31 January 2024


Many young people in their lives are looking for answers to two main questions. Where to go to school and where to work?

But there are guys with an active life position who have organizational skills at an early age. They clearly know what they will do in adulthood.

Nizameddin Shyngys is studying in the second year of the educational program “State and Local Government” in the S. Amanzholov Higher School of Economics.

Since childhood he has been interested in political science. Before graduating from school he studied the universities of the country, where the best civil servants are trained. I chose my alma mater.

– This university attracted me not only by its educational rating, but also by its leadership in the person of rector Tolegen Mukhtar Adilbekovich,” Nizameddin Shyngys said, “His management policy and openness to students inspired me. Without hesitation I became a part of this wonderful educational institution.

The student is a graduate of the Olympic Reserve School. At the university, on the recommendation of the rector, he became the leader of the special squad “Kyran”, responsible for maintaining order at the university. Thanks to this mission he had an opportunity to stop violations of freshmen’s rights.

For professional growth Nizameddin is trained in the School of young civil servant in the Academy of state management under the President of RK. Also, thanks to the chief of staff of the akim of the East Kazakhstan Oblast, he became more familiar with the peculiarities of public service.

In search of an acceptable political party to help citizens, Nizameddin Shyngys chose the party “Amanat”. Becoming its representative at the university, actively participates in various actions. In particular, the environmental action “TazaLike” in the tract Akbaur and other similar events.

– At the university I was appointed Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs of the Faculty of Economics and Law, – said the student-activist. – In this position I carried out works on the creation of student parliament, preventive talks and control over the observance of rules. Thanks to the support of the rector of the university and the chairman of the committee on youth affairs took part in meetings with the heads of ministries and departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In far-reaching ambitious plans Nizameddin – to graduate with honors and become a promising civil servant. The university, according to him, has already given him such an opportunity.