Department of physics and technology
The Department of Physics and Technology from its foundation until 2022 In 1952, simultaneously with the opening of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Pedagogical Institute, the Department of Physics was established. The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics has existed since the foundation of the university. Later, the Department of Physics was formed. The first head of the department was Kos E.P., then the department was headed by Li L.N. When he was invited to work Ph.D.M.N. Pashilov A.I. and a number of young graduates of UKPI: Nazarov Yu.K., Gaganin G.Ya., Payuk V.A., Pavlov A.M. After L.N.Lee, the department was proclaimed by Pashilov Alexander Ivanovich is the founder of scientific research at UCPI in solid state physics. A war veteran, in the difficult post-war years, defended his PhD thesis in solid state physics while living in Sverdlovsk. The first scientific direction was founded in 1956 by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.I. Pashilov, when he opened a research laboratory for X-ray diffraction analysis equipped with the URS-70 installation. Over the years of its existence In 1980, the Department of Physics was headed by Pavlov A.M.
When he came to work at the university Bektasova G.S., Grebneva V.S., who defended her dissertation in Moscow. In different years, the department was headed by Protasov A.T., Zhanataev K.T., Strokatov R.D., Nazarov Yu.K. After some time, the department was divided into two: the Department of General and Theoretical Brovanov I.S., Kuzminykh V.A., Skakov M.K., the Department of Physics – Nazarov Yu.K., Pavlov A.M. 1993, the Department of Applied Physics it was reorganized into the Department of Experimental Physics, and the Department of Physics into the Department of General and Theoretical Physics. In May 2003, the Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics was formed, and in September 2005, the Department of Physics. In 2014, the Department of Physics and the Department of Vocational Training and Technology merged into one general Department of Physics and Technology. In 2021, the Department of Physics and the Department of Engineering were merged into one general Department of Physics and Technology.
Sakenova Rimma Yerbolatkyzy
Head of the Department of Physics and Technology
Sakenova Rimma Yerbolatkyzy
Head of the Department of Physics and Technology
In 2017-2020 studied in doctoral studies at EKSTU. D. Serikbayev with a degree in Technical Physics. On June 18, 2021, at the dissertation council of the Shakarim University of Semey NJSC, specializing in 6D072300 - "Technical Physics", she defended her thesis on "Processes of diffusion and microsegregation in a nanostructured CrN / ZrN / Cr / Zr coating implanted with silicon ions" degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D072300 - "Technical Physics".
The total work experience is 15 years.
Sakenova R.E. reads a course of lectures on the disciplines "Mechanics", "Molecular Physics", "Introduction to Atomic Physics", "Numerical Methods in Physics", "Methods of Mathematical Physics". She has published teaching aids, such as «Атомдық физикаға кіріспе», «Физикалық үрдістерді үлгілеу», «Теория теплоемкости жидкости», «Курс лекций по моделированию физических процессов», «Теориялық механикадан қысқаша дәрістер кешені», «Laboratory practice of the course of lectures on the modeling of physical processes», «Laboratory practical works», «Лабораторный практикум», «Физикадан есептер шығару мысалдары».
Rimma Erbolatkyzy is actively engaged in research activities, the results of which are presented at international and republican conferences, has 25 publications, including 7 in scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 6 in the materials of international conferences, including number 2 in materials indexed by the SCOPUS and Web of Science database, 2 in journals indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus (Elsevier) databases, having impact factors of 8.75 and 4.65, quartile - Q1, and also 1 patent for invention was received.
In 2016 Sakenova R.E. with her curatorial group became the winner of the "Best Group of the Year" competition. In 2017, he was awarded the title of "Best Curator of the Year". In 2023, the title of "Best Lecturer of the Year" was awarded.
Sakenova Rimma Erbolatkyzy is a qualified specialist, has a high creative potential, is active, responsible, purposeful.
He enjoys well-deserved respect from teachers, staff and students of the department and the university.
- Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University successfully implements the postgraduate educational program "training of teachers in natural science subjects". Currently, 14 people are studying at the Department of Physics and Technology in doctoral studies. Now they can submit their final dissertations to the Dissertation Council at S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University.
By the order of the Chairman of the Committee for Control in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 394 dated August 15, 2023, the dissertation council in the direction 8D015 "Training of teachers in natural science subjects" (6B01502/8D01502 – Physics, 6B01504/8D01504 – Chemistry) was opened in the NAO of the S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University.
By order of the Chairman of the Committee for Control in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 802 dated December 04, 2019, the dissertation Council in the direction 8D053 "Physical and Chemical Sciences" was opened in the NAO of the S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University.
