Biological Sciences, associate professors –Kitapbaeva A.A., Sharipkhanova A.S., Igisingova Zh.T., Sadykanova G.E., Masters of Biology, senior lecturers – Karmenova B.K., Komekova G.K., Kabataeva Zh.K., Askarova A.A.
Since 1995, the Department of Biology has opened a master’s degree in the specialty “7M01505, 7M05101 – Biology”, and since 2018 a doctoral program in the specialty “8D01505 – Biology” has been opened.

Kitapbaeva Almash Anashbaevna
Head of the Department of Biology

Kitapbaeva Almash Anashbaevna
Head of the Department of Biology
At the Department of Biology, specialists are trained in OP 6B01512-"Biology-Natural Science", 6B01505-"Biology", 6B05101-"Biology", 6B08301 -Forest resources, hunting and beekeeping, 7M01505-"Biology", 7M05101-"Biology", 8D01505-"Biology". The objectives of the educational program as a whole correspond to the mission, strategic plan, goals and objectives of the university, meet the needs of students to obtain relevant qualifications and competencies. The university annually reviews and analyzes the OP, carries out the procedure of acceptance and approval in the field of quality assurance and systematic monitoring
The competitive advantages of the OP "6B01505-Biology", 6B01512 - "Biology–Natural Sciences", "6B05101-Biology" implemented by the university include:
- providing the opportunity to continue studying for a master's degree at the same university;
- the presence of branches of departments on the bases of practices;
- participation of employers, teaching staff, students and other interested persons in the formation of educational programs;
- close cooperation of the Department of OP with practice bases, which contributes to the maximum employment of graduates of OP and the creation of conditions to meet the needs and interests of the region.
- Amanzholov University successfully implements the postgraduate educational program "Training of teachers in natural science subjects". Currently, 5 people are studying at the Department of Biology in the doctoral program.
Every year, the educational programs of the Department of Biology take prizes in the JAAR and Atameken rankings. So, in 2023, in the national ranking of demand for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the general ranking of "Top-20" universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the educational program in the direction of training biology teachers B013 took 3rd place. In the rating of the NAA "Atameken", in accordance with the levels and directions of training, the educational program in the direction of training biology teachers B013 took 4th place out of 24..
Teachers of the department with international language certificates (IELTS, TOEFL): Kabataeva Zh.K.(No. 004264 dated 09.07.2019), Tuktasinova A.A.(No. 003331 dated 25.06.2019), Tergenbayeva Zh.T.(No. r94973kt dated 28.07.2020), Alipina K.B.(TOEFL ITP No. 789949 dated 15.07.2021.g), Aitbayev S.T. (TOEFL ITP No. 08723976 dated 11.10.2020), Maratkyzy Nazerke (TOEFL IBT No. 7537806226379538 dated 22.06.2022), Amangeldi Nazerke (No. 62385062263783363 dated 22.06.2022), Bagimbayeva Zukhra Bolatbekovna (TOEFL IBT No. 7253807238677393 dated 05.07.2023) .
For fruitful work, the staff of the Department of Biology took first place in the competition "The Best Department of the year (2018)".
Every year, teachers of the department publish up to 50 articles in collections of scientific and practical conferences together with students and undergraduates, are published in leading scientific domestic and foreign publications, there are articles with an impact factor.
Teachers of the department have awards and letters of thanks of various levels in the field of education. Kitapbaeva A.A., Igisinova Zh.T. – for special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the badge "HONORARY WORKER OF EDUCATION OF the Republic OF Kazakhstan"; Karmenova B.K – from the Minister of Education and Science was awarded gratitude for her contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sharipkhanova A.S., Komekova G.K., Kabataeva Zh.To the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Senior lecturer of the Department of Biology Askarova A.A. has experience working as an engineer at the East Kazakhstan Center for Hydrometeorology, RSE Kazhydromet, Ust-Kamenogorsk. Deputy Chairman of the Board for Scientific Work of East Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station LLP Seilgazina S.M. teaches the discipline “Animal Ethology”. The share of practical teachers participating in the implementation of EP 6B08301 “Forest resources, game management and beekeeping” is 10%. Attracting practitioners from among leading specialists from institutions and production with at least 3 years of experience in their field.
The Department of Biology carries out work among teaching staff to participate in international and domestic competitions for targeted funding of research projects. (AP08052163, 2020-2022, Sutula M. Yu. (leader), Komekova G. K., Kabataeva Zh. K.). The result of the research work is formalized in the patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 7715 for a utility model dated 01/06/2023 and copyright certificates
