16 November 2023


A STARTUP-projects scientific competition to support research works of natural-technical and social-humanities directions was held at the S. Amanzholov University of Science and Technology. Among the participants were progressive students of 1-3 courses.

On the first day of the competition, reports of young people of social and humanitarian profile were heard. The commission consisted of Alimkhan Alima, associate professor of the Kazakh, Russian philology and journalism department, Domalatov Yerzhan, director of academic policy and management of educational programs, Dana Nigmanova, head of OSMSiA, Kalimoldina Zhanetta, senor-lecturer of the Kazakh history and social-humanitarian disciplines department, and Zhazira Kayyrbaeva, senor-lecturer of the Kazakh, Russian philology and journalism department.

During the defense of 20 different projects, participants presented scientific, practical novelty and uniqueness, the possibility of introduction into production, the amount of funding for implementation, advantages, description of the mechanism of implementation, payback period/profitability of the project.

According to the committee members, the STARTUP project ideas were really diverse. Students proposed an online city guide, a voice assistant “Diener” to help students with blindness and visual dysfunction, a student legal aid center, a diagnostic kit “Logo Bastau” and others.

The second day of the competition was devoted to works of natural and technical profile. The members of the commission were Irina Rovnyakova, vice-rector for strategic development and scientific work, Yerzhan Domalatov, director of academic policy and management of educational programs, Kuanyshbekov Tilek, senior researcher of the laboratory of physico-chemical research of NNLCP, Buitkenov Dastan, leading researcher of the research center “Surface Engineering and Tribology”, Zhomartkan Nurasyl, system engineer of the laboratory of digital technologies and modeling of NNLCP, and Amangeldin Adilet, specialist of the department of digitalization and technologies.

A total of eight works were presented by the students. Among them are the technology of ecologically clean adsorbed beekeeping product using homogenate of trout larvae, ecotourism with the use of IT-technologies, Teddy Au robotics set for early programming, intelligent system of predicting academic performance based on the collection of information from the automated attendance system, vending machine for environmental protection for the trade of soft drinks and others.

It should be noted that the winner of the annual competition will be announced at the scientific-practical conference “Amanzholov Readings-2023”.