Permanent members of the Dissertation Council are well-known scientists of our country, in particular: Doctor of Ph.D., Professor Skakov M.K. ("S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University); PhD Kurbanbekov B. A. (International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi); PhD, Associate Professor Afanasenkova I.V. (S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University) and Ph.D., Associate Professor Nurakhmetova A.R. (NAO "Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai").
The teaching staff of the Department of Physics and Technology takes part in the annual competition "The Best University teacher" held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2018-2019, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology Abylkalikova R.B. and Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology Rakhadilov B.K. won the title "Best University Teacher – 2018" at the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology Sagdoldina Zh.B. became the holder of the title "Best University Teacher – 2021" at the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
In the 2021-2022 academic year, Doctor of Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Physics and Technology Skakov M.K. is the holder of the title "Best University teacher - 2022" at the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific supervisor of doctoral students of the Department and lecturer of the Department Ph.D. Buitkenov D.B.
Teachers have full knowledge and possess modern teaching methods, the necessary skills and experience, which determines the high quality of the educational process at the university.
The Department of Physics and Technology was awarded the title of "Best Department" in 2004, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2023 years.
The plan of educational work is carried out on the basis of the implementation of the Concept of education of the young generation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To implement educational activities recommended by the Ministry of Military Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development plan of the Higher Educational Institution named after S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, a plan of educational work with students is being developed at the Department of Physics and Technology.
They are guided by documents on educational work - a work plan for the implementation of the Comprehensive Education Program, diaries of curators, regulations on the advisor of S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University and work plans, reports, minutes of curatorial hours. Academic calendars have been developed for each group of students.
Students of the department take an active part in the life of the university and the Higher School. Students participate in the “Zhastalap” competition, take an active part in the work of the circle, and in defending projects.
Students of the Department of Physics and Technology take part and are winners in subject Olympiads, university and republican scientific research competitions. For example, students of the educational program 6B01502-Physics, in 2019 took 1st place in the subject Olympiad in physics at Zhetysu University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov (Taldykorgan), in 2020 they took 2nd place in the Republican Olympiad in Physics at the S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University. In 2021, students took 3rd place at the Olympiad at Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov.
At the “Gylym ailygy” competition held by the VKU named after S. Amanzholov, the Department of Physics and Technology, the “Creative Science” club, in 2021 took 1st place in the nomination “Uzdik student gylym yirme-2021”, in 2023 took 1st prize in the nomination “Uzdik” student of yirme.”
The Department of Physics and Technology has 2 STAR-UP and 1 circle.
- START-UP "UAU" head Umbetova A. T.
- START-UP "Sweet bouquets" head Kalibek Zh.S.
- START-UP circle "Creativ Science" head Sakenova R.E.
The results of the startup work were noted by the rector of the university.
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University joined the STAR-NET Regional Network for Nuclear Technology Education in 2016, which unites 13 universities from six countries: the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine.Starting from 2016 to the present, S. Amanzholov VCU, represented by the Department of Physics and Technology, participates in the work of the regional network (education and training of specialists in the field of nuclear technologies STAR NET (Bektasova G.S., Minsk, Belarus, 2017; Bektasova, Agelmenov M.E., Moscow, Russia October, 2016.).
Shevchuk E.P., Bektasova G.S. (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April, 2021) participated in the work of the IAEA and STAR NET regional school in the direction of training instructors in modeling nuclear power systems using the INPRO methodology.
Since 2018, the Department of Physics and Technology has been implementing 8 research projects funded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Professor of the department Skakov M.K. is the scientific supervisors of the g/b scientific projects submitted for the Competition, program-targeted funding for scientific, scientific and technical programs for 2021-2023 on the topic "Development and implementation of highly effective technology for applying anti-corrosion protective coating based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, head - Skakov Mazhyn Kanapinovich, implementation period" (2022-2024) and in the process of implementation project on the topic "Development and implementation of radiation- and corrosion-resistant protective composite material based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene with fillers" (2023-2025).
With the support of grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, grant AP08857579. The amount of financing for 2020-2022 is 69.063 million tenge. The scientific project "Development of adaptive nanocomposite coatings for extreme tribological applications" is being carried out. The topic of the doctoral student's research is related and corresponds to the direction of the center's research work. The doctoral student, studying the section of physics – tribology, develops a special course "Tribology" for the first time on the basis of the SIC for the study of students, undergraduates in the process of educational activity.