In 2022, teachers of the Department of Biology published 9 monographs: Sharipkhanova A.S., Prokopov K.P., Sadykanova G.E., Kolosova S.F. , Igisinova Zh.T. , Kitapbaeva A.A.
The teaching staff of the Department of Biology is developing a fundamental study "Problems of the environment and biodiversity conservation in the Eastern region of Kazakhstan", included in the VII direction of the thematic plan of the Research Institute of the NAO "Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University": "Problems of the environment and conservation of biodiversity, mineral resources and public health in the Eastern region of Kazakhstan".
Within the framework of the general theme, there are three independent areas of research activity:
1.Scientific direction: Flora of East Kazakhstan region, rational use of plant resources and Environmental monitoring
Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Kitapbaeva A.A.
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A.Kitapbaeva conducts research on the reproduction and conservation of cultivated plants using biotechnology methods.
PhD, associate Professor Igisinova Zh.T., Master Karmenova B.K. and Master Alipina K.B. conduct a study on the topic: "Anatomical and morphological features of rare and endangered plant species in East Kazakhstan region and the vicinity of Ust-Kamenogorsk." According to the results of the study, students and undergraduates participate in republican and intra-university competitions.
- Scientific background: Wildlife of East Kazakhstan, conservation and ecology.
PhD, Professor Prokopov K.P. is working on the topic: "Fauna and ecology of vertebrates of East Kazakhstan".
Ph.D., Associate Professor Kolosova S.F. conducts research on the topic: "Purebred breeding of Krajin bees in the conditions of Eastern Kazakhstan in order to increase the productivity and winter hardiness of bee colonies with the use of an isolated flyover". The evaluation of the breeding material of the first reproduction is carried out according to exterior features.
- Scientific direction: Current directions of digital transformation of education: prospects and new opportunities for the development of traditional education.
Scientific supervisor: PhD, Associate Professor Sharipkhanova A.S.
PhD, Associate Professor Sharipkhanova A.S., Sadykanova G.E., master Komekova G.K., doctoral students Kabataeva Zh.K., Tergenbayeva Zh. conduct research on the following issues:
1) Provision of digital resources for collective use and access to them in cloud resources;
2) Ensuring an increase in the level of motivation for the professional use of digital technologies by students;
3) Creation of innovative conditions for development through the introduction of digital technologies.
According to the results of scientific research of teaching staff, doctoral students, undergraduates and students of the department actively participate in international, republican, regional and intra-university scientific and practical conferences, publish scientific articles, monographs, textbooks, textbooks. Teaching staff of the department participate in competitions of scientific projects for grant funding.
Teaching staff of the department annually hold the Olympiad of schoolchildren of the region in biology. Consultations and a master class for biology teachers will be organized as part of the Olympiad.
In the week of science and creativity 2022. 2 conferences were held at the Department of Biology:
- "Achievements of beekeeping in East Kazakhstan for 30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The speakers' report reflects the history of the development of beekeeping in Kazakhstan, and also highlights the work of a veteran of the Department of Biology, Associate Professor Reinhold Davydovich, who contributed not only to the development of the department, but also to the development of beekeeping in the Republic of Kazakhstan. He has prepared and published 10 books on beekeeping.
The conference was attended by the head of the peasant farm "Apiary" Kasymbayev Valery Mukhtarovich, the staff of the department, as well as students of the department who chose the topics of graduation papers on beekeeping.
- "Genetics is the science of modernity". The problems of ecogenetics, modern toxicology, genetic diseases, methods of modification in the genome were highlighted. Students and undergraduates of the Department of Biology actively participated in the round table, discussed the problems of modern genetics.
Every year, students under the guidance of teachers of the department participate in competitions "Zhastalap", "Granite of Science", Start-up projects. And also participate and win in international biology competitions (heads Igisinova Zh.T., Sharipkhanova A.S.).
