Scientific Research Center «Surface Engineering and Tribology»

- 8 (7232) 21-42-95
- Shakarim Avenue, 148, office 121
About us
Scientific Research Center “Surface Engineering and Tribology” was established on 2nd of April 2018 as part of the project on program-targeted financing of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “Research and development of innovative technologies for obtaining wear-resistant materials for mechanical engineering products” (2018-2020). Scientific research center is engaged in the development of innovative technologies based on resource-saving methods of surface modification and application of protective coatings to increase the wear resistance of mechanical engineering products subjected to intensive wear during operation. The mission of the Center is the development of tribology in Kazakhstan, the creation of high-tech developments in the field of surface engineering and the introduction of new developments in domestic industrial production.
Scientific directions
Development of theoretical and technological bases for obtaining protective coatings by detonation spraying
Processing of powder materials by the method of mechanochemical synthesis
Tribotechnical Materials Science
Development of theoretical and technological bases for obtaining coatings by air plasma spraying
Development of electrification technology for hardening blades of working bodies of tillage tools
Development of an electrofriction technology and an installation for hardening the blades of working bodies of tillage
Our team
Сағдолдина Жұлдыз Болатқызы
Сулюбаева Лайла Гылыммедденовна
Магазов Нуртолеу Магзумбекович
Бердімуратов Нурбол Ерболұлы
Нәбиолдина Айым Бауыржанқызы
Кусайнов Арыстанбек Ерланович
Болатов Санжар Дәуренұлы
Райсов Нұрмаханбет Саятұлы
Scientific activity
Монография плазменные и пучковые технологии
Монография features of structural formation in steels
Монография структура и свойства покрытий полученных механохимическим сплавление
Монография электроннолучевое модифицирование материалов
Плазменно электролитическая обработка стали
Нанокомпозитные покрытия для экстремальных трибологических применений
Плазменные технологии
Моделирование физических процессов многоагентной среде NETLOGO
Физика панин Clil әдісімен оқыту барысындағы қажетті терминдер
Логика ғылымның кілті
Modeling physical processes in NETLOGO
Электродинамика бөліміне арналған есептер жинағы
QR рограммасында механика бөлімі бойынша есеп шығару
Электр және магнетизм болими бойынша
Инклюзивті білімді қажет ететін балаларға физика пәнінен оқу-әдістемелік құрал
Сәулеленудің затпен әрекеттесуі
Material and technical base