22 April 2024


The university staff does not ignore the personal problems and shocks of each student and tries to promptly respond to such situations. Therefore, when it became known about the problem of the family of a student from NKR, it was immediately announced about fundraising.

Ymit Zhumagul is a second year EKU student S. Amanzholova. She is from the city of Petropavlovsk. She is studying on the grant of the rector of the university. Her parents’ house fell into the flood zone and was almost completely in the water.

On the initiative of the university rector Mukhtar Tolegen it was decided to help the student’s family. The university administration and staff took part in the collection of funds.

According to Ymit Zhumagul, her family is now in a safe place. She is in constant contact with them.

– Of course it’s a shame that our house is no longer habitable, so much labor and effort of my parents just went into the water,” said Yumit. – Now I see that not a single resident of our country is left out of this disaster, and the situation is being monitored by the state. I believe that later we will remember with pride these days when our people united to help those affected by floods. I want to express my gratitude to the management, teachers, staff and students of my native university for their support.

Earlier, EKU named after S. Amanzholov gathered to help the flood victims. S. Amanzholova collected and sent humanitarian aid to the regions affected by floods and transferred one day’s salary of employees.