B.K. Rakhadilov is the head of the following scientific projects:
-"Development of resource-saving technology for surface hardening of steel parts of railway transport", GF for 2015-2017 Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- "Improvement of tribological properties of polymer materials by electron beam treatment", GF for 2018-2020. Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Research and development of innovative technologies for the production of wear-resistant materials for mechanical engineering products", PCF for 2018-2020. Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- "Creation of a multifunctional portable plant for processing metal materials based on innovative electrolyte-plasma technology" (grant of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019)
- "Electrolyte-plasma hardening of working bodies of tillage machines" (grant of the CIS International Innovation Center for Nanotechnology for the development of a scientific project, Dubna, RF)
- "Development of adaptive nanocomposite coatings for extreme tribological applications", GF for 2020-2022. Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Department of Physics and Technology has patents for inventions on research topics from the following teaching staff:
Sakenova R.E., Pogrebnyak A.D., Yerdybayeva N.K., Kylyshkanov M.K., Maksakova O., Rakhadilov B.K. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34722 dated 11/20/2020 "Method of vacuum-arc ion-plasma deposition of a hard coating";
Queue I.A., Skakov M.K., Tuyakbaev B.T., Kantai N., Ananyeva E.S. - Utility model patent No. 7207 dated 17.06.2022 "Method of gas-flame coating of a protective coating on a metal substrate";
Queue I.A., Skakov M.K., Tuyakbayev B.T., Yerbolatuly D., Bayandinova M.B., Ananyeva E.S. - Utility model patent No.7206 dated 06/17/2022 "Powder material for gas-thermal spraying of polymer coatings";
Zhilkashinova A.M., Prokhorenkova N.V., Pavlov A.V., Zhilkashinova A.M., Skakov M.K., Abilev M.B. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 35715 dated 17.06.2022 "Method of production of heat-resistant Ni-based alloy";
Satbaeva Z.A., Tyurin Yu.N., Rakhadilov B.K., Zhurerova L.G., Bayatanova L.B. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 35830 dated 09.09.2022 "Method of sheet surface treatment and device for its implementation";
Rakhadilov B.K., Tyurin Yu.N., Zhurerova L.G., Sagdoldina Zh.B. - Utility model patent No. 7540 dated 28.10.2022 "High-temperature thermomechanical treatment (VTMO)";
Zhilkashinova Assel M., Skakov M.K., Gradoboev A.V. - RK patent for invention No. 35716 dated 17.06.2022 "Method of applying a wear-resistant coating on heat-resistant alloy";
Kantai N., Rakhadilov B.K. - Utility model patent No. 6665 dated 12.11.2021 "Method of detonation coating on metal surfaces";
Kantai N., Rakhadilov B.K., Kakimzhanov D.N., Queue I.A. - Utility model patent No. 6204 dated 02.07.2021 "Method of detonation coating";
Zhilkashinova A.M., Skakov M.K. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No.35088 dated 28.05.2021 "Method of applying a wear-resistant coating on cast iron and steel parts";
Rakhadilov B.K., Tabieva E.E., Uazyrkhanova G.K., Baizhan D.R. - Utility model patent No. 5365 dated 11.09.2020 "Method of hardening railway wheels";
Queue I.A., Skakov M.K., Ananyeva E.S., Tuyakbayev B.T., Sagdoldina Zh.B. - Utility model patent No. 5371 dated 11.09.2020 "Burner for flame spraying of low-melting powder materials, mainly thermoplastic polymers";
Rakhadilov B.K. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34913 dated 02/26/2021 "Plasmatron with liquid electrode";
Baymoldanova L.S., Pogrebnyak A.D., Rakhadilov B.K., Uazyrkhanova G.K. - Utility model patent No. 5824 dated 05.02.2021 "Multilayer protective coating";
Pavlov A.V., Lepeshev A.A., Rakhadilov B.K., Kantai N. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34648 dated 10/23/2020 "Method for producing electrically conductive ceramics based on beryllium oxide with the addition of titanium dioxide nanoparticles";
Queue I.A., Rakhadilov B.K., Tuyakbayev B.T., Kenesbekov A.B. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34334 dated 05/29/2020 "Plasmatron for spraying";
Rakhadilov B.K., Baiserkenova T.N. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 34333 dated 29.05.2020 "Method for obtaining wear-resistant polytetrafluoroethylene";
Rakhadilov B.K., Stepanova O.A., Sagdoldina Zh.B., Satbayeva Z.A. - Utility model patent No. 4891 dated 04/28/2020 "Method of hardening steel products";
Rakhadilov B.K., Skakov M.K., Sagdoldina Zh.B., Kylyshkanov M.K., Kenesbekov A.B. - Utility model patent No. 4846 dated 06.04.2020 "Method of plasma-arc hardening of steel products";
Yerbolatuly D., Queue I.A. - Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 33568 dated 12.04.2019, bull. No. 15 "Polyurethane material";
Yerbolatuly D., Priezhko I.A., Tusupzhanov A.E. - Utility model patent No. 2954 dated 09.07.2018, bul. No. 25 "Centrifugal pump";
Yerbolatuly D., Queue I.A., Tusupzhanov A.E. - Patent for utility model No. 2791 dated 21.05.2018, byull. No. 18 "Stamp for equal-channel angular pressing";
In 2021, senior lecturer of the Department of Physics and Technology Sakenova Rimma Yerbolatkyzy and Baymoldanova Lazat Sarkytbekkyzy successfully defended their dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. in the dissertation Council at the NAO "Shakarim University of Semey".