Teachers of the department (Sharipkhanova A.S., Sadykanova G.E., Komekova G.K.) are also heads of research of schoolchildren.
In 2021-2022, the staff of the department participated in a competition for grant funding for scientific and scientific-technical projects with a implementation period of 12 and 24 months (MES RK) "Development and production of jelly products based on bee products and plant components for the prevention of respiratory diseases".
The Department of Biology participated in the international competition "ClimateLaunchpad" and presented the startup project "HealingJelly" on the technology and production of honey jellies based on bee products and plant components (S.F. Kolosova, A.A. Tuktasinova). The project was awarded with the certificate of the international competition.
The department has a circle "Entertaining Biology", in which all the leading teachers of the department are involved. The participants are students of 2-4 courses of the "Biology" and "Forest resources, hunting and beekeeping". The results of the work of the scientific circle are the participation of students in International conferences, competitions, Start-up projects.
Every year, the teaching staff of the department, undergraduates and students actively participate in university and international scientific and practical conferences, scientific project competitions, Olympiads.
The regional Biology Olympiad is held annually in accordance with the Regulations on the Olympiad of Schoolchildren. It is attended by students of grades 10-11 of East Kazakhstan region schools, as well as Ust-Kamenogorsk. The winners and participants of the Olympiads are awarded with various prizes and diplomas.
Every year, teachers of the department publish up to 50 articles in collections of scientific and practical conferences together with students and undergraduates, are published in leading scientific domestic and foreign publications, there are articles with an impact factor.
Every year, teachers of the department participate as a jury in various Olympiads, project competitions, hold round tables with teachers of schools in the city and region, participate in rating events.
Publications of teaching staff of the Department of Biology in international publications included in the WoS/Scopus scientometric databases
№ | Article title | Output | authors |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| The research of winter hardiness and seasonal development of some woody plants in East Kazakhstan | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 421(8), 082024 Процентиль 22 | |
| The effect of work environment on the biochemical profile of workers operating at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Plant | Toxicology and Industrial Health, 2020, 36(8), с. 591-603 Процентиль 52 | Sharipkhanova S
| Assessment of state of Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Orchidaceae) populations from the Altai mountains of Kazakhstan | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(9), 2022. Доступно на: (Scopus Q2, Процентиль 51 ) | Tergenbaeva, Z., |
| Teachers’ opinions about technological pedagogical content knowledge used in geography lessons | World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issuesthis link is disabled, 2022, 14(4), pp. 1217–1224 Доступно на: (Процентиль 56) | Anargul, S.,
| Clustering Analysis Applied to NDVI Maps to Delimit Management Zones for Grain Crops
| Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022, 13758 LNAI, страницы 445–457 (Процентиль 46) |
| Environmental and Industrial Impact on the Biological Systems of Living Organisms
| Nat. Life Sci. Commun. 2023. 22(1): e2023015 DOI: Процентиль 47 | SharipkhanovaA.S., |
| Epiphytic epigeal lichens as bioindicators of air pollution in the Burabay National Park, Kazakhstan | Biodiversitas Volume 24, Nuvber 5, May 2023 Pages: 2701-2709 б. (Процентиль 56) | Anargul Sharipkhanova |
| Isolation of CP-PVY-Specific siRNA from PVY-Infected Plants of Solanum tuberosum
| Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2023, 70(4), 72 (Scopus Q3, процентиль48 ) |
Articles for 2022, published in publications recommended by CQASHE, teachers of the Department of Biology
№ | Author's full name | Job title | publishing house | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| Колосова С.Ф., | Методические рекомендации по производству маточного молочка | Казахский научно-исследовательский институт перерабатывающей и пищевой промышленности.- Алматы, 2022. | |
| Садыканова Г Е, | Анализ влияния токсических химических веществ на физиологические показатели экспериментальных животных | Вестник КазНУ. Серия экологическая, [S.l.], v. 70, n. 1, p. 82-91, apr. 2022. <>. | |
| ,Sadykanova G.E., | The content of research tasks used in the course of comprehensive field practice in biology | Қорқыт Ата атындағы | |
| Komekova , G., & Kabatayeva , Z. | Priming of Solanum Tuberosum in vitro plants with PVY-specific interfering RNAs activates anti-viral resistance | Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology, (2022). (3), 14–24. | |
