“Berel” Publishing House


Publishing House

Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, ul. 30th Guards Division, 42
Tel.: 8 (7232) 54-04-80
E-mail: izdatelstvo@vkgu.kz

Publishing house "Berel" of Sarsen Amanzholov EKSU is a structural subdivision of the university and is subordinate to all provisions of the Charter of EKSU, as well as works on the principles of sole authority and subordination established by the relevant documents within the university. In its work it is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on press issues, normative documents regulating publishing activity, instructional and directive instructions of higher organisations, orders and instructions of the rector of the university.

In order to preserve in the memory of the people historical and cultural monuments and monuments of archeology, which are of special importance for the national history and East Kazakhstan

26 November 2013, Order № 378-p

To name the publishing house of EKSU from 13 November 2013 as "Berel" publishing house

Aims and objectives of the unit
  • timely fulfilment of the thematic plan of publications approved by the Rector of the University;

  • ensuring high quality of finished products;

  • fulfilment of the volume of work sufficient to meet the needs of the University in educational, methodological, scientific and other necessary printing products.

Areas of activity:

  • Publishing educational and methodical, scientific literature and other products for the needs of the university and its structural units;
  • equipping the publishing house with modern computer and printing equipment, software, introduction of new technologies;
  • development of material and technical base, formation of personnel potential capable of providing modern design and high content level of publishing products;
  • systematic improvement of personnel qualification, achievement of interchangeability of employees and introduction of more rational methods of production organisation;
State licence
Issued by RGKP VKGU of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK on occupation of activity on edition of educational-methodical manuals, additional literature.
Special conditions of validity of the licence is perpetual.
The body that issued the licence is the Ministry of Education and Science of RK.
Date of issue of the licence 3 March 2004.
Licence number №0000047. Astana city.
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