In 2022, doctoral students D.B.Buitkenov, A.M.Zhilkashinova and Z.Satpayev successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. in the dissertation Council at the NAO "S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University"
Teachers of the department are invited to the meetings of the defense of dissertations for the degree of Ph.D.D as reviewers and temporary members of the council, are also permanent members of the dissertation Council.
Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University and the National Nuclear University of Kazakhstan have been cooperating since 2012. There is a branch of the RSE "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan" at the Faculty of the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics and Technology. Memarandums were concluded with the RSE with the "National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (17.01.2022) and with the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (02.02.2022). Based on the concluded cooperation agreements, we intend to establish long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation based on mutual trust and mutual assistance in the field of personnel training by organizing joint activities using the scientific, educational, methodological and logistical potential of both Sides.
Within the framework of this Memorandum, scientific and technical cooperation includes the following areas: organization of professional training of undergraduate students in the form of educational, industrial practices, internships, implementation of diploma projects (works) on the basis of the RSE NNC RK in the areas of educational programs:
- 6B05303 (5B060500)-Nuclear physics and nuclear power engineering (bachelor's degree);
- 6B05305-Applied Physics, Nanomaterials and Innovation (Bachelor's degree).
The teachers of the department participate in the publication of articles in scientific publications indexed by the International databases Web of Science and Scopus, as well as in publications recommended by the KOKSNVO.
Academic mobility operates in accordance with the Concept of Academic Mobility of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Regulatory, methodological and reporting documentation on academic mobility can be found on the website of the VKU named after Sarsen Amanzholov.
Academic mobility of teaching staff:
Teachers of the Department of Physics and Technology Shevchuk E.P. , Bektasova G.S. completed an internship in 2021 on the topic “Methods of Mathematical Physics” in Barnaul.
Sakenova R.E. completed an online internship at Sakarya University in Turkey, 2023.
Rakhadilov B.K. completed an internship at the University of Worclaw (Poland).
An important factor in the educational process is academic mobility, which is carried out when students undergo a number of disciplines of the curriculum, practice and practice in other universities in the country or abroad.
Doctoral student of the Department of Physics and Technology Tuyakbaev B.T., as part of external academic mobility, underwent an internship at the Shakarim NAO University, Semey.
As part of external academic mobility, from September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, 3rd year student of the educational program 6v05303 “nuclear physics” Ashimbaev E. T. studied at Vitaltas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania).
From September 5, 2022 to December 30, 2022, 2nd year student of the educational program 6v05303 “nuclear physics” Kamelkhan Zh. B. studied at the University named after Sh. Kudaiberdiuly Semey.
From September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, E. T. Ashimbaev took part in the sixth International Youth Scientific School “Tools and Methods of Experimental Nuclear Physics.” Electronics and automation of experimental installations, organized by the Laboratory of Neutron Physics. Vitaltas Magnus Institute (Kaunas, Lithuania). After graduation, a certificate was issued.
From January 21, 2019 to June 1, 2019, students of OP 6B01502-Physics Damdin Anigan and Tabigat Tilekberdi underwent academic mobility at Shakarim State University (Semey). Students Turlybek Zhazira and Makisheva Madina from Shakarim State University arrived at the VKU named after S. Amanzholov for academic mobility.
From the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (KazNPU, Almaty) Sabetkanova Ayaulym from 01/21/2019-06/01/2019. completed academic mobility at the National Administrative Okrug of the VKU named after S. Amanzholov.
From 01/24/2022-06/01/2022 student OP 6B01502-Physics Kudaibergen Bereke completed academic mobility at Shakarim State University (Semey) online.
From October 1 to December 2022, students of OP 6B01502-Physics (Skakova R., Khuzhadeldinova M., Azat A., Akhmadiev M., etc.), master's students of OP 7M01502-Physics (Sagadieva A., Baygelov A., Ilyashova N . etc.), 7M05301 - “Physics” (Nabioldina A., Berdimuratov N.) completed individual modules of the online course “Project Activities” within the framework of the agreement and academic mobility programs on the network form of implementation of EP at Altai State University (Barnaul , Russian Federation) (contract, certificates available, 2022).