| Садыканова Г.Е. | Развитие симптомов PVY на растениях Solanum tuberosum сортов Рокко, Таврия и Изольда | Вестник КУ имени Коркыт Ата №3 (62) 2022 Часть 1. |
Articles for 2023, published in publications recommended by KOKSNVO, teachers of the Department of Biology
№ | Author's full name | Job title | publishing house |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1. | Кабатаева Ж.К., Китапбаева А.А., Шарипханова А.С., | Жаратылыстану пәндері мысалында білім алушылардың өзіндік жұмысы ретінде бейнежазбалар жасау тәжірибесі | Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің Хабаршысы. Педагогика. Психология. Әлеуметтану сериясы. 2023ж.- №2(143). - Б.146-157 |
2. | Алипина К.Б., Кабатаева Ж.К., Садыканова Г.Е., Игисинова Ж.Т., | Өсімді ынталандыратын препаратты алудың инновациялық биотехнологиясы және оны шырша тұқымдарының өнгіштігін арттыруда қолдану | Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда университеті хабаршысы. Ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдары №2(65), 2023 ж. |
3. | Кабатаева Ж.К. | Биологиялық пәндерді оқыту үдерісінде виртуалды тақталарды пайдалану | Ясауи университетінің хабаршысы. –2023. –No3(129).–Б.360–372. |
4. | Туктасинова А.А. | Реализация предметно-языкового интегрированного обучения: взгляд преподавателей биологических образовательных программ | Журнал: Вестник Карагандинского университета. Раздел: Серия Педагогика. № 1(109)/2023. Теоретико-прикладные проблемы языкового образования. С. 231-239. DOI 10.31489/2023Ped1/231-239 |
5. | Садыканова Г.Е. | Влияние фунгицида на развитие фитопатогенных инфекций на семенах различных | Қорқыт Ата ат.Қызылорда университетінің хабаршысы. Ауылшаруашылығы ғылымдары. - №1(64) 2023 - С.37-48 |
6. | Г.Е. Садыканова | Титан-магний комбинатының негізгі цехтары жұмысшыларының ағзасының минералдық статусын зерттеу | Қарағандыуниверситетініңхабаршысы. Биология. Медицина. География сериясы. 2023 (110) 2
7. | Садыканова Г.Е., | Состояние психофизиологических показателей у рабочих цеха контрольно-измерительных приборов | Вестник ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия «Биологические науки». – 2023. - №3(144). - С.7-15 DOI: 10.32523/2616-7034-2023-144-3-7-15 |
8. | Алипина К.Б., Китапбаева А.А. | Білім алушылардың ғылыми-зерттеу құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру. | Ясауи университетінің хабаршысы, №4 (130), 202 |
9. | Алипина К.Б., | «Орман шаруашылығы бағыты бойынша білім алушылардың ғылыми-зерттеу құзыретін қалыптастырудың әдістемесі» | « Л. Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің хабаршысы. Педагогика Сериясы. Психология. Әлеуметтану"/ 4 (141)/2022 |
One of the main priority directions of the development of the Higher School of Economics named after S. Amanzholov is the "Academic Mobility Program". Today, the university successfully implements programs of internal and external academic mobility. According to the program of external academic mobility, work is underway at a very high level to develop cooperation with leading universities in different countries and establish partnerships with research centers. Thanks to such programs, students, undergraduates, doctoral students of the university have the opportunity to improve their knowledge in the learning process.
Over the past ten years, professors from leading universities in Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan have come to the Department of Biology of the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences, who have lectured and shared their experience: PhD, Professor Benjamin Newman of the University of Reading in the UK, Professor Choimaa Dulamsuren of the University of Göttingen in the Republic of Germany, Professor Tiere Berger of the University of Poitiers (France), Professor P. Szkudlarz and Professor of Zbigniew Celka University . Mitskeevich of the Republic of Poland (Poznan), Professor Andrey Babenko of the National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia), Professor Piotr Szkudlarz University.Adam Mickiewicz (Poznan, Republic of Poland), Choimaa Professor at Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (Germany). Mukhitdinov Nashtay Mukhitdinovich (KazGU named after al-Farabi, Almaty), Oksikbayev Berikkan Klyshbekovich, Karasholakova Lazzat Naushabaevna (ZHSU named after I. Zhansugirova), Bazargalieva Aliya Aidarkhanovna (Aktobe Regional University), Amanova Gulmaira Kenishanovna (Toraighyrov PSU), Zharmukhambetova R.O. (Shakarym Semey University).
In connection with the invitation within the framework of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA) program, the head of the Department of Biology, Almash Kitapbaeva visited Adam Mickiewicz University in 2019 (Poznan, Poland).
In 2021-2023, the teachers of the department Kabatayeva Zhadyr, Tuktasinova Aigerim, Tergenbayeva Zhuldyz, Alipina Kuralai completed a scientific internship at foreign universities (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland), Uludag University (Turkey, Bursa), Albert Ludwig University (Freiburg, Germany).
