18 March 2024


EKU hosted an informational meeting of representatives of the youth movements “SAULYQ LIFE” and “ALAYAQ.NET” with students.
The activity of “Saulyq life” is aimed at sexual education of the young generation, and “Alayaq.net” – at dissemination of information about ludomania, fraud and other illegal financial transactions.

During the meeting, the chairman of “Alayaq.net” Serzhan Eszhanov told the audience about modern methods of fraud, types of financial pyramids and the harm of ludomania. In turn, the head of the movement “Saulyq life” in Astana Dilyara Ergalieva informed about types of contraception, causes of unhealthy reproductive system, the work of male and female hormones and sexually transmitted infections.

At the end of the event there was a signing of memorandums of cooperation between the university and organizations.