For students participating in the academic mobility program, an individual curriculum is formed as agreed by the parties. The individual study plan is the basis for the provisional academic recognition process, which in turn guarantees that this learning will count towards a future qualification.
PPS Department of physics and technology for 5 years PPS Published 10 monographs:
Abylkalykova R. B. "interaction with the world";
Nazarbayev N. A., Shkolnik V. S.,Batyrbekov E. G., Berezin S. A., Lukashenko S. N., Skakov M. K. "Scientific, Technical and Engineering Work to Ensure the Safety of the Former Semipalatinsk Test Site";
Rakhadilov B. K., Skakov M. K.;
Sagdoldina zh. B., Skakov M. K., Rakhadilov B. "structure and its value, received mechanochemical splicing";
Satbayeva Z.A., Rakhadilov B.K.-Features of structural formation in steels under electrolyte-plasma surface hardening, 2020;
Sagdoldina zh. B., Skakov M. K., Rakhadilov B. K.-structure and property protection, received mechanical engineering splicing, 2020;
Rakhadilov B. K., Pogrebnyak A.D. Nanocompositive documents for extreme tribological applications, 2022;
Sakenova R. E. methods of research of the nanostructured coating CRN/ZrN/Cr/Zr implanted with Silicon ions, 2022;
Baimoldanova L. S. changes in the properties of nanocomposite (TiAlSiY)n/CrN coatings after implantation with AI - ions, 2022;
Bektasova G.S. Dialectical role of chaos, 2022.
Teachers of the department annually hold round tables, a master class on vocational training with teachers of schools of the city and the region, and a regional Physics Olympiad is also held for schoolchildren of grades 10-11.
The Department of Physics and Technology has a methodical section, which is led by the lecturer of the department Shevchuk E.P. Every year at the end of the academic year, a work plan for the new academic year is drawn up. The participation of teachers and school teachers from far and near abroad has become traditional.
So, in September 2023, a Republican Methodological seminar for school teachers and teachers of secondary vocational education on the topic "Development of digital literacy of students through the program" was held, organized by the Department of Physics and Technology of the Higher School of IT and Natural Sciences of the Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University as part of the methodological.
89 people took part in the seminar. The seminar was attended by teachers of schools and colleges of cities and villages of East Kazakhstan, Abai, Kostanay, Pavlodar and Zhambyl regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Elena Leonidovna Fedotova, a teacher of chemistry and biology of KSU “Secondary School No. 11 Altai” shared her developments in the ActivStudio program and ways of their application in various types of lessons in a multi-level audience for the development of digital literacy among students OO in Altai, UO of East Kazakhstan region.
The Passport of Education Program:
Teaching staff of the department
Sakenova Rimma Yerbolatkyzy
заведующий кафедрой, Доктор Phd
Kveglis Lyudmila Iosifovna
профессор, Доктор физико-математических наук
Skakov Mazhyn Kanapinovich
профессор, Доктор физико-математических наук
Bektasova Gulsym Safuanovna
ассоциированный профессор, кандидат философских наук
Yerbolatuly Dosym
ассоцированный профессор, Кандидат физико-математических наук
Rakhadilov Bauyrzhan Korabayevich
ассоциированный профессор, Доктор Phd
Taishenbayeva Saltanat Zhumazhanovna
ассоциированный профессор, Кандидат педагогических наук
Abylkalykova Riza Batyrkhanovna
ассоциированный профессор, Кандидат физико-математических наук
Agzamov Mukhamedolla Sagidulinovich
ассоциированный профессор, Кандидат технических наук
Imanzhanova Kulbarchin Tleukanovna
сениор-лектор, Магистр педагогических наук
Shevchuk Evgeniya Petrovna
сениор-лектор, Магистр-инженер
Botabayeva Gulzhanat Baktygalievna
сениор-лектор, Магистр педагогических наук
Zhaparova Meiramgul Serikkanovna
Nurizinova Makpal Manarbekovna
сениор-лектор, Магистр педагогических наук,
Tokezhanov Azamat Berikovich
сениор-лектор, Магистр математики
Kabdykenova Yerkezhan Muratovna
сениор-лектор, Магистр естественных наук
Kashkarova Irina Vladimirovna
сениор-лектор, Магистр
Kalibek Zhadyra Serikovna
сениор-лектор, Магистр технических наук
Nasyrova Anar Kenzhebekovna
сениор-лектор, Магистр педагогических наук