Educational and methodological work at the Department of Biology is carried out in the following main areas:
- development of educational programs (PBU, RUP, graduate model, modular reference book) for the new academic year with the participation of employers and students;
- development and improvement of educational and methodological complexes (EMC) in the disciplines assigned to the department;
- providing the educational process with the necessary educational and educational materials: preparation of textbooks and teaching aids, educational materials in the state language, including in English;
- organization of educational and industrial practice for students;
- introduction of modern educational technologies, organization of independent work of students;
- providing educational disciplines of the department with video lectures and creating electronic educational resources for teaching staff;
- implementation of academic mobility at the department;
- improving the scientific and pedagogical qualifications of teachers of the department, organizing pedagogical mentoring, providing assistance to young teachers;
- conducting scientific and methodological seminars, round tables with the participation of teaching staff of the department, as well as with the participation of leading specialists and employers.
Zmeetings of the methodological section of the department
At meetings of the department's methodological section the following are considered:
- development and updating of educational and methodological material: work programs, syllabuses, plans for lectures, seminars, practical classes; materials and assignments for students’ independent work; materials of current control, intermediate and final certification, funds of assessment tools, recommended literature, information resources, etc.;
- Much attention is paid to the development of educational programs, which is reflected in the work plan of the methodological section, according to which seminars are held annually with the participation of employers and students on this issue;
- preparation and participation of the department’s teaching staff for the conduct of the methodological ten-day period of higher education.
The department constantly conducts scientific and methodological seminars, round tables with the participation of the faculty of the department, as well as with the participation of leading specialists and employers, where current problems of organizing the educational process, educational and methodological complexes in the subjects of the department are considered and discussed and their coordination with employers and with related programs disciplines. Conducting open trial classes, discussing manuscripts of textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials on the subjects of the department, analyzing the results of teaching individual subjects and conducting certain types of educational work, issues of teaching methods for teaching subjects, and improving the qualifications of teachers. “Kazirgi bilim berudegi: Zhana talaptar, Zhana mumkіndikter, Zhana kozkara” atty republican pedagogikalyk adistemelik seminar ayasynda “Mektep-ZOO bilim alushylarymen pedagogikalyk is-tazhiribe bolisu.” 02.12. 2022 An international scientific and methodological seminar was held on the topic “Cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and the problems of implementing academic mobility of teaching staff, staff and students of the Department of Biology” with the participation of foreign scientists (Poland, Germany, Russia). 14.10. 2023
Teaching staff of the Department

Kitapbaeva Almash Anashbaevna
Head of the Department of Biology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology

Prokopov Konstantin Pavlovich
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Biology

Sadykanova Gulnaz Yessimbekovna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology

Zhamal Tursyngozhakyzy Igisinova
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology

Sharipkhanova Anargul Sailaubekovna
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology

Kolosova Svetlana Fedorovna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology

Karmenova Bagdat Kazretovna
Master of Biology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology

Komekova Gulsara Kabievna
Master of Biology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology

Zhuldyz Turekhanovna Tergenbaeva
Master of Natural Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology

Kabataeva Zhadyra Kanatovna
Master of Biology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology

Alipina Kuralai Baurzhanovna
Master of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology

Maratkyzy Nazerke
Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Biology

Askarova Ainash Adilbekovna
Master of Biology, Lecturer of the Department of Biology

Askarova Aiym Askarovna
